Yep...that's me. Had to work late, then went straight out there. Man, once I lose my tan, I don't need to be anywhere NEAR a camera.
Here's a repost of my posts at speed, planetf1, &'s new, revived forum...
First here's a link to the new forum at
The Link
...over there I'm "Wood" (at Speed & planetf1 I'm "hairy_scotsman"). I encourage y'all to register, browse, and post often. There are some very knowledgeable and insightful guys over there. It's a little dead right now, but I trust it'll pick up considerably. They have been very busy in the past.
"Video & photos of lunch at Wild Bubba's with Tavo, Kevin Schwantz, and Friends:
I'm sure some of you have heard about the planned lunch in Elroy with members of 3 Points Partners. It was delayed due to a family emergency, but it finally came off yesterday, much better late than never!
Among those in attendance and enjoying some amazing Buffalo Burgers, Fried Coyote Tails, and Yak Burgers among other items on the literally WILD and varied menu were Tavo Hellmund, Kevin Schwantz, legal counsel Richard Suttle, Trey Salinas & Ally Putnam of 3 Points Partners, Vance Facundo & Matt Sager of Friends of Formula 1 Austin Texas, me, and of course, Bubba and the Wild Bubba's staff. Those are the attendees I could identify (I apologize to any others).
Everyone enjoyed some really terrific food and then Tavo stood and gave us an update of how things have been going. In the video, Tavo previews an upcoming announcement about some local architects and one big, well-known Texas architectural firm being added to the project. He also talked about many other items from Korea, the FIA, more open and constant communications with local officials, and Bernie's birthday present, to tweaks being made to the track layout, including speeding up the stadium section to some degree:
YouTube video
Thanks for the video, Vance & Matt. I took some video and did some audio recording, but yours is much better than mine!
A good time was had by all and I'd like to add that nothing but excitement and gratitude were expressed by the Elroy and Del Valle residents I met. There wasn't a negative word to be heard! It was great to get out and meet many of the people I've communicated with about this only through the internet. I feel like we have a solid base to work with now for any upcoming activities and can work from here. As you can see in the video, Tavo did express his appreciation for our efforts thus far. I think I speak for all of us when I express my appreciation to Tavo Hellmund, Kevin Schwantz, FTP, and 3 Points Partners, for coming out and to Wild Bubba's for hosting us! I can't wait 'til we all meet up again!"