Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

Some of the most important but underappreciated lawyers in the country - the ones that real people rely upon.
Mom said he came home one day after court and went directly to the liquor cabinet. He poured himself a big one and told the story of being the attorney on one side of a child custody case that saw a kid being peeled off of someone else. He said unless he was having trouble feeding us he'd never take another child custody case. As a defense attorney family we phone screened before caller ID and had 3 guns in strategic locations in the house. It was very irritating to say "no, he's not here he stepped out to feed the cows. Ok, tell him ______ ______ called..." Him, "here give me that".
In real news, Cyber Ninjas missed their deadline of submitting their full report to the AZ Senate today because 3 employees contracted serious cases of COVID.

“The team expected to have the full draft ready for the Senate today, but unfortunately Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan and two other members of the five-person audit team have tested positive for COVID-19 and are quite sick,” Arizona Senate President Karen Fann said in a statement.

Fann said lawmakers had received “a portion of the draft report” and that members of the Arizona Senate’s legal team would meet Wednesday to begin the process of reviewing the draft “for accuracy, clarity and proof of documentation of findings.”
Makes sense. In the article It’s actually 8.1 not 81 million. When you run the same stack of ballots through the machine multiple times -as we have all seen on video at least in Georgia - you end up with way more votes than ballots.

But let Husker and Bubba have there fun. At least they have each other.
Three execs at Cyber Ninja’s have Covid now and until they are back to work the forensic audit is not coming out. Also, this is a war game and the deep state started another false flag operation last week to distract from this forensic audit.........
A delay is good!
You seem surprised that MANY small businesses, including some law firms, don't place a physical address in the public domain given the stalking efforts which occur.

My former office went that route. My current employer did not have much with our physical location when we were officed in the Huntsville area.

Hell, if someone tries to track ME down, they get MY Post Office Box. And that includes my voter registration, vehicle registrations, pilot certification, tax records and other licenses.
You seem surprised that MANY small businesses, including some law firms, don't place a physical address in the public domain given the stalking efforts which occur.

My former office went that route. My current employer did not have much with our physical location when we were officed in the Huntsville area.

Hell, if someone tries to track ME down, they get MY Post Office Box. And that includes my voter registration, vehicle registrations, pilot certification, tax records and other licenses.
You're a ninja too! Cool.
You seem surprised that MANY small businesses, including some law firms, don't place a physical address in the public domain given the stalking efforts which occur.

Especially when your company's goal has become overturning a lawful election, am I right?

This goes back to Cyber Ninjas having <10 employees and is really just Doug Logan and a few other QAnon adherents.
Especially when your company's goal has become overturning a lawful election, am I right?

This goes back to Cyber Ninjas having <10 employees and is really just Doug Logan and a few other QAnon adherents.
I know of a company with one employee that averages $500,000,000 in revenues per year.

I guess if someone’s opinion is different than yours, attacking their home or office makes sense to a moron.
Especially when your company's goal has become overturning a lawful election, am I right?

This goes back to Cyber Ninjas having <10 employees and is really just Doug Logan and a few other QAnon adherents.
Why do you think CNN tried ambush journalism? You don't believe there was an agenda?

I can see a VERY valid reason why a small company doing election audits doesn't want the unhinged left showing up and being disruptive. Setting aside the fact that it is dangerous in general, it is ALSO something that impedes the ability of others to conduct THEIR business.

The agenda was made clear when the CNN 'journalist' got pissy and upset about the fact that her call was not returned.

But a business doing what they have been contracted to do by a government agency somehow makes them 'qanon adherents' in your myopic world.

And, your myopic view apparently ALSO cannot take into account that MANY fields have experts with few employees. Even in the legal field, offices recognized as experts in the arena do not always have more than a few employees.

i guess when people like you get scared, ad hominem attacks against a business are all you different than the attacks against Larry Elder just a few weeks before the recall election because King Gavin is running scared.
i guess when people like you get scared, ad hominem attacks against a business are all you different than the attacks against Larry Elder just a few weeks before the recall election because King Gavin is running scared.

Yep. They just parrot what the media is telling them to think.
No, just personal observation from you people. Media says something and you guys mindlessly fall in line. The fact that you guys are going along with this stupid charade of an article is proof in what I'm saying.
Looks to me like cyber ninja's is a front organization for "stop the steal" that is doing nothing but fattening Trump's pockets. Good job sheeple.
Looks to me like cyber ninja's is a front organization for "stop the steal" that is doing nothing but fattening Trump's pockets. Good job sheeple.

I guess the attorney general of Arizona is in on it too for investigating the Maricopa Board, right? You people are so dangerously uninformed and have zero clue to what's really happening. Trump's going to be using that money REAL soon. lol
I guess the attorney general of Arizona is in on it too for investigating the Maricopa Board, right? You people are so dangerously uninformed and have zero clue to what's really happening. Trump's going to be using that money REAL soon. lol

To be sure, the AZ AG is running for Governor thus anything he says/does at this point likely has a political calculation. The same can be said for the AZ SOS. Anything they do going forward and the recent past needs to be viewed with that lens.
Like Cyber Ninjas? They've yet to hand over court ordered documentation on their audit procedures and documentation.

Is the AG opening an investigation into that? No? Why? Politics.

Because the team asked for an extension so I assume they got it. We've discussed this before. To try to find some moral equivalence between the two is ridiculous.

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