Listen everyone, it's a critical time for Circuit of the Americas...hate to sound corny, but this is the truth. This project needs us right now more than ever.For you Austin guys, this is a call to all of you who support the facility and all it's going to bring here. it's absolutely critical that we get as many supporters as humanly possible and FLOOD the City Council Chambers so that there's no doubt whatsoever to any observer that there's PLENTY of support for this facility. Come to the session, and bring your wives, your kids, your friends, your boss, coworkers, whoever, just get as many people there as possible and be sure to sign up on the computers out in the lobby indicating your support. You can also sign up to speak if you like.
For those of you outside Austin, we need emails of support, as many as humanly possible, to the addresses I gave above. Title them something like "Support F1 in Austin". Tell them where you're coming from, how many others are coming with you, how long you're staying here, what you plan to do, and how much you plan to spend. Tell 'em your whole life story if you like...just send that email indicating your support in the title. Get your wives and GFs...or BFs, or whatever (NTTAWWT) to write emails too. Get your older kids to write them...and your friends too.
If you want to help make a difference and feel like you're helping with this project, this may be the best chance you'll ever get. Pass this on to everyone you can. Let's show the naysayers that their dis- and misinformation isn't going to stop this thing.
The meeting is scheduled for 10am at Austin City Hall in Council Chambers...301 W. 2nd. Council Chambers are immediately on your left as you come in through the south entrance.
Thanks sooo much.
See you there.