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Monkey Werx says C-130 from Afghanistan or Uzbekistan then they are shuttled around the US on commercial jets like SWA. This is from 8/23/2021. He mentions C-141’s later on in the vid. Who owns those planes??? I don’t know and it’s irrelevant.
It absolutely irrelevant.
They are here, most unvetted
And now we find out they are able to leave their holding area
At least st Fort Bliss according to Senator Cruz

But let's focus on what aircraft brought these military age unvetted Afghans here :whiteflag:
Monkey Werx says C-130 from Afghanistan or Uzbekistan then they are shuttled around the US on commercial jets like SWA. This is from 8/23/2021. He mentions C-141’s later on in the vid. Who owns those planes??? I don’t know and it’s irrelevant.

They're getting shuttled all over on whatever planes are available. Lots of them are at Ramstein Air Base in Germany awaiting transfer to other locations. (Ramstein is large and can accommodate a lot of aircraft and people.) I don't know what he's talking about with C-141s. They've been out of service for a long time (replaced by C-17s). Perhaps some private entity has one or two kicking around. The relevance is that anyone who thinks the USAF is flying C-141s around likely isn't particularly knowledgeable about what the USAF is doing. He doesn't even know what equipment is being used.

And of course, none of these aircraft will hold anywhere near 5K people. A C-5 (largest aircraft in the USAF) wouldn't hold anywhere near that many. An Antonov An-225 (largest aircraft in the world) wouldn't hold that many. Anyone who gets it that wrong is pretty hard to take seriously.
Deez keeps beating me over the head with that airplane ****. Have you seen his posts? My suggestion is have a generator and extra food ready. If your good with guns know is the time to buy guns and ammo!
It absolutely irrelevant.
They are here, most unvetted
And now we find out they are able to leave their holding area
At least st Fort Bliss according to Senator Cruz

But let's focus on what aircraft brought these military age unvetted Afghans here :whiteflag:

Really? When judging how many (vetted or not) are here, you think the difference between 90 and 5,000 isn't relevant?
Truthfully when I think of 9/11 then no, it’s not relevant, but when I think of amassing potential terrorism, then yes it’s relevant.
The complexity of True the Vote's investigation is amazing.

Y'all better contribute money to True the Vote. They're going to need it for their upcoming legal bills for violating CPNI laws. As someone who supports a major wireless provider for many years, CPNI is no joke. Whomever handed over the "GPS Pings" better have permission to give it to a 3rd party. It won't be from the 3 major telcoms, that's for certain. It must be from an app provider. If they have it, which I doubt, I suspect they and whomever gave it to them will soon get hit with a class action lawsuit. Pony up because they'll get sued into oblivion.

The video footage is likely available through a FOIA request.

Still, i doubt this group was created to do anything more than get published in the right wing blogosphere. The accusations and claims are more valuable to the cause than outcomes.
I’m friends with Catherine and her ex Bryan
Engelbrecht. She founded true the vote. I mainly know Bryan lately. I’m sure the videos will come out. Catherine has been sued dozens of times. Trust me nobody is going to stop her!
AC, you better take down that word or you're going to get hit with the banhammer.

They're getting shuttled all over on whatever planes are available. Lots of them are at Ramstein Air Base in Germany awaiting transfer to other locations. (Ramstein is large and can accommodate a lot of aircraft and people.) I don't know what he's talking about with C-141s. They've been out of service for a long time (replaced by C-17s). Perhaps some private entity has one or two kicking around. The relevance is that anyone who thinks the USAF is flying C-141s around likely isn't particularly knowledgeable about what the USAF is doing. He doesn't even know what equipment is being used.

And of course, none of these aircraft will hold anywhere near 5K people. A C-5 (largest aircraft in the USAF) wouldn't hold anywhere near that many. An Antonov An-225 (largest aircraft in the world) wouldn't hold that many. Anyone who gets it that wrong is pretty hard to take seriously.

