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My parents are militant Trump supporters, and though they aren't QAnon or think John Brennan is about to get hanged, they pretty much believe the stolen election narrative. Accordingly, they're big fans of Lindell and but his pillows, so when we visited in August, we slept on them.

I prefer the big square European pillows, because I've grown to like them sorta like using mayo with my fries. However, overall, I thought they were pretty good - certainly better than average. Err on the side of firmness though. Everybody has their own tastes, but the non-firm ones were a little mushy for my liking.
So you're saying they're gullible? :)

I went to He's marketing the fox audience. Slippers, pillows, robes, etc. Smart business guy.
So you're saying they're gullible? :)

I went to He's marketing the fox audience. Slippers, pillows, robes, etc. Smart business guy.

I wouldn't consider them at all gullible. Neither are rednecks. My dad is well-educated (went to Cal back when that meant something) and is pretty erudite. He's a professional violinist by trade and is a bit of an expert on music (classical to the present), wine, and stuff that you don't associate with the Right. He's very well-read on history, religion, and politics but also chemistry, physics, and economics. He follows the stock market closely. He drinks fancy coffee. In fact, he roasts his own coffee beans. (How many Trumpers do that?) To put it into perspective, if you've ever watched the show 'Frasier' and heard Kelsey Grammer and David Hyde Pierce crack jokes about opera, wine, and theater, my dad actually gets the jokes. Most of us laugh along because of how well they're delivered and sorta get the point, but he actually gets the jokes and can explain why they're funny.

But he has another side that makes him a weird combination. Though he hasn't done it in years, he can overhaul the engine or transmission of a car. As recently as the '90s, he and I used to change our own brake pads and shoes. He likes sports much more than most artsy-fartsy types do.

Either way, I wouldn't call him gullible in any sense. So why does he buy into the stolen election stuff? It's because he largely watches Fox Business, OAN, and Newsmax. Those are his main sources. Why does he listen to them? Because mainstream media sources spent the last 40 years blowing their credibility with him - too much partisanship, too many double standards, too many "errors" that always seem to go the same direction, too much self-righteousness, so he tunes them out. I still try to decipher what's real news and what's partisan ********. He doesn't do that anymore. They're pretty much dead to him.
A loud voice booms from above: "Martha, move Deez' name down the life hierarchy by four spots, immediately!"

LOL. I didn't think I'd go for them, but I tried them at a restaurant in Bruges, Belgium several years ago, and I simply couldn't deny it. They tasted great. The mayo seems different here. Some American mayo has a weird consistency. The stuff hear is creamier and smoother and has a very slight lemon essence. I don't know how to explain it, but it works.

They also do fries better here. They double-fry them, so they come out very crispy on the outside and very soft in the middle. The soggy-fry phenomenon largely isn't a thing in Europe.
Bruges, Belgium

I visited Bruges back in the summer of 1994. I've told everyone how amazing it was but my memory is waning. Why is it so amazing? I seem to recall some level of unique architecture that cast a spell on me. Also, I recall every street had about 28 letters in the name. It was tough driving around trying to figure out where the hell to go!
Either way, I wouldn't call him gullible in any sense. So why does he buy into the stolen election stuff? It's because he largely watches Fox Business, OAN, and Newsmax.

Or perhaps he looks at the election night math and knows it's ********. Not trying to start an argument but I'm willing to bet most of us that believe in election fraud don't believe it just because conservative news says so.

Your dad sounds like a cool dude, btw.
Or perhaps he looks at the election night math and knows it's ********. .

When the huge bettors (think Bill Benter types) went all in on the exchanges around 9pm our time ON Trump, then the "math" was solid for Trump. If anyone knows anything about large betting syndicates (I'm sure mb does) they thought it was a done deal for Trump. It was stolen. I could add more (opinion) but I don't want to rehash
LOL. I didn't think I'd go for them, but I tried them at a restaurant in Bruges, Belgium several years ago, and I simply couldn't deny it. They tasted great. The mayo seems different here. Some American mayo has a weird consistency. The stuff hear is creamier and smoother and has a very slight lemon essence. I don't know how to explain it, but it works.

