Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

Yeah, I'm questioning 81M online viewers. I think the real number was <1M. All the "massive hacking" is simply taking the word of Mr. Pillow guy. Not sure I'm ready to believe any of his technical claims on face value. He clearly is a showman without any deep technical knowledge.

It was promoted a lot. I'll bet it got over 1M. 2M? Probably not. 81M is an absolute joke. That's almost 7M more than every Trump voter in the United States.
It was promoted a lot. I'll bet it got over 1M. 2M? Probably not. 81M is an absolute joke. That's almost 7M more than every Trump voter in the United States.

How many users does have? Wouldn't that be the upper limit of potential viewers or was it being broadcast publicly? If so, it's not directly linked from the homepage.

Still, I'm very confident in proclaiming there wasn't 10's of millions of viewers. Not sure where WaPo got their 100's of thousands claim but that's more believable.
The symposium isn’t about Lindell. It’s about the Dominion machines being online and how they used 2010 census reports to get names to attach fake votes to. If he talked less it would be better. He spent $20 million on this, so he must feel entitled, obligated, etc. His data is good they proved the machines were online. They could win a court case. I doubt the judicial system will hear this. Thus, military devolution is required.

Wait...he wrapped the screen at times in MyPillow ads and How is that not about Lindell? He did nearly all the speaking. $20M? It's a bit crazy to believe anyone could spend $20M on a small convention in Sioux Falls, SD in which the attendees pay admission and you're broadcasting live. There are large conventions in Las Vegas that don't approach $20M in vendor costs.

On the Dominion do you know the data is good? Were there experts to counter CodeMonkeyZ?

On the "military devolution is required"...that is insane, literally. Step out of the bunker and stop giving money to the hucksters.
He had 49 states represented by politicians there. He had many expert witnesses both cyber, political trend modeling, county clerks in charge of vote tabulation. Lindell did less then 33% of the talking. I’ve actually watched some of this, more yesterday. Many dozens of expert witnesses and more tomorrow. They have a Dominion whistleblower, maybe he comes out tomorrow? They proved algorithms were used by the machines in every state.
You vote D I vote R. Pres Lincoln enacted Devolution. It’s constitutional if circumstances warrant it. We are not there yet. China using algorithms and Dominion voting machines to steal elections in several countries is not political anyway. It’s do you want America to exist as founded or not. If China gets what they want many of us won’t be around to argue about this!
He had 49 states represented by politicians there. He had many expert witnesses both cyber, political trend modeling, county clerks in charge of vote tabulation. Lindell did less then 33% of the talking. I’ve actually watched some of this, more yesterday. Many dozens of expert witnesses and more tomorrow. They have a Dominion whistleblower, maybe he comes out tomorrow? They proved algorithms were used by the machines in every state.

Question: what was the central question for this "Cyber Symposium"?

Here was the local news coverage. Everyone should be skeptical of being told "I have the evidence" but you can touch it to verify it's authenticity. P.T. Barnum comes immediately to mind.
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Go watch Schindler’s List and then Saving Private Ryan. If China takes over through Infiltration and a stolen election. Destroys our economy. We’re going totalitarian communism! They’re going to start Covid camps to cleanse the population. Do you want me and my family cleansed? If not then start paying attention to what’s really going on.
Go watch Schindler’s List and then Saving Private Ryan. If China takes over through Infiltration and a stolen election. Destroys our economy. We’re going totalitarian communism! They’re going to start Covid camps to cleanse the population. Do you want me and my family cleansed? If not then start paying attention to what’s really going on.

You have bought way too much of someone's political rhetoric if you really believe we are on the precipice of being taken over by China. My BIL was convinced a few years back that Jade Helm was a ruse for Obama to implement Marshall Law. He even had pictures of US tanks being transported on trains through Canada to hide their movement from America. At the time I encouraged him to come out of the Rabbit Hole. This isn't Alice in Wonderland. Respectfully, I'd offer the same advice to you. Not sure that level of paranoia is healthy.
You have bought way too much of someone's political rhetoric if you really believe we are on the precipice of being taken over by China. My BIL was convinced a few years back that Jade Helm was a ruse for Obama to implement Marshall Law. He even had pictures of US tanks being transported on trains through Canada to hide their movement from America. At the time I encouraged him to come out of the Rabbit Hole. This isn't Alice in Wonderland. Respectfully, I'd offer the same advice to you. Not sure that level of paranoia is healthy.
SH serious question. Are you being Obtuse? Is it intentional?
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No, we’re divided!
Right side of history.
Wrong side of history.

This era will fill up history books someday!
No, we’re divided!
Right side of history.
Wrong side of history.

This era will fill up history books someday!

