Funny sayings of old time country folk

These ones make no sense to me, but I've heard them plenty of times:

He's smiling so big, he's got a ****-eating grin.

He's happier than a pig in ****.
"wouldnb't piss in the rain with a slicker on for a boxcar load of em"

when something was cheap, heard my oldman use it and he got it from my grand pa I know.
What the "Sam Hill!"

Here's the origin of the saying "What the Sam Hill!" Supposedly, Sam Hill was a Michigan surveyor in the 1800s who “allegedly used such foul language that his name became a euphemism for swear words,” according to Wikipedia, so it has to be true . . . (yea right). Another source says it's a euphemism for “hell.”
A funny saying of old time country high school football coaches:

Now that's some good blocking; you could "Drive a Mack Truck through that hole."

(rural, urban, suburban--in Texas they all pretty much say that one I think)
Jim Bob, I’m letting you go to the concert without adult supervision, but you stick with your older brother “like white on rice.”

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