Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

Two weeks ago and previous I was getting attacked every post for mentioning how important the forensic audit in AZ was. And now that Afghanistan is proving to be a false flag to distract from the audit, and we have growing proof that Biden and his goons are bringing Afghan troops here to AFB locations across the country. This looks more real now. My sources are military and special forces. These “conspiracies” get more real everyday.
Two weeks ago and previous I was getting attacked every post for mentioning how important the forensic audit in AZ was. And now that Afghanistan is proving to be a false flag to distract from the audit, and we have growing proof that Biden and his goons are bringing Afghan troops here to AFB locations across the country. This looks more real now. My sources are military and special forces. These “conspiracies” get more real everyday.
So please highlight how Afghanistan is a "false flag"? Trump started the withdrawl and Biden is completing it. A false flag is if Russia releases a lab made virus in Wuhan and then facilitates China being blamed for it or Barry Switzer dressing up as DKR and offering Adrian Peterson an Orange cadillac to sign for Texas.
Trump started the withdrawl and Biden is completing it

Wrong! Trump negotiated the withdrawal. Biden actually did the half *** withdrawal and is to be held accountable for every death and $80+ billion in lost equipment. Just handing over $80+ billion in war equipment to the enemy is treason and that doesn't include the deaths.
Wrong! Trump negotiated the withdrawal. Biden actually did the half *** withdrawal and is to be held accountable for every death and $80+ billion in lost equipment. Just handing over $80+ billion in war equipment to the enemy is treason and that doesn't include the deaths.
Trump 'to order further troop withdrawal' from Afghanistan and Iraq
Not that we don't need to be out of Afghanistan. But, this was initiated by Trump.

Treason. Whatever. It's stupid, I agree with you there. I will say that the folks at the Pentagon know more than me on the issue.
Trump 'to order further troop withdrawal' from Afghanistan and Iraq
Not that we don't need to be out of Afghanistan. But, this was initiated by Trump.

Treason. Whatever. It's stupid, I agree with you there. I will say that the folks at the Pentagon know more than me on the issue.
DJT had a plan in place. True to form, Sippy Cup Joe tossed it to the side like every other thing that DJT had put into place.

Under Trump, there were conditions in place and they did NOT involve giving up a damned base before our people were out. The plans did NOT involve stranding people behind enemy lines. And yes, you will see that even the MSM is saying people are STRANDED. Afghanistan has proved to be the one thing that has brought unison amongst the America populace...
The false flag is what Biden is doing with Afghanistan. Are the 10’s of thousands of fighting age Afghan men being flown to AFB all over the US, going to be used to fight us, start up a terror attack? Wait and see. September, October are going to be interesting. If we start seeing incidents, riots, bombs, etc. I would bet my arm Afghan immigrants are a big part of it. If not immigrants from the southern border. Biden is bringing in these people to work against America! He’s a puppet compromised by China.
Wrong! Trump negotiated the withdrawal. Biden actually did the half *** withdrawal and is to be held accountable for every death and $80+ billion in lost equipment. Just handing over $80+ billion in war equipment to the enemy is treason and that doesn't include the deaths.

Someone clearly didn't pay attention to our Syria withdrawal. Our SOP for a bit has been to destroy/disarm equipment rather than to ship it back.

If course, some of the equipment now in the hands of Taliban was controlled by the ANA, not US forces. Think of that as an economic stimulus to the defense industry.
Someone clearly didn't pay attention to our Syria withdrawal. Our SOP for a bit has been to destroy/disarm equipment rather than to ship it back.

If course, some of the equipment now in the hands of Taliban was controlled by the ANA, not US forces. Think of that as an economic stimulus to the defense industry.

