Brad Austin
2,500+ Posts
I think a Trump election might actually be better for America, because a lot of his stupidity will be stopped because of how much open opposition and contempt he generates
This couldn't be more dead on about which one could do the most damage.
With HC it will be business as usual and worse. Illegal exec orders, Congressional minority protected vetos, and even heavy resistance to impeachment if further corruption is unmasked.
With Trump we'd actually get to see why our founding fathers created the separation of powers.
Congress was supposed to work together and check the executive branch from overstepping. The gang mentality that has completely infected Congress provides almost instant green lights from a party on every absurd action their leader takes.
I watch votes on CSPAN now and's f'n ridiculous. 95+% of the time it's 98% of each party opposing the other. Even on trivial items. Representatives of the people?

With the guaranteed veto-proof minority in 2016, HC will do even worse damage than BO did with same setup these last 2 years. Reps owned HOR and Senate...without 60 votes in Senate, didn't matter.
As long as the majority can't override a veto, they're all but impotent. Any new bill HC doesn't like, she'd reject it and an override will fall short of the votes.
Why does Congress get nothing done nowadays? Veto proof minority is top of the list. Majority passes a bill they favor, minority opposes, Prez vetoes it as part of the minority party, vote falls short of override numbers. Bill dies. It's always been the process but no longer works as neither side is remotely willing to compromise.
And let's not even fathom the hell HC would unleash with a Congressional majority rubber stamping her every whim. Then a Lib majority Supreme Court would side against every legal challenge to her actions. Can we say corrupt dictator?
With Trump, regardless of who's in majority, Congress as a whole would be very measured and critical of what they allow. The actual merits of the item would be considered for a change.
Checks and men insisted on it for a reason. Then crooks in Washington sold their morals for gang loyalty, gamed the system, and all but defeated the purpose.
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