They also do fries better here. They double-fry them, so they come out very crispy on the outside and very soft in the middle. The soggy-fry phenomenon largely isn't a thing in Europe.
I would have to agree that Mayo on fries is medieval just like Bruges. Medieval torture! Similar to having your eyelids cut off, buried in an ant pile up to your neck, and having honey poured on you. Well, maybe not quite that bad, but close!
I visited Bruges back in the summer of 1994. I've told everyone how amazing it was but my memory is waning. Why is it so amazing? I seem to recall some level of unique architecture that cast a spell on me. Also, I recall every street had about 28 letters in the name. It was tough driving around trying to figure out where the hell to go!

It's amazing because it's beautiful. (From my visit in 2013.) Think Amsterdam but less crowded and without the dope and the hookers.





And they have great beer - one of my favorites.

It's amazing because it's beautiful. (From my visit in 2013.) Think Amsterdam but less crowded and without the dope and the hookers.

You say that as if it's a bad thing? Spent a few nights in Amsterdam and always enjoyed walking the streets just to see the various red lights. Never partook but found it interesting from a people watching perspective. Of course, I wasn't with young children but rather my wife. If you have children that would be quite awkward.
I wouldn't consider them at all gullible. Neither are rednecks. My dad is well-educated (went to Cal back when that meant something) and is pretty erudite. He's a professional violinist by trade and is a bit of an expert on music (classical to the present), wine, and stuff that you don't associate with the Right. He's very well-read on history, religion, and politics but also chemistry, physics, and economics. He follows the stock market closely. He drinks fancy coffee. In fact, he roasts his own coffee beans. (How many Trumpers do that?) To put it into perspective, if you've ever watched the show 'Frasier' and heard Kelsey Grammer and David Hyde Pierce crack jokes about opera, wine, and theater, my dad actually gets the jokes. Most of us laugh along because of how well they're delivered and sorta get the point, but he actually gets the jokes and can explain why they're funny.

But he has another side that makes him a weird combination. Though he hasn't done it in years, he can overhaul the engine or transmission of a car. As recently as the '90s, he and I used to change our own brake pads and shoes. He likes sports much more than most artsy-fartsy types do.

Either way, I wouldn't call him gullible in any sense. So why does he buy into the stolen election stuff? It's because he largely watches Fox Business, OAN, and Newsmax. Those are his main sources. Why does he listen to them? Because mainstream media sources spent the last 40 years blowing their credibility with him - too much partisanship, too many double standards, too many "errors" that always seem to go the same direction, too much self-righteousness, so he tunes them out. I still try to decipher what's real news and what's partisan ********. He doesn't do that anymore. They're pretty much dead to him.
I was being a smarty pants. I'm sure he's a sharp dude. He does seem a bit of a Renaissance man.

I think he might be a good example of The Brainwashing of My Dad.
Or perhaps he looks at the election night math and knows it's ********. Not trying to start an argument but I'm willing to bet most of us that believe in election fraud don't believe it just because conservative news says so.

I don't think he believes it because conservative media says it. I think he believes it, because the people saying otherwise don't have any credibility with him. Since they spent decades lying about Republicans in general and tossed all integrity to the wind for the last 3 years, why should anyone believe them when they say the election wasn't stolen?

The reason I don't buy it is that if the election was stolen, there'd be massive court battles over it. Trump wouldn't just be walking away on some little standing problems. They'd cure those defects and keep the fight going.

Your dad sounds like a cool dude, btw.

He really is. I'm less well-rounded than he is. He can talk about studio microphones and the nuances of the Beatles recording techniques for 3 hours, which I can't. However, in other ways we're similar. He's more extreme in personality.
The reason I don't buy it is that if the election was stolen, there'd be massive court battles over it. Trump wouldn't just be walking away on some little standing problems. They'd cure those defects and keep the fight going.