I like to think of it as...
Those that follow facts vs. those that build their "facts" to fit a narrative. My sincere hope is that Group 1 wins.
Please explain. I'm seriously concerned for @AC.
People can disagree on the threat communism poses. And certainly on how rapidly any threat might materialize. Personally I believe China poses a serious threat but I don't think they are alone in wanting centralized power. I also believe China or anyone else wanting centralized power is smart enough to avoid some crazy shock and awe military attack on the United States. I am sure this has been discussed elsewhere but IMHO Any attack would be very gradual and played out through manipulation (Propaganda) and division of our people, economic control and gradually training Americans that giving up freedom for the greater good is not only OK but required. Many people will not see it coming. And as far as stealing elections; Totalitarian countries have been doing it for years to facilitate all of the above. It is surprising to me how many people believe there is no way it happened here. I also believe that if China was involved in manipulating this last election to put someone in the Whitehouse that is completely beholden to them, It would not only facilitate the above but accelerate the process dramatically.

I thought AC was alluding to these possibilities. You may disagree completely but it looked like (Maybe I am wrong) you were completely dismissing the possibility as ridiculous. I think completely dismissing the possibility as crazy is Obtuse.

Plus I really loved Shawshank. Again, feel free to disagree.
People can disagree on the threat communism poses. And certainly on how rapidly any threat might materialize. Personally I believe China poses a serious threat but I don't think they are alone in wanting centralized power. I also believe China or anyone else wanting centralized power is smart enough to avoid some crazy shock and awe military attack on the United States. I am sure this has been discussed elsewhere but IMHO Any attack would be very gradual and played out through manipulation (Propaganda) and division of our people, economic control and gradually training Americans that giving up freedom for the greater good is not only OK but required. Many people will not see it coming. And as far as stealing elections; Totalitarian countries have been doing it for years to facilitate all of the above. It is surprising to me how many people believe there is no way it happened here. I also believe that if China was involved in manipulating this last election to put someone in the Whitehouse that is completely beholden to them, It would not only facilitate the above but accelerate the process dramatically.

I thought AC was alluding to these possibilities. You may disagree completely but it looked like (Maybe I am wrong) you were completely dismissing the possibility as ridiculous. I think completely dismissing the possibility as crazy is Obtuse.

Plus I really loved Shawshank. Again, feel free to disagree.

Is China or Russia for that matter a formidable foe? Absolutely. Do both (and others) want to foment division in the US citizenry? Absolutely. The most important outcome of the Mueller investigation was the evidence that Russia's use of their IRA and GRU resources to pull our collective emotional chains. We also know that Russia has accessed voter roles in Florida. Nobody should be naive enough to believe that these ideological enemies aren't trying to distract our ADD-addled population and government.

Could our election have been hacked? Anything is possible. Has evidence been found to date? No. Is there a sizable group that have leaped to the conclusion that the election was stolen based only on theories to explain why their candidate lost? A candidate with historically low approval rates going into the election. My issue now is that that crowd is hunting for evidence to prove a narrative. Honestly, if the concern is that China is sowing distrust, the Pro-Trumpers are doing that without any help from our international foes. Upwards of 60% of Republicans believe the election was stolen based on polling. They believe that without any evidence. Imagine that...they didn't need any evidence to conclude the election was stolen from them. If the concern is the creeping in of Totalitarianism then they need to look in the mirror, not across the Pacific pond.
Obviously you have not watched the cyber symposium. Today a former prosecutor presented the case that the 50 legislatures all in attendance today, should get their states to do a forensic audit. Sounds like they’re up to 20+ states. We’ll see what unfolds. I expect the AZ forensic Audit will uncover ~200K votes were stolen and AZ will flip to Trump eventually. You can call us whatever you want. I’ll buy you a one way ticket to Shanghai, move there, be a communist. But if your going to live in THIS country, you MUST let elections get the reforms required, so we can keep the US democracy. I’ll debate you in person in Texas, but all your doing is trying to shut us up, obfuscate, deflect! You can’t shut me up SH. Give it up!
OMT, Wendy Rogers Senator AZ has almost 200K signatures for her petition to decertify the AZ electoral result. She is here along with 49 other legislatures from EVERY State. That's huge! Could happen in a few weeks!

Go to: and SIGN the petition.

They’re 20% home in 6 days.
The Symposium has had 10’s of millions of viewers globally. A final count will come maybe next week. Mike Lindell was physically attacked in his hotel elevator last night. Hackers shut down the cyber aspect of the symposium today.

yea, nothing to see here...... move along!
There is so much traffic on trying to sign the petition her website is crashing. I will keep trying and advise when it's back up. I see it has crashed 3 times during this symposium this week!
Is China or Russia for that matter a formidable foe? Absolutely. Do both (and others) want to foment division in the US citizenry? Absolutely. The most important outcome of the Mueller investigation was the evidence that Russia's use of their IRA and GRU resources to pull our collective emotional chains. We also know that Russia has accessed voter roles in Florida. Nobody should be naive enough to believe that these ideological enemies aren't trying to distract our ADD-addled population and government.

