General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

Neither physically nor ethically fit to be President. I guess her escort wasn't carrying a flashlight.

Edit: Changed "or" to "nor"
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CNN quickly brought out weather experts explaining the heat and humidity was extreme. Right now at 1:36pm, it is a blistering 79 degrees in NYC.

That looks very much like the co-ed I saw fall down outside of Sholtz' last weekend. Shiner Bock flu I think.
CNN quickly brought out weather experts explaining the heat and humidity was extreme. Right now at 1:36pm, it is a blistering 79 degrees in NYC.

That looks very much like the co-ed I saw fall down outside of Sholtz' last weekend. Shiner Bock flu I think.
That explains all the other reports of heat stroke at the event, which total ZERO!

Why would she leave Chelsea's apartment and get back out in that oppressive heat while stating, "what a beautiful day in New York".

Obviously the stress of the campaign is getting to Hillary. Maybe someone should let her know that the stress of being President will be worse than campaigning before she kills herself.
This latest Hillary health incident was filmed by a regular person

She and her team had given her press pool the slip, somehow leaving the 9/11 ceremony early without the press tagging along, as they are supposed to do (its the whole purpose of the limited, rotating pool)

If this Joe Citizen had not filmed it, does anyone here doubt that Team Clinton and the media would be denying it even happened?

I flipped around during commercials of my NFL game, and none of them were covering it

But CNN did manage to attack FOX over it

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Based upon this close up of her foot drag, it appears she was unconscious

So it was like 72 degrees this morning in NYC by the water. And she appears to be out cold or doesn't have neurological control of her body?

This whole time though in response to attacks from Trump, she has said she's in perfect health. I'm SHOCKED that it appears facts differ from her claims.

This will be in a commercial by the end of the week with voiceover of Hillary saying she's in perfect health and fitness to be President.

Of course, this whole thing about her health is just another "vast right wing conspiracy" like Benghazi or classified material in personal e-mails. People with concerns about her health are now "the new birthers."

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Now CNN is reporting that she was treated for...wait for it...pneumonia.


If she's getting pneumonia on a "Beautiful day in New York" she has issues. And I didn't know pneumonia in 68 year olds could be diagnosed and treated in under an hour at a relative's apartment so she could be on her way to California for a fundraiser. Usually it requires x-rays and several days if not a week of recuperation.

Maybe they're talking about her whooping cough from a week ago, because it didn't look like pneumonia when her armed detail tossed her in the van like a side of beef and lost her shoe on the curb.

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Well, according to my liberal friends, she "is just a 'bubby' with bad knees."
She is "also wearing a hot bullet-proof vest", and people who questions her health are "jackals". So, there. : )

Why don't both candidates submit to an independent staff of physicians for a full medical exam? I think that should be standard for any POTUS candidate.
My MD friends at Memorial Hermann hospital have diagnosed her condition as "myotonic Capra". Panic induces paralysis which is short lived and painless, but results in immediate collapse. It is more commonly known as "fainting goat" disease.

Their research shows this is the first known instance of a goat disease being transmitted to a lying jackass.
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I was watching NFL today but would flip over to cable news during commercials to see what they were saying. But they were not saying anything. None of them.

Apparently, they were waiting for some type of statement from the Clinton Kamp before they were willing to go on air with the footage -- there is no doubt they had seen it, they could not have missed it.

Clinton evaded them at the 9/11 memorial and then disappeared for at least 90m when they had no idea where she was (even though they are supposed to be with her). You would think they would have said something about that, but they remained silent. By way of contrast, when Trump snuck off to Mexico without telling them he was going, they howled.

Sure enough, once they were handed the pneumonia narrative, they finally knew what they were to say and how they were supposed to react. It's sad for the country that, before the Clinton people them, they did not know what they were supposed to do.
She may have pneumonia but that did not cause the seizure she had today.

She won't be able to recover from brain damage by skipping the west coast swing. We will see the seizures again and again. Why does she continue despite the health risks the pressures of this campaign pose to her? Why does her family let her continue?

Truth IS stranger than fiction. Never seen anything like this power-crazed schizo. She is truly sick both physically and mentally.
In that video, it looked like the secret service's number one priority was to block the press and the public's view of Hillary's condition. I'd say they were well drilled on what to do if Hillary collapsed. It wasn't unexpected.

They took her to Chelsea's NY apartment, not to an E.R. Normally when somebody collapses, you'd think they'd want to go to a hospital.

Hope you libs are good with Tim Kaine potentially becoming President at some point.
Rush Limbaugh said that in Cleveland, Hillary had a 4 minute coughing spasm last week. He said nobody did anything. Everybody acted like she was just choked up.

I had pneumonia when I was in my twenties. It damn near killed me. I coughed so hard I broke a rib, which made the coughing fits even more unbearable, 'cause now, ever movement made your broken rib throb! It took me two months to recover. She's 68.

On the one hand, I give her credit for being a trooper. I couldn't have traveled all over the country and made speeches every day. On the other hand, you've got to wonder what's driving her. Aren't you rich enough and famous enough lady? She must really wants to change America, God help us.
Remarkable story here
Free speech is under assault in the country
Letting HRC add SCOTUS justices who participate in this type of groupthink is going to result in a shredding of the 1st Amendment.
This has to be fought. Hopefully even the committed lefties agree on this point.

........In that video, it looked like the secret service's number one priority was to block the press and the public's view of Hillary's condition. I'd say they were well drilled on what to do if Hillary collapsed. It wasn't unexpected.......

She not only collapsed, but she was out cold. She was unconscious. You can see that in the video above that zeroes in on her foot. They are dragging her into the car. She was limp. She even left a $5,000 shoe on the curb. No conscious American female would do that.

Yet the media is running with the line that "she stumbled getting into the car." That was no stumble. She was convulsing, then went unconscious. It's amazing to watch them call that a stumble. These people are supposed to be professionals.

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As far as trying to field a quick replacement, there are legal hurdles to getting another name on the ballot. The rules are state by state, meaning there is no uniformity. It seems very unlikely they could get a new name on the ballots of all 50 states. And whatever window they may have had to do that is closing with each passing day.

My understanding is that the DNC cannot do this unilaterally even if it had the time. They need HRC's cooperation, which she is unlikely to provide. Incapacity (i.e., what if she fell into a coma) is yet another question and I dont know the answer in that case.

Lastly, it has to be said that laws and rules have not stopped Dems in the past. They do what they want in states they control, for example, see New Jersey/Robert Torricelli. But I cannot see all 50 states going along with a change like this. Nor is it likely that resorting to the courts would work given the time concerns. And the election will be held on the day defined by federal law -- if not, then it really is time to blow it all up and start over.
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She not only collapsed, but she was out cold. She was unconscious. You can see that in the video above that zeroes in on her foot. They are dragging her into the car. She was limp. She even left a $5,000 shoe on the curb.

Yet the media is running with the line that "she stumbled getting into the car." That was no stumble. She was convulsing, then went unconscious. It's amazing to watch them call that a stumble. These people are supposed to be professionals.


Is that really HRC's shoe? I find it unbelievable that that squad of people didn't realize she had left a shoe to the point that the SUV drives away and another car parks in its place. That has to be staged.
Forget the content or which candidate the article supports. When did this kind of foul language and coarse rhetoric become acceptable in a supposedly serious political publication? Link.

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