Formula 1 coming to Austin, Baby!

Oh BTW, in case you missed it, Circuit of the Americas has officially announced that Dr. Stephen Olvey, former Medical Director at IMS, will be the Director of Medical Services here at the track in Austin:
The Link
Tomorrow, 26 April, the Travis County Commissioners in Executive Session will be discussing "... legal issues surrounding the operation of The Circuit of the Americas track." While it is to bad that the discussion isn't about infrastructure (roads), at least they are talking about the track.

Also, it looks like next month's Turkish GP will be the last one due to no (as opposed to low) attendance coupled with the fact that Bernie increased their fee from $5 million to $26 million.
Hey y'all...If you're in Austin & you want to support F1, MotoGP, Firefighters (me), Police, Sheriff's Deputies, or EMS...then get your *** out & vote for RANDI SHADE for City Council.

Polls close at 7PM & here are the locations:The Link



That is all.
Photos from the area around Turn 10-11 and what I like to call the "Longhorn Straight".


The Link
fyi, preliminary 2012 race date is June 17.

mark your calendars and make hotel reservations if you don't live
in the area or have friends you can crash with.
Anything that involves a seat will be expensive and up. Tavo has said there will be plenty of "lawn" seating that that will be reasonably priced.
Very important week at Austin City Council...Now is the time to let the Austin City Council know about your plans to support racing at the Circuit of The Americas!This week, the Austin City Council will begin the process of deciding if Austin will be the host community for the Formula 1 United States Grand Prix race. The Council will have a staff briefing at the Tuesday morning work session followed by a Thursday morning discussion and public comment period about the project.

Opponents to Formula 1 in Austin will certainly voice their opinions against the project. That’s why we need you to voice your support for the project to the Austin City Council starting today and throughout the week. The council email addresses are below:

Just add
to any/all of these to complete the address(es):


***The main goal is for the Council to see how much support there is for the project, whether you live across Austin, across America, or across the world.***

You can also pass the City Council email addresses on to others you know who support the facility. Post on racing message boards, etc. Also be sure to mention where you're traveling from. It doesn't hurt to say how many people you're bringing, how many nights you might stay, and how much money your group will likely spend.

Construction on the Circuit of the Americas facility is progressing as planned. The facility is a several hundred million dollar project that is 100 percent privately financed. It is creating more than 1,000 construction-related jobs right now. In addition to the jobs already created, this project is attracting businesses to the area in a variety of sectors. It is also creating substantial job-training opportunities for several area schools and universities. The race will generate an estimated $300 million per-year economic impact on the local economy for 10 years.

Now, we need your help to get it over the finish line.

We also have a second request of the Circuit's supporters in Austin. If you are able to, please stop by City Hall this week to sign up in favor of item #9, which is the Council item to discuss the city’s participation in the project. City Hall is located at 301 West 2nd Street. You can also choose to speak in favor on Thursday if you would like to do so.

Please, take the time to show your support for the Formula 1 United States Grand Prix project.


Friends of Formula 1 Austin Texas
Listen everyone, it's a critical time for Circuit of the Americas...hate to sound corny, but this is the truth. This project needs us right now more than ever.For you Austin guys, this is a call to all of you who support the facility and all it's going to bring here. it's absolutely critical that we get as many supporters as humanly possible and FLOOD the City Council Chambers so that there's no doubt whatsoever to any observer that there's PLENTY of support for this facility. Come to the session, and bring your wives, your kids, your friends, your boss, coworkers, whoever, just get as many people there as possible and be sure to sign up on the computers out in the lobby indicating your support. You can also sign up to speak if you like.

For those of you outside Austin, we need emails of support, as many as humanly possible, to the addresses I gave above. Title them something like "Support F1 in Austin". Tell them where you're coming from, how many others are coming with you, how long you're staying here, what you plan to do, and how much you plan to spend. Tell 'em your whole life story if you like...just send that email indicating your support in the title.
Get your wives and
GFs...or BFs, or whatever (NTTAWWT) to write emails too. Get your older kids to write them...and your friends too.

If you want to help make a difference and feel like you're helping with this project, this may be the best chance you'll ever get. Pass this on to everyone you can.
Let's show the naysayers that their dis- and misinformation isn't going to stop this thing.

The meeting is scheduled for 10am at Austin City Hall in Council Chambers...301 W. 2nd. Council Chambers are immediately on your left as you come in through the south entrance.

Thanks sooo much.

See you there.

