If the deal cannot be done with Urban Meyer, then I am for firing Herman and letting Yurich or Ash play HC next year.
I do not think that Matt Campbell is a good choice. Really good coach? Definitely, but not for Texas. Besides, Michigan is already in discussions.
Mario Cristobal is a horrible choice, and not a very good coach.
Bob Stoops is enjoying retirement too much, and doesn't want the headaches that are Texas football. OU had a handful of BMDs that he had to deal with, and Dr Boren controlled all of those. Texas has many more, none of whom have "buffers".
In my lifetime (which is long), I cannot recall a time when the coaching pool was so empty. We have moved from the weekly special to the daily special; I'd rather not proceed to the hourly special.
The most impatient person on this board is telling y'all to be patient and trust Chris