To be honest I don't think the court battles have really started. The courts could never help Trump because all he had was suspicious math but no tangible hard evidence. The fact that we're finally looking at the physical ballots is the game changer.
While I don't think Trump will be reinstated because of a lack of laws in this area, I do think the myth of secure elections is going to die.
You say that as if it's a bad thing? Spent a few nights in Amsterdam and always enjoyed walking the streets just to see the various red lights. Never partook but found it interesting from a people watching perspective. Of course, I wasn't with young children but rather my wife. If you have children that would be quite awkward.

The dirty old man side of me doesn't mind. The dad of a little boy side does. I had this problem in Nürnberg a few years ago. I took Deez, Jr. to the Deutsche Bahn museum. (He likes trains, so that's about as cool as it gets, and I'll be honest. I'm a grown-*** man and still like trains. Not sure why. I just never stopped thinking they were cool.) However, while walking through the old city, we got into the red light area - skanks in the windows in bra and panties and occasionally showing a nipple, etc. Once I realized where we were, I started walking fast. He starts asking, "Daddy why are we walking so fast??" It was awkward but less so than having to have the "they call that an areola" discussion with a five year old.
To be honest I don't think the court battles have really started. The courts could never help Trump because all he had was suspicious math but no tangible hard evidence. The fact that we're finally looking at the physical ballots is the game changer.

The problem is that now we have a mootness and political question problem. There's no longer a judicial mechanism to alter anything or make Trump whole. The dispute is effectively over. Impeachment is the only "sorta" remedy, and that's a political question that the judiciary lacks jurisdiction to examine.
The problem is that now we have a mootness and political question problem. There's no longer a judicial mechanism to alter anything or make Trump whole. The dispute is effectively over. Impeachment is the only "sorta" remedy, and that's a political question that the judiciary lacks jurisdiction to examine.

Quite possibly true but I think Trump will fight. However, I would be happy just to dismantle the election fraud scheme the democrat party has created so this won't happen again.
While I don't think Trump will be reinstated because of a lack of laws in this area, I do think the myth of secure elections is going to die.
If devolution is justified by the evidence. Trump gets reinstated. See the decleration of independence. As I understand it, The evidence must prove foreign interference (China, Italy, The Vatican). It must prove election interference. I know there is evidence of crimes against humanity. Foreign interference was these countries mentioned, colluding with our Gov to use algorithms and the 2010 census, to match votes to the algorithms. Millions of stolen votes, at least 8 million. If foreign interference is proven. Devolution means a Military take over of our Government. Just wait for the evidence. It’s coming! IDK when, but it’s coming. Hopefully very soon!
If devolution is justified by the evidence. Trump gets reinstated. See the decleration of independence. As I understand it, The evidence must prove foreign interference (China, Italy, The Vatican). It must prove election interference. I know there is evidence of crimes against humanity. Foreign interference was these countries mentioned, colluding with our Gov to use algorithms and the 2010 census, to match votes to the algorithms. Millions of stolen votes, at least 8 million. If foreign interference is proven. Devolution means a Military take over of our Government. Just wait for the evidence. It’s coming! IDK when, but it’s coming. Hopefully very soon!

To be honest as time goes on I'm getting less and less impressed with the Pillow guy.
And FWIW, I think Lindell is a very sharp businessman. He's in a business with a lot of competition. It's undoubtedly hard to distinguish oneself from competitors. I'm sure he is losing a lot of potential customers by getting overtly political, but he's building a group of customers who will never buy any other pillow.

It reminds me of David Komie - that dreadlocked Austin personal injury lawyer who looks like a freak. I once asked his former associate how a guy who looks like he does could actually get clients and make money. He told me Komie makes a killing, because though 95 percent of the city would never hire him, the other 5 percent would never hire anybody else. Lindell is doing the same thing with pillows but will get far more than 5 percent.
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