What is your true opinion on how Biden handled this?
Two weeks ago and previous I was getting attacked every post for mentioning how important the forensic audit in AZ was. And now that Afghanistan is proving to be a false flag to distract from the audit, and we have growing proof that Biden and his goons are bringing Afghan troops here to AFB locations across the country. This looks more real now. My sources are military and special forces. These “conspiracies” get more real everyday.
So we invaded Afghanistan and fought there for 20 years under four presidents to set up a false flag for distracting from a recount in Arizona? Right. And double right!!
Why was I so blind as to not see this?

and thanks again for a lucid explanation to a question that troubled me so
He's waiting for CNN and MSDNC to inform him of his opinion...

Liberals are virtue signalers. They want to believe they are world-citizens with kind hearts and souls. But the reality it that self-image only manifests itself here in the US in support of political power.

Contrast the shrieking over Trump's necessarily tough immigration enforcement. Tough due to the hordes being waved over by the Left.

But in Afghanistan, they are quiet... those apparently aren't real people. Or, they just don't matter because they don't vote.

Or we saw how the NBA was silent on China's civil rights violations. We know why. $$$. The Liberal American only cares about Liberal power at home. Otherwise, it's a different set of rules.
Liberals are virtue signalers. They want to believe they are world-citizens with kind hearts and souls. But the reality it that self-image only manifests itself here in the US in support of political power.

Contrast the shrieking over Trump's necessarily tough immigration enforcement. Tough due to the hordes being waved over by the Left.

But in Afghanistan, they are quiet... those apparently aren't real people. Or, they just don't matter because they don't vote.

Or we saw how the NBA was silent on China's civil rights violations. We know why. $$$. The Liberal American only cares about Liberal power at home. Otherwise, it's a different set of rules.

Everyone virtue signals, like every comment y'all make about immigration.

Afghanistan is chaos right now. Information flow is chaotic. Nothing looks good right now. I'll reiterate, this was a predetermined outcome based on the ineptitude of the ANA. Still, Biden owns the current extraction challenges. How did we not get more of these individuals out of Afghanistan, especially diplomats and US citizens earlier? That's on his administration.

I'm not going to sit here and ONLY beat up Biden though. That Taliban leader? Yeah, that dude and 5,000 of his friends were let out of jail after pressure by the Trump admin and their peace deal. You heard that right, Abdul Ghani Baradar was in a Pakistani prison and the Trump Admin pressured the Paki's to let him out. That dude is now sitting in the Presidential Palace.

This departure is FUBAR. The Taliban Peace negotiation was FUBAR. That decision to de-emphasize Afghanistan in order to simultaneously attack Iraq was FUBAR. Our Middle East military engagements have been strategic fuckups all around since Gulf War 1.
Everyone virtue signals, like every comment y'all make about immigration.

I don't consider my desire to enforce our immigration law to be about virtue. Clearly it is fraught with heartlessness. But we have to draw a line somewhere and the Left is in favor of Sanctuary cities, abolishment of ICE, tipping off raids in advance, benefits etc. This is very clear to me.

Here is virtue signaling about immigration in a poem that I wrote:

Hearts Without Borders

When you know
Of their blood
And their children
And what they are told
Then why are you surprised?

Who gives the orders
And who decides?
Hearts have no borders
Rivers take no sides

When you know
Why they come
To breathe the same air
To live with hope
Then why are you unforgiving?

Who gives the orders
And who decides?
Hearts have no borders
Rivers take no sides

When you know
That they are desperate
Because of no birthright
Except love of family
Then why are you afraid?

Who gives the orders
And who decides?
Hearts have no borders
Rivers take no sides

When you know
They only want what you want
No more no less
Than a happy home
Then why are you angry?

Who gives the orders
And who decides?
Hearts have no borders
Rivers take no sides

Bystander say's: You see, I'm not an anarchist but as a wannabe poet, I also have that side of me that is an anarchist. You don't write poems about the law. You just bleed...
Here is another I wrote. I think about these things. I get both sides. But where do we draw the line: At the poverty line in Mexico?

People living in poverty in Mexico 2018 | Statista

Anyway, on to the "poem." I wrote it years ago.

