Formula 1 coming to Austin, Baby!

Hi guys!

Some of the gang from Friends of Formula 1 Austin,, my wife, and I were lucky enough to spend a little time today with Bruce Knox, CEO of Formula 1 United States, and Ali Putnam of 3-Points Partners.

Below is an artist's rendering of the track facility and of the pit complex that Bruce Knox allowed us to photo. He admitted they're a little dated, but they haven't been released to the public before and are the most detailed we've seen.

We talked about a lot of are a few that spring to mind:

To everyone who has helped with email and phone efforts when we've asked, Mr. Knox and Ms. Putnam repeatedly expressed their immense appreciation. They also recounted the Austin City Councilmembers' complete astonishment at getting emails from Russia, Latvia, Germany, and the UK, and at having the Austin City Council streaming video server crashed by all the viewers nationwide and worldwide, all over Europe, and Asia.

HKS's role, among other things, will be to do the architecture of the stands and pit complex, change the look, make the hospitality and kitchen areas work for F1, etc. I think this Tilke version may just show a generic style of pit buildings, but I'm just speculating. They will be done in a Texas style rather than the plain, boxy Euro style seen there.

Also, the area encompassed by T15-19 could hold two full Cowboys Stadium complexes, and we're told the design of that area will look very different from the way it looks on this rendering.


-There will be RV and tent camping.
-There will likely be a music venue on the track side of Wandering Creek Blvd in the T15-19 area mentioned above, capable of handling 10,000+ fans after events, and possibly another larger venue across the blvd for bigger music events.
-There's talk of maybe profiling the kart track following the F1 course.
-FTP is still open to the idea of a fall date, pairing our GP with Brazil, so long as it's on a Texas bye or away weekend. Interestingly, when flying to Brazil, the F1 cargo planes already make an extended layover in Dallas as is, so this would be a natural fit in more ways than one.


There is an article in today's Austin American-Statesman. Actually, it's the lead story on the front page. I don't pick up that rag nor read it as long as they employ pillow biting hacks like Kirk Bohl's so maybe somebody will read it and give a summary.
The jest of the article is that they have moved a couple pieces of equipment and a couple of pick-up's onto the site and have taken some core samples. It is a start - just.
Take what you can get. There are some who are really rooting against this thing happen. Any activity is good to shove it in their faces.

FTP has said for several months that they were shooting for a December start. This is a December start.

This core sampling, trenching, and clearing, etc, started as soon as the permit to move the pipelines came through. It would have begun sooner were anyone able to hasten the permitting process more than it was. By all accounts the permitting was sped along as much as it could be. On the flip side, people are complaining that it was too fast.

The heavy movers will be out there moving dirt as soon as the construction permit receives admin approval from the COA. It's only a formality, crossing the Ts and dotting the Is, but it still has to be completed by the city before they can roll out there and do their thing.

Given the alternative, which is failure in the permitting process, or deferral to later meetings, costing weeks or even months before startup could begin (options that were available to Commissioners and Councilmembers at various stages), I'll take this in a heartbeat.
Something is better than nothing for sure. However to the casual observer their efforts seem to be piecemeal rather than following a plan that should have been developed over the two years they have been working on the project. (For example, Jerry Jones had the project down to the daily detail for Cowboys Stadium done before the voters authorized the funding.)
The concept and design of the Arlington Cowboys Stadium was not revealed until a good year after the vote. I still have the newspaper. Anytime roads are going to built, it starts out slow with core sampling. Even freeways start slowly like this.
Hate to disagree with you, but I saw the plans a good 6 months before they were released to the public because we were asked to comment on concert concerns.
nope. it's from a meeting where Tavo Hellmund announced it and
Jim Schwantz nodded his head in agreement. Schwantz lives in
Dripping Springs so it's a no brainer for him.
I'm just catching wind of all of this and it's absolutely amazing! I cannot wait to see this!

Only thing I'm pissed about is that someone didn't hit me over the head with this 6 months ago. How in the hell did i not hear about this?!
I guess the good news is I have less time to wait.
LOL...UT Longhorn...we'd have made announcements on every board if they'd have let us, but we know they wouldn't.

Lots of good info in this thread, but it might take you another 6 months to read it.

There's also good info at The Link (I'm "hairy scotsman"), The Link (I'm "Wood"), The Link , and The Link .


If you have any questions, feel free to ask...and please, spread the word!
In other racing news, my CBR1000RR ABS spanked a Corvette Z06 with ATM plates yesterday on Crabb River Rd. After the fun we pulled over at a gas station and chatted. He was cool for an aggy.
The Link

Dirt will move soon. Pre-Construction meetings took place yesterday. I have that verified personally.

Also lots of good photos over atThe Link

Much of the clearing for the pipeline re-route has already been completed.

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