Agree with Nash.
Not sure where you got 90
But there damn sure are more than 90 unvetted Afghans here.
5K per day are flying over here from Afghanistan. Since 8/31 I don’t know. But for a long time before that t was 5K per day. Total I heard was over 100K in the US from Afghanistan.
What are You talking about?
WE are talking about and concerned with the number of unvetted military age Afghani males being brought into our country.

If you lived here you might be more concerned with that than in what aircraft flew them here.
What are You talking about?
WE are talking about and concerned with the number of unvetted military age Afghani males being brought into our country.

If you lived here you might be more concerned with that than in what aircraft flew them here.

I'm concerned with it. However, people who claim to have superior knowledge of the process should at least have some command of the facts. If you say 100 people when it was actually 95, that's fine. Absolute precision isn't that important. However, if you say there are 5,000 when it's actually 95, that's enough to matter.

Also you act as though this doesn't affect me. Afghans are coming to the UK as well. It'll affect me as much or more than it affects you.
Why is that so important to you? The reality is there have been thousands brought in.
Who cares how many planes it took?
THEY are here and in some cases able to move into towns with no vetting.
Why is that so important to you? The reality is there have been thousands brought in.
Who cares how many planes it took?
THEY are here and in some cases able to move into towns with no vetting.

If the 5K figure was correct, that would mean the problem was 40-50 times bigger than it is. If you don't see how that makes a difference, I can't help you.
But he has akready posted that the numbers were not right.
Time to focus on the real issue.

Upon what do focus our attention? I'm not going to judge the issue based on the assertions and factual allegations of people who have already gotten some key facts wildly wrong. Present some facts from people with credibility, and I'll focus on them.
Upon what do focus our attention? I'm not going to judge the issue based on the assertions and factual allegations of people who have already gotten some key facts wildly wrong. Present some facts from people with credibility, and I'll focus on them.

This x 100. Assume the simple details are the foundation of a post's credibility. If the foundation is flawed the rest of the argument is precarious at best.
Catherine has been sued dozens of times. Trust me nobody is going to stop her!

That's a pretty cavalier attitude towards potentially significant violation of data privacy laws.

First, I think what this group is claiming to potential investors (per Brietbart) and what they are actually doing or capable of doing do not match. If it is, there is a very high likelihood of data privacy violations. Telcom companies get fined $millions when they violate CPNI laws. The GPS Ping to a tower on your phone is no doubt covered in CPNI. Unless you have a consumers explicit approval to use that data for the purpose they are using it for then you're dead. May as well get the checkbook ready for when you lose that lawsuit. Honestly, the pitch looks a bit like a grift. The technology feasibility to result in their claims is a longshot. It comes off as a non-technical person trying to throw a bunch of technical jargon into a pitch to sound credible. Seriously, geo-fencing a UPS store?

I'm certain they have videos of "suspicious" characters wearing gloves while putting ballots in the box (during a pandemic) and taking pictures their ballot as they put it into the box (I did this in a mail-in ballot state). Claiming those activities are suspicious is a precarious claim.

To any potential investors, know that True the Vote better prove they have permission for the source of this data or your money will go directly to paying legal bills.
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Did you miss the report where a convicted rapist, Afghan, who was deported ended up back here on a refugee flight?
Or the report that there have been known terrorists on the list who have arrived in USA as refugees?
Or that we are vetting these " refugees" on the back in?
Or that at least at Fort Bliss these unvetted refugees can just walk off or call uber and be driven off?
BTW, I have 10 to the 5th power more credibility than Deez. I sent the video twice yet he attacks me. I saw a pic of a cargo plane with a shitload of people on it. I think it was 5K. I think it was a C-130. Am I going to waste 2 hours looking for that pic on telegram or Twitter. No! I’m not a veteran but the monkey werks guy is. The point is 5K per day which is where I originally started. That was the video’s point. It was my point, originally. Hence, the term obfuscate. Obfuscate and deflect. That’s all Deez does. He’s on ignore, if we all do that he’ll eventually leave us all alone!
1. Did you miss the report where a convicted rapist, Afghan, who was deported ended up back here on a refugee flight?
2. Or the report that there have been known terrorists on the list who have arrived in USA as refugees?
3. Or that we are vetting these " refugees" on the back in?
4. Or that at least at Fort Bliss these unvetted refugees can just walk off or call uber and be driven off?