Could our election have been hacked? Anything is possible. Has evidence been found to date? No. Is there a sizable group that have leaped to the conclusion that the election was stolen based only on theories to explain why their candidate lost? A candidate with historically low approval rates going into the election. My issue now is that that crowd is hunting for evidence to prove a narrative. Honestly, if the concern is that China is sowing distrust, the Pro-Trumpers are doing that without any help from our international foes. Upwards of 60% of Republicans believe the election was stolen based on polling. They believe that without any evidence. Imagine that...they didn't need any evidence to conclude the election was stolen from them. If the concern is the creeping in of Totalitarianism then they need to look in the mirror, not across the Pacific pond.
I understand “Without any evidence” is your opinion but we are way way past stating that as fact. I think it is more accurate to say you dispute the evidence. And no, I really don’t want to rehash the last 10 months of West Mall. My main point was to object to treating very real possibilities as if they were ridiculous.
I understand “Without any evidence” is your opinion but we are way way past stating that as fact. I think it is more accurate to say you dispute the evidence. And no, I really don’t want to rehash the last 10 months of West Mall. My main point was to object to treating very real possibilities as if they were ridiculous.

Yep. We have missing serial numbers on ballots in Arizona and fraudulent tally sheets in Georgia. We're way past "no evidence" as you said.
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Heck I was on the ‘something smells here’ as soon as I saw Biden with more votes than Obama. Don’t know anything else except that is just not reasonable to me. No way Biden is more popular than EL Rey. And no I cannot accept the idea Trump is more hated than Biden is loved.
Obviously you have not watched the cyber symposium. Today a former prosecutor presented the case that the 50 legislatures all in attendance today, should get their states to do a forensic audit. Sounds like they’re up to 20+ states. We’ll see what unfolds. I expect the AZ forensic Audit will uncover ~200K votes were stolen and AZ will flip to Trump eventually. You can call us whatever you want. I’ll buy you a one way ticket to Shanghai, move there, be a communist. But if your going to live in THIS country, you MUST let elections get the reforms required, so we can keep the US democracy. I’ll debate you in person in Texas, but all your doing is trying to shut us up, obfuscate, deflect! You can’t shut me up SH. Give it up!

I've seen a few clips of the symposium posted to twitter but I have no interest in giving Mr. Pillow my contact information just to watch the symposium. If you have any external links to the prosecutor I'll happily watch it an make my own assessment.

The AZ Audit won't go anywhere other than court. How can it? It was privately funded by a company with no experience as an auditor. They've made as many mistakes as they'll find. Their report will find inaccuracies. After all, some private entities have spend an estimated $2-4M to get a result that says "fraud". Any political donation comes with an expectation of a result. It's also why the investigation will be questioned by anyone that didn't donate or didn't believe there was fraud before the report's already published.

The question is how big are the inaccuracies? Are they small that are exaggerated to make it seem like they are big?

Move to China? Are y'all serious? I'm not involved in paying private money to influence and debase a public process. Not going to put a label on it but it's certainly not a process based on integrity despite the public claim.
Heck I was on the ‘something smells here’ as soon as I saw Biden with more votes than Obama. Don’t know anything else except that is just not reasonable to me. No way Biden is more popular than EL Rey. And no I cannot accept the idea Trump is more hated than Biden is loved.

You convinced me. Must be fraud. ;) Just need to find some evidence to support that world view. That's what they are trying to do in AZ and with the symposium. Did you donate? Mr. Pillow has some bills he'd like you to pay.
I understand “Without any evidence” is your opinion but we are way way past stating that as fact. I think it is more accurate to say you dispute the evidence. And no, I really don’t want to rehash the last 10 months of West Mall. My main point was to object to treating very real possibilities as if they were ridiculous.

Do you like this better?

without evidence that has been vetted by a neutral 3rd party or court

At this point it's all claims but as you can see from people AT THE SYMPOSIUM they are merely getting told the evidence and not getting to vet it themselves. Notice the pattern? The evidence that was shown to the courts was debased by amateur sleuths and experts within hours so I can understand why it's easier to simply make claims. It's also more profitable if you're Trump or Mr. Pillow.
Hahahaha, good on you there SH. Nope, no contributions from this pocket. I’m just watching the show and shared my personal concerns/feelings. That is all.

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