Who is Illegal?

Columbus, Balboa, Cortez and Magellan
Were they explorers or illegal aliens?
In glory today they receive their honor
While those who migrate live undercover
With guns, cannons, a book and disease
The conquerors roamed as they pleased
Cloaked in robes and the King James Bible
Their preachers blessed their triumphant arrival
And what God once spoke to his chosen people
Provided a mandate to kill and erect a steeple
A book of peace was used to justify genocide
As each sailor used words like stars as his guide
Encomienda or slavery no matter the etymology
The rights of others were disposed of too easily
Where pride has no will to understand the poor
The poor will suffer over what pride will ignore
Because when a savage is given no divine right
A civilized man can then justify all his might
They say history is written by the winners
While the vanquished become the sinners
And while destiny manifested further expansion
Their King plundered accusing them of sedition
And the tools that conquered the new land
Were suddenly oppressed by the royal hand
And they demanded rights to avail themselves
While denying those who preceded their travels?
As they lost the treasure stolen from the tribes
They unsheathed a pen sharpened by their scribes
Declaring a nation under God and forever to be ruled
By a new law trampling over those they did not include
And so the race was on from sea to shining sea
As what man became is what a white man decided to be
Writing laws as fast as they sacked those they would rule
Their borders drawn in ink because they were no fools
The lock was set in place north south east and west
America became a place they believed God had blessed
But who believes such a tale spun in such a yarn?
Is it those who live in fear or who can fill their barn?
What God that did not contemplate such a faraway land
Would forget a carpenter had already waved his hand?
What God would forget the sermon on the mount
When the poor walk in bare feet too many to count?
As you consider these words does it draw forth anger
Or remind we cannot steal the promise of the manger?
For no matter your God you must always remember well
The poor and the oppressed are not reserved for hell
You take leave of history’s truth that time did conquer
But as you judge those on the wrong side of the border
There may come a day where you will be out of favor
Then we will know what you believe and who is your savior
That's easy. I don't consider my desire for equal treatment for LGBTQ and minorities by the law and freedom from religious interference to be virtue signaling.

Great...none of us are virtue signaling. ;)

Virtue signaling is about how good you are.

I support what you said by the way. Equality for all... no problem.

I like what Kinky Freidman said about gay marriage (paraphrase): "I support gay marriage, that way they can be as miserable as the rest of us."
Two weeks ago and previous I was getting attacked every post for mentioning how important the forensic audit in AZ was. And now that Afghanistan is proving to be a false flag to distract from the audit, and we have growing proof that Biden and his goons are bringing Afghan troops here to AFB locations across the country. This looks more real now. My sources are military and special forces. These “conspiracies” get more real everyday.
I am concerned that you are right here. It is almost impossible for the average person to have access to information that provides the proverbial “smoking gun” but we all have our intuition and logical thinking. (The election shut down middle of the night and when we woke up hundreds of thousands of votes had appeared for the candidate whose family was, without question, being enriched by communist China) I have noticed how reporting on the audit seems to be delayed and I wonder why. If the presidential election of the United States was interfered with, the people that were involved would have to be incredibly powerful. The whole thing stinks and as a people we better be on high alert.
So we invaded Afghanistan and fought there for 20 years under four presidents to set up a false flag for distracting from a recount in Arizona? Right. And double right!!
Why was I so blind as to not see this?

and thanks again for a lucid explanation to a question that troubled me so

Your welcome. Since the media is controlled and our election integrity was taken from us. We need people to share the truth of this communist takeover and potential slaughter about to be released on Americans. I know JP Sears, this is fun to watch! Your great President and his leadership attributes:

Thanks for sharing JP! See you in Austin next month bud!
Two weeks ago and previous I was getting attacked every post for mentioning how important the forensic audit in AZ was. And now that Afghanistan is proving to be a false flag to distract from the audit, and we have growing proof that Biden and his goons are bringing Afghan troops here to AFB locations across the country. This looks more real now. My sources are military and special forces. These “conspiracies” get more real everyday.

