It’s 10 AM here. I’m working my *** off for my employees and my family! I could buy you many times over and run two companies. I invested in Bitcoin when the pandemic started, started a second company. I know more about global macro economics than most and have benefitted greatly from that. I try to pass that on, but you and Seattle Husker obfuscate most of my words. I take zinc and vitamin D and exercise daily. My BMI is 23-24. I’m 100% out of the stock market and won’t take a vaccine. I bet in 5 years when this has all changed, maybe10 years? I will be right, but if not that’s fine too. So I’m not wasting anymore time..... bye!
None of this is responsive to my question.
Either way, am I supposed to be impressed or assume that I'll never be as cool as you? I effectively retired from practicing law at 36 and moved to Europe. You can guess what that means about my financial position, but I don't talk **** about it and say I can buy and sell people - not because I can't but because it's low class. Whatever you may have in money, you clearly nullify in poor character and poor taste.
And frankly, you could have $10 billion in the bank (or in Bitcoin) and have your friggin schlong dragging on the floor, you're still a wingnut who says goofy stuff. You think Trump is going to be reinstated. That pretty much blows any credibility you may claim to have.