Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

And we know from Senator Ted Cruz that the Afghanis can just walk off Fort Bliss or call uber and leave.
Ted Cruz says Afghan refugees are 'getting Ubers' from Fort Bliss when they arrive in US - The Washington Time

Wait...a politician said this? They can't be believed accept when they say something you want to believe, right? If they are truly getting "ubers" from Fort Bliss that would be easy to verify, right? Take pictures? Or is there more to the story. If that truly is happening, is it possible they've been vetted? There are a million viable reasons for muslim people on Fort Bliss to get an uber.

but THIS may be the biggest F'up so far
A male Afghan refugee who was departing the Ramstein Air Base in Germany for the United States was detained Monday after it was discovered during pre-flight screening that he had blasting caps and other explosives materials in his carry-on luggage, three U.S. officials told Just the News."
Afghan refugee stopped on U.S.-bound flight with explosive materials, but terrorism not suspected | Just The News

You realize that has a VERY checkered history on accuracy, right? Aside from Jonathan Soloman running it who has left in disgrace from 2-3 other media entities, the site itself which is little more than a blog. Here is's review of

If you're interested, here are the failed fact checks they list in which was partly to all the way wrong.

But nothing nefarious is suspected? WTF, Sure every peaceful muslim packs blasting caps and expolsive materials in their luggage before coming to America.
THINK about it.
This dude got on a US Plane in Kabul and was not discovered.

Keep in mind, you are 100% reliant on the accuracy of for this to be true. My suggestion, wait to see if a reputable news organization picks it up. It it's true, it will get picked up because that's big news. If it doesn't that means that nobody could corroborate the story which means it very likely didn't occur.
My suggestion, wait to see if a reputable news organization picks it up. It it's true, it will get picked up because that's big news. If it doesn't that means that nobody could corroborate the story which means it very likely didn't occur.

What do you consider a "reputable" news source? Those that agree with what you think? Mediabiasfactcheck? LOL!

Seriously, with your track record please tell me what news sources are reliable.
What do you consider a "reputable" news source? Those that agree with what you think? Mediabiasfactcheck? LOL!

Seriously, with your track record please tell me what news sources are reliable.

No, not even those that agree with me. For example, I read and a few other conservative sites. I stay away from blogging sites on both ends of the spectrum. For example, neither Gateway Pundit nor Daily Beast would be the media rotation.
I don’t like Deez and he doesn’t like me.

I never said I didn't like you. I think you're a crackpot for reasons that are obvious to most (the military tribunal crap, the reinstatement predictions, the Brennan imprisonment and pending execution, etc.), but there are crackpots I like and can even respect. By far the biggest problem with you is how seriously you take yourself. It's wingnuttiness combined with arrogance, self-importance, and self-righteousness. And yes, that does put off a bit of a stench.
The personal stuff was about me and Deez. I don’t want to drag anyone’s personal life into this. It’s already personal. The tribunals along with many, many things (AZ forensic audit, potential black swan(s), Durham report release, video of ballot traffickers being released) are being delayed. Until these things all happen. We’re in a holding pattern. Unfortunately. These reports, videos, and eventually tribunals will have to break. Timing issue. Again, unfortunately.

Libs deflect and obfuscate, even when their crimes become obvious. Their fans do the same plus cover for them. Either, this house of cards is dropped for good, mass arrests and tribunals, or we’re going the way of Germany 1938-1945! I am aware of the threat of dirty bombs in the US. True? None have gone off yet, so who knows. That IS a strong deterrent to releasing these things!
The personal stuff was about me and Deez. I don’t want to drag anyone’s personal life into this. It’s already personal.

That's the problem. It shouldn't be, and it isn't for me. Earlier, I called some of your stuff into question like the jurisdiction that a military tribunal would have over Brennan. It was a fair issue to question because Brennan (at least seemingly) meets none of the requirements to give a military tribunal authority over him. You had no explanation. You just poop on my concern and take it as a sign of disrespect or "obfuscation" (which is obviously your new favorite word) that I even raised the matter. That sort of thing is why I think you have a lot of arrogance and delusions of grandeur.
The false flag is what Biden is doing with Afghanistan. Are the 10’s of thousands of fighting age Afghan men being flown to AFB all over the US, going to be used to fight us, start up a terror attack? Wait and see. September, October are going to be interesting. If we start seeing incidents, riots, bombs, etc. I would bet my arm Afghan immigrants are a big part of it. If not immigrants from the southern border. Biden is bringing in these people to work against America! He’s a puppet compromised by China.

That's the problem. It shouldn't be, and it isn't for me. Earlier, I called some of your stuff into question like the jurisdiction that a military tribunal would have over Brennan. It was a fair issue to question because Brennan (at least seemingly) meets none of the requirements to give a military tribunal authority over him. You had no explanation. You just poop on my concern and take it as a sign of disrespect or "obfuscation" (which is obviously your new favorite word) that I even raised the matter. That sort of thing is why I think you have a lot of arrogance and delusions of grandeur.
I am not delusional about this. The unfortunate issue is, a lot of this info has not been released to the public and I don’t know why other than violent threats of some kind. Until everything is released there will be ??. Brennan is a criminal so are many others. We just have to wait until it goes public.
The unfortunate issue is, a lot of this info has not been released to the public and I don’t know why other than violent threats of some kind.

Or maybe it's not real? Did you think that perhaps you're being lied to by these websites? If this stuff was happening you couldn't keep a lid on it.
Some news is real and some news is fake. On both sides. I don’t believe everything is fake, but some is. We need the facts to go public.
*who are the elites on Maxwell and Epstein’s list of customers for the worlds largest sex trafficking ring?
*Forensic audit results released.
*Durham report released.
*Military Tribunal trial docket released.

If our Gov has been lying to us, we need to know why. At some point this will get released. The Maxwell, Epstein lists will likely be last along with anything about tribunals. But to say none of this is happening is not right either! The whole thing will leave America looking very bad and likely all G20 countries!
*Military Tribunal trial docket released.
This is where you lose me. You stated as fact that John Brennan was detained related to a military tribunal at Gitmo. I see him on CNN. I think you might want to critically analyze your news source that makes you believe and state as fact something that is so obviously untrue, respectfully.
That won't happen but at the same time if you think massive election fraud is a myth with all of what we've seen then you need to pull your head from your ***.
If you think massive election fraud is a think you should listen to Ron Johnson and realize that you might have your head up something.
If you think massive election fraud is a think you should listen to Ron Johnson and realize that you might have your head up something.

What does Ron Johnson know about anything? Did he do any checking of the ballots or anything? Just curious.
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That's not "errors". That's lugenpresse/misinformation/propaganda.

Pretty damn easy to overlook that house. When you do large canvassing like this it's easy to make a mistake. On top of this we're taking the word of a lib who could be lying about this. You know, like the doctor who was telling us the Okie ERs were overrun by horse dewormer patients.
I know Liz Harris was trying to find more canvassers. The lack of canvassers must have presented problems. Notice this guy Duda picks one lot as his example. One out of hundreds of thousands. That is an example of obfuscation and deflection. The Patriots fighting election fraud are under manned!
I know Liz Harris was trying to find more canvassers. The lack of canvassers must have presented problems. Notice this guy Duda picks one lot as his example. One out of hundreds of thousands. That is an example of obfuscation and deflection.

Bingo. Duda also works for the Arizona Mirror. Just do a Google search of "Arizona Mirror funding" and see what you get.

It's inevitable as big as this Arizona audit is that the auditors will make glaring errors in their final report. The media ghouls will pounce on that with lots of BS and deflection.

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