A false flag? If you want to bash Biden for how he's doing the withdrawal, go right ahead. He's screwing it up. I don't think it should be happening at all, and I think we'll regret it. However, the method in which it's being done almost could not be worse. But calling it a false flag to distract from the audit is downright comical. It's a humiliation to the Administration - the last thing you'd do as a false flag.

We're bringing Afghans to air force bases, because many of those Afghans are in danger for helping us out. We don't want them to get their heads severed or be stoned to death for no reason other than that they helped the United States. I'm not a supporter of some huge migration movement, but saving the lives of the people who directly aided the United States by granting them some sort of asylum? I don't have a problem with doing that. It's the right thing to do, and it's the smart thing to do if we ever want people to help us again.
Wow Deez you have time to report live from Afghanistan on everything happening real time and your there so you know! Just wait.....give it time. It will all play out Deez! History will show who’s right or wrong. Since I have not met these refugees at the AFB, I don’t know. I do know an event or events are expected. Afterwards we’ll all find out who carried out what. Just be patient and wait. It’s happening Deez. I don’t care what you say. We all have a front row seat!
Wow Deez you have time to report live from Afghanistan on everything happening real time and your there so you know! Just wait.....give it time. It will all play out Deez! History will show who’s right or wrong. Since I have not met these refugees at the AFB, I don’t know. I do know an event or events are expected. Afterwards we’ll all find out who carried out what. Just be patient and wait. It’s happening Deez. I don’t care what you say. We all have a front row seat!

Lol. Obviously, you know I think it you're a tinfoil hat wearing wingnut, and that's ok. Wingnuts have their place in politics, and occasionally they end up being right. (I think I'll one day be vindicated about Magic Johnson.) So according to the conspiracy theorist and 4chan people or whatever group you hang with, what am I getting wrong?

Is the withdrawal not actually happening, or is it happening and Biden has gotten virtually every journalist and public official in the United States and abroad to pretend it's going badly as a diversion when it's actually going fine?
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Come on Deez, open your eyes. The Great Awakening will come. Just wait. After the tribunals.

I'm still trying to figure out how a rational data based perspective is pulling threads off track (e.g. Coronovirus) whereas as this crazy illogical BS is the REAL information.

Submitting this as evidence of how off the rails West Mall has gone. "Crazy" is now considered more reality than actual data.
It’s 10 AM here. I’m working my *** off for my employees and my family! I could buy you many times over and run two companies. I invested in Bitcoin when the pandemic started, started a second company. I know more about global macro economics than most and have benefitted greatly from that. I try to pass that on, but you and Seattle Husker obfuscate most of my words. I take zinc and vitamin D and exercise daily. My BMI is 23-24. I’m 100% out of the stock market and won’t take a vaccine. I bet in 5 years when this has all changed, maybe10 years? I will be right, but if not that’s fine too. So I’m not wasting anymore time..... bye!
False flag? Why not? These guys can get away with anything. When the deep state drugged Ted Kennedy and drove his car off that bridge and planted the body of that girl they had suffocated in the car they got away with it!! To this day very few of us know what really happened there

connect the dots. They all lead to the Arizona recount!!
It’s 10 AM here. I’m working my *** off for my employees and my family! I could buy you many times over and run two companies. I invested in Bitcoin when the pandemic started, started a second company. I know more about global macro economics than most and have benefitted greatly from that. I try to pass that on, but you and Seattle Husker obfuscate most of my words. I take zinc and vitamin D and exercise daily. My BMI is 23-24. I’m 100% out of the stock market and won’t take a vaccine. I bet in 5 years when this has all changed, maybe10 years? I will be right, but if not that’s fine too. So I’m not wasting anymore time..... bye!
Good job on the bitcoin. Seriously.

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