Responding to each of the points above because some are certainly plausible while others not so much.

1. Did you miss the report where a convicted rapist, Afghan, who was deported ended up back here on a refugee flight? SH: Possible but then isn't the next course of action to deport them again?
2. Or the report that there have been known terrorists on the list who have arrived in USA as refugees? SH: Link? That sounds like BS. The government doesn't know someone is a known terrorist but a reporter/blogger does?
3. Or that we are vetting these " refugees" on the back in? SH: Vetting is a many-step process. Just because you made it through one gate (e.g. out of Afghanistan) doesn't mean you'd automatically get through the next step.
4. Or that at least at Fort Bliss these unvetted refugees can just walk off or call uber and be driven off? SH: That doesn't sound plausible. Link?
BTW, I have 10 to the 5th power more credibility than Deez.


I think it was 5K. I think it was a C-130. Am I going to waste 2 hours looking for that pic on telegram or Twitter.

30 seconds or less...found information that discounts 5k on a single plane.
LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You

The point is 5K per day which is where I originally started. That was the video’s point. It was my point, originally.

The point is that you practice in gross hyperbole, often. It could be numbers around child abductions, voter fraud or now Afghanistan refugee travel. You're so caught up in the narrative that you're not questioning the most obvious flaws in the information being presented to you. If Monkey Werks presented this information to you than yes, you should question that accounts credibility, especially when factual information is shown that contradicts the account.
I saw a pic of a cargo plane with a shitload of people on it. I think it was 5K.

If your eye is that bad, it's pretty hard to take you seriously. Cramming 5K into a C-130 or C-17 (even if they went out to a bone yard and found an old C-141 from the '70s) would be like putting an elephant in your bathtub. And even if you could do it, the plane couldn't get off the ground.

But tell me I have no credibility . . .
BTW, I have 10 to the 5th power more credibility than Deez. I sent the video twice yet he attacks me. I saw a pic of a cargo plane with a shitload of people on it. I think it was 5K. I think it was a C-130. Am I going to waste 2 hours looking for that pic on telegram or Twitter. No! I’m not a veteran but the monkey werks guy is. The point is 5K per day which is where I originally started. That was the video’s point. It was my point, originally. Hence, the term obfuscate. Obfuscate and deflect. That’s all Deez does. He’s on ignore, if we all do that he’ll eventually leave us all alone!
Deez can be an arsehole (stay with me Deez). He can rub your nose in things. While I disagree with him almost as much as I do you, he has more credibility than anyone else posting on this platform. He calls out both sides when they should be called out. He can be a little obsessive and he really does write a lot (think Hamilton level of words). But, to claim a credibility win over him is akin to the number of National Championships that Aggy claims.
Yea, just Deez pisses me off and to him that’s a compliment. The Afghan fighting age men being flown here 5K per day, is no laughing matter. It’s obvious Biden was a plant by China. He did NOT win the election. I expect US based violence which could escalate and get a lot of people killed. I have food and ammo stocked and I’m shopping for 300 acres of land in the country to put a house and barn on. Nobody’s gonna know where! I like to hunt and fish, I don’t play Golf! That makes me smart and prepared not a wing nut. I’m just trying to wake people up! We could see dirty bombs in major US cities, I pray not, but I’m afraid it’s gonna get bad! My video showed the C-130 cargo planes taking off and landing at AFB. By the dozens! We’re being stealth invaded. If I’m wrong then I’ll have some extra food and ammo to use up the next few years. I believe it’s 50/50 or worse that a US based attack is eminent. China is trying to take us over, and people like Deez are helping keep everyone asleep! I keep telling everyone about Bitcoin and half of of u don’t believe me. It’s gonna take over the USD someday. My track record speaks for itself. I don’t care what SH and Deez think! I’m just helping!
I quoted my first post about planes from Afghanistan coming over here, to AFB’s. No mention of the plane type at all. It does say 5K per day. I did see a pic of a plane with a huge number of people on it. But it’s a damn Red herring. It’s irrelevant. All that matters is fighting age Afghan men being flown to US AFB’s. I don’t like Deez and he doesn’t like me. But this was my point last month and Deez brought in this irrelevant argument and wasted everyone’s time. I know some personal facts at play here, that I can’t get into. I just pray the immigrants Biden had flown over here, were really being rescued, and it wasn’t nefarious. We’re going to find out one way or the other!
except we know many have slipped through. The rapist. HOW did he make it onto a plane out of Afgh? Did he fly directly here o rwas routed through another country.
Yes we caught him and hopefully sent him back AGAIN. Who else have we missed?
If as the Gov't says there are conducting screening and security vetting for all SIV applicants and other vulnerable Afghans before they are allowed into the United States. This includes reviews of both biographic and biometric data.
HOW in hell did a known convicted rapist get in??

And we know from Senator Ted Cruz that the Afghanis can just walk off Fort Bliss or call uber and leave.
Ted Cruz says Afghan refugees are 'getting Ubers' from Fort Bliss when they arrive in US - The Washington Time

but THIS may be the biggest F'up so far
A male Afghan refugee who was departing the Ramstein Air Base in Germany for the United States was detained Monday after it was discovered during pre-flight screening that he had blasting caps and other explosives materials in his carry-on luggage, three U.S. officials told Just the News."
Afghan refugee stopped on U.S.-bound flight with explosive materials, but terrorism not suspected | Just The News

But nothing nefarious is suspected? WTF, Sure every peaceful muslim packs blasting caps and expolsive materials in their luggage before coming to America.
THINK about it.
This dude got on a US Plane in Kabul and was not discovered.

But no it is All made up with no sources.
Breaking this down part by part.

I quoted my first post about planes from Afghanistan coming over here, to AFB’s. No mention of the plane type at all. It does say 5K per day. I did see a pic of a plane with a huge number of people on it.

That almost sounds like I was wrong. I jumped to conclusions without asking if what I was claiming made sense.

But it’s a damn Red herring. It’s irrelevant.

Then's all YOU'RE FAULT! It doesn't matter that what @AC claimed was obviously incorrect.

All that matters is fighting age Afghan men being flown to US AFB’s.

The State Dept. said they were evacuating ~5k/day so not sure why this is a huge revelation. We know there were American citizens and many Afghan citizens that were evacuated. Not all were flown directly to the US. Many are now refugees on military bases around the world while they continue to be vetted and the US recruits other relocation partners.

Many of these refugees directly helped the US during our 20 years there, the ones that would be directly in the firing line of the Taliban. Leveraging their political flight to safety to claim that suddenly they all are a risk to the US is xenophobic.

Is there potential for a wannabe terrorist or even current ISIS-K member to be among the refugees? Absolutely. Does that mean that all are suddenly a danger to the US? No. Does that mean that all those men will become some Biden Mujahedeen as you've inferred? That's patently crazy. The hope will be that the Afghani's can meld into our melting pot like the Vietnamese did following that war.

I know some personal facts at play here, that I can’t get into. just KNEW John Brennan was in Guantanamo awaiting execution to. Except, he continues to do TV interviews.

It may feel good to think you have some inside knowledge but seriously question what's being told to you and ensure you incorporate other information, even outside your news bubble, to check that you information bubble is accurate.

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