Thanks Viper, saw that too.OK, HERE'S THE DEAL:This is IT. Circuit of the Americas needs every one of you who supports this project to go on down to City Hall to show your support during the Council Special Session at 10am on Wednesday. Get there early, too, because (1) F1 Gear to identify us will be passed out until it's gone, (2) it takes some time getting through the line to register your support, and it's IMPORTANT to do that. Also, the Fire Marshal cut off admittance last week once the chambers were full. If you have F1/CoTA hats/gear, wear em. If you have something to say, sign up to speak (or you can donate time to other speakers if you like).It seems like the Council will vote our way, but they want to know they have popular support. The opposition is trying their best this time to match our turnout, and you never know how much effect a very vocal, relentless, and utterly dishonest minority can have in this even though we had a fantastic turnout last week (and thanks to those of you who were there BTW), we need to absolutely overwhelm EVERYONE with a MASSIVE show of support.

If you can't be there, go sign up in favor anyway before the session. I believe you may be able to do that on Tuesday as well. Bring everyone you can. Spread the word.

We need:

- Direct emails of support sent to council members
...beginning tonight. Don't be shy. Send mor ethan one if you like, & it can be short & sweet. We need quantity. That's what the council looks for. Title your email so that it shows your support. ( [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] )

- Petition signatures.
Every time the petition is signed, an email of support is sent to the council. Sign the petition here: The Link .

- Sign up at City Hall in favor of F1 even if you can't attend the meeting.

- Call your friends, family, coworkers or anyone else who supports COTA
and what it will bring to the City. Get them to help in any or all of the above ways!!

Please, take the time to show your support and get others to do so with you. This is your last opportunity to show the Austin City Council that you want this project! Ever feel like you never have a voice in the crazy politics of this city? Here's your chance to make a meaningful difference on something that really matters!

City Hall is located at 301 West 2nd St and parking in the garage will be free as long as there's room.

Thank you for all of your help and support. See you ALL Wednesday at City Hall.
LOL...It was a surreal feeling when Mayor Leffingwell called out the final, official vote. Massive relief simultaneous with a huge jolt of adrenaline. Took hours to come down. It was actually quite emotional for many of those closest to the project. A lot of hard work behind the scenes and a lot of work combating the lies and bs from the other side finally paid off.

I can't express in grand enough terms my thanks to any of you who helped in this effort in any way! Every little thing made a big difference in a process that truly was in doubt at different points.
mandingo - you seem to be more in-the-know when it comes to this track than anyone I can think of. I live about a mile away from the new track and I'm trying to figure out what types of businesses will be moving to this area. Have there been any talks about this? I've never been a racing fan but with the track this close and the impact it could have on my daily commute I'm starting to pay more attention.
Titan, your commute will be made much better with the new roadways that will have to be built if the track is to survive.
You mean hopefully built, right? I so hope they do this right and the people around that area get all the benefits possible because there are many.

If you were so inclined you could rent out your house on race weeks for a tidy sum. The price people would pay to be that close to the track might surprise you. F1 traveling fans have deep pockets. They are not the SXSW or ACL types to cram into hotel rooms, buy lunch meat and be as frugal as they can. No sir.

If I were you I would go to every single neighborhood gathering about roads and plans for the track. They need your support and will take your input because it means a lot to them to make the locals happy. When you do go to these meetings, report back here!
l00p, if track access isn't improved, the international press will kill the event by discouraging the desired international visitors. Everyone should be braced for headlines like "Excellent race and venue; to bad no one saw it" after the first race. The only lasting issue would be if the onsite parking isn't finished (even if cars cannot get to it).

Everyone has to understand that Whitmarsh was serious (but misguided) when he said the US races needed to be on the coasts. This puts the USGP in a delicate position. If the track access isn't continually upgraded after the first race and access continues to be a large issue, FOM will not hesitate to declare force majeure and pull the plug on the race and move it to LA or NYC.
Did this conversation move somewhere else?

Just rumors at this point, but per AAS "Reports say new provisional 2012 F1 calendar moves Austin race from June to November"

Don't get to excited yet. The F1 teams are not happy with the new provisional schedule. However it is almost a 100% chance that the USGP will be pared with Canada (June unless moved) or Brazil (November).
I think I prefer November. Wait, no I don't. I prefer June. No, I prefer...oh hell, I am just stoked to have it here. I am entertaining the thought of renting my house out for it.
The time of the race will be critical for either date. Unless special disposition is received, the race will start at either 11 or 12 in order to keep the start in the late afternoon in Europe (everything F1 is to cater to the European TV market). Earlier the better for June; later for November especially if it is raining (which will mean cooler to cold temperatures).

While Canada/Brazil pairing is probably the way they will go, there is always the possibility that they could pair it with the early Asia swing and move it to April which I believe would be the preferred date.

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