Hi again guys...
I just received a call for another show of support from all of us! Right now is a very good and very important time to let members of the Texas Legislature know just how much support there is throughout the U.S. and the world for the Austin F1 racing facility, so please email the following legislators at these addresses:
Senator Kirk Watson
[email protected]
Senator Steve Ogden
[email protected]
Representative Eddie Rodriguez
[email protected]
Representative Jim Pitts
[email protected]
You may use the following email template letter or, better yet, explain to them in your own words why and how you're going to be supporting Formula 1 racing and the USGP in Austin, Texas. Mentioning things like how far you're traveling, how much money you're spending, and how many of you are attending the races could never hurt! You may also use a combination of the two if you like, but please send some variation of the following and be sure to pass this on to other fans, supporters, family, and friends. Thanks everyone! Your help is appreciated very much!:
"Dear Senator Watson and Representative Rodriguez,
As a strong advocate for bringing the Formula 1 United States Grand Prix™ to Austin , Texas , I urge you to support this important project for all Texans. Formula 1 racing is the most-watched annual television sport in the world, providing an opportunity for Texas to be seen by millions of viewers in more than 180 countries.
The 1,000-acre project, which will host the Grand Prix, is currently one of the highest-profile construction projects in the State of Texas . Construction of the facility is estimated to cost between $250 million to $300 million. Located only five minutes from the airport and 20 minutes from downtown Austin , this facility will be a hot spot for business, education and entertainment.
The potential economic impacts created by this facility for Texas are enormous.
· The F1 event, alone, is projected to generate more than $300 million annually for the state.
· In a down economy, the F1 project is creating more than 1,100 construction-related jobs for Texans;
· Construction totals are expected to exceed $300 million, providing revenue to numerous Texas-based companies with thousands of Texas employees;
· The facility is being built to attract and accommodate year-round uses that will generate millions of dollars of additional revenue for the state. Examples of uses beyond race weekend include:
o Conference facilities and executive meeting suites;
o Trauma and medical care training facility; and
o Law enforcement training opportunities.
· The facility is also intended to serve as an incubator for new, cutting-edge technologies and is already serving as a catalyst for companies wanting to relocate to Texas to be associated with the project.
· Its potential for educational-sector opportunities in our state is already apparent, with curriculum partnerships being planned between F1 and Del Valle ISD, Texas A&M University , St. Edward’s University, Huston- Tillotson University and the University of Texas .
We need your support. The jobs, educational opportunities and the economic impact it will create for our state depend on it.
cc: Senator Ogden
Representative Pitts"