The incorrigibles who challenged The University and threatened not to play are as much of the reason for the teams downfall as that of Herman’s coaching decisions. They hurt the team with their inflated self importance and turned the fans off. If Tom does not learn from this he will fail everywhere he goes. The coach has to be in charge and players MUST not get away with threats that harm the team. Duane Thomas, Hollywood Henderson and others found out real quick who was in charge when they crossed Landry