Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

It’s 10 AM here. I’m working my *** off for my employees and my family! I could buy you many times over and run two companies. I invested in Bitcoin when the pandemic started, started a second company. I know more about global macro economics than most and have benefitted greatly from that. I try to pass that on, but you and Seattle Husker obfuscate most of my words. I take zinc and vitamin D and exercise daily. My BMI is 23-24. I’m 100% out of the stock market and won’t take a vaccine. I bet in 5 years when this has all changed, maybe10 years? I will be right, but if not that’s fine too. So I’m not wasting anymore time..... bye!

None of this is responsive to my question.

Either way, am I supposed to be impressed or assume that I'll never be as cool as you? I effectively retired from practicing law at 36 and moved to Europe. You can guess what that means about my financial position, but I don't talk **** about it and say I can buy and sell people - not because I can't but because it's low class. Whatever you may have in money, you clearly nullify in poor character and poor taste.

And frankly, you could have $10 billion in the bank (or in Bitcoin) and have your friggin schlong dragging on the floor, you're still a wingnut who says goofy stuff. You think Trump is going to be reinstated. That pretty much blows any credibility you may claim to have.
Yea, just Deez pisses me off and to him that’s a compliment. The Afghan fighting age men being flown here 5K per day, is no laughing matter. It’s obvious Biden was a plant by China. He did NOT win the election. I expect US based violence which could escalate and get a lot of people killed. I have food and ammo stocked and I’m shopping for 300 acres of land in the country to put a house and barn on. Nobody’s gonna know where! I like to hunt and fish, I don’t play Golf! That makes me smart and prepared not a wing nut. I’m just trying to wake people up! We could see dirty bombs in major US cities, I pray not, but I’m afraid it’s gonna get bad! My video showed the C-130 cargo planes taking off and landing at AFB. By the dozens! We’re being stealth invaded. If I’m wrong then I’ll have some extra food and ammo to use up the next few years. I believe it’s 50/50 or worse that a US based attack is eminent. China is trying to take us over, and people like Deez are helping keep everyone asleep! I keep telling everyone about Bitcoin and half of of u don’t believe me. It’s gonna take over the USD someday. My track record speaks for itself. I don’t care what SH and Deez think! I’m just helping!
Yea, just Deez pisses me off and to him that’s a compliment.

If I really piss you off, I don't consider it a compliment. I think it's sad. I'm actually a pretty jovial guy and have fun here. If I really piss you off and you can't lighten up, then you've got delusions of grandeur and self-importance. Lighten up. Go have some Scotch.
Yea, just Deez pisses me off and to him that’s a compliment. The Afghan fighting age men being flown here 5K per day, is no laughing matter. It’s obvious Biden was a plant by China. He did NOT win the election. I expect US based violence which could escalate and get a lot of people killed. I have food and ammo stocked and I’m shopping for 300 acres of land in the country to put a house and barn on. Nobody’s gonna know where! I like to hunt and fish, I don’t play Golf! That makes me smart and prepared not a wing nut. I’m just trying to wake people up! We could see dirty bombs in major US cities, I pray not, but I’m afraid it’s gonna get bad! My video showed the C-130 cargo planes taking off and landing at AFB. By the dozens! We’re being stealth invaded. If I’m wrong then I’ll have some extra food and ammo to use up the next few years. I believe it’s 50/50 or worse that a US based attack is eminent. China is trying to take us over, and people like Deez are helping keep everyone asleep! I keep telling everyone about Bitcoin and half of of u don’t believe me. It’s gonna take over the USD someday. My track record speaks for itself. I don’t care what SH and Deez think! I’m just helping!

What was your perspective on Jade Helm in 2015? Trying to establish the "track record"? The **** above is crazy on order of Jade Helm 2015. As I told my BIL in 2015 when he was trying to convince me Obama was orchestrating a coup. That level of seeing conspiracies in every day events really borders on psychosis. You may not like to hear that but it's an outsiders perspective. I'm certain it's not the first you've heard this judgement and really hope you haven't pushed other friends/family away because of the rabbit holes you've chosen to descend.

Bitcoin investment in Feb 2020 is good. I invested there too and have been happy even with that correction. Still sitting at 3x. Diversity in investing is also good so jumping all into Bitcoin and abandoning the stock market isn't the safest play, especially since the stock market has also been doing very well during the pandemic.

Nobody is questioning your business acumen nor how hard you work. Only a few of us (not me) on this board are fortunate to be retired and the rest work equally hard as you.
You called me a tinfoil hat wearing wing nut. Then you questioned whether I am lucid enough to understand whether or not we are evacuating Afghanistan. So, you insult my IQ and paint the picture that I live in Mom's basement watching Q or 4chan all day. That is not the case at all.
You called me a tinfoil hat wearing wing nut. Then you questioned whether I am lucid enough to understand whether or not we are evacuating Afghanistan. So, you insult my IQ and paint the picture that I live in Mom's basement watching Q or 4chan all day. That is not the case at all.

1/6 validated that the Q/4chan crowd are not always the types that live in their parents basements. They are contributing members of society that likely grew up before the advent of the internet that didn't learn to discern/scrutinize the sources of content consumption. In turn, they're now misinformed, deluded and bordering on crazy based on information that has a thread of truth that some internet persona has tragically twisted. This is cult-like behavior thus when you show these people the truth they react because the brain is hardwired to defend against reality shifting news.
1/6 validated that the Q/4chan crowd are not always the types that live in their parents basements. They are contributing members of society that likely grew up before the advent of the internet that didn't learn to discern/scrutinize the sources of content consumption. In turn, they're now misinformed, deluded and bordering on crazy based on information that has a thread of truth that some internet persona has tragically twisted. This is cult-like behavior thus when you show these people the truth they react because the brain is hardwired to defend against reality shifting news.
OK that is correct. However, it works both ways. If China is performing a coup, takeover, etc. it would take years to figure out what is going on. There are 75-95 million Americans that think like me to some degree or another. Each side thinks the other sounds crazy. I’m just willing to speak up.
BTW I was referring to Deez only. Bottom line there are two political ideologies and I am not on the Blue side. That is really all I am guilty of.
So, you insult my IQ and paint the picture that I live in Mom's basement watching Q or 4chan all day. That is not the case at all.

BTW I was referring to Deez only.

Hey, I didn't say you lived with your Mom and wouldn't judge you if you did. Sometimes, a guy has to live with his Mom. Chicks can always "bang for roof." We don't have that luxury.

This came off of FrankSpeech. Mike Lindell’s site that is privately funded and can’t be shut down by Twitter, Facebook, etc. Free Speech! He goes state by state showing how the Chinese gov used an algorithm and the 2010 census to add votes for Biden in all 50 states.

Trump won AZ by 270K votes!
I guess Lindell (billionaire) lives in Mom’s basement too! Guess I’m in good company.
I am eager to go to DC for the inauguration; when is it? I will be staying with my son in Alexandria so it will be cheap, all I have to do is stew some potato scraps to make alcohol to run my converted 1956 Studebaker and I am on my way. Thank Allah or whoever for the return of President Bone Spurs!!!!
The above attachment is Ltn General Michael Flynn discussing what is going on in Afghanistan. Please listen. He’s is saying Gen Millie surrendered to the Taliban. Biden is leaving US citizens behind. Taliban being left to monitor roads in and out of the airport! Meanwhile Afghan fighting age men are being flown into US Air Force bases. High treason!
SH, Huisache, Deez, and OU Bubba are not the intended audience for my messages. So the rest of you can read or watch and get some value out of it!
I mean, I love your messages. This is the content I'm here for.

It's the Q version of the Mexican novela. A side of me does enjoy seeing what comes next. Date x passes then justification y is used to explain why something didn't come to fruition and has a deadline moved.
Ron Johnson with some smelling salts.

Ballot harvesting and ballots with no chain of custody don’t leave obvious trails. It’s akin to the cash under the table given to football recruits. Everyone knows it’s a problem but no one is willing to fix it unless it’s egregious. 2020 was an egregious example of ballot harvesting because the judges slanted the field toward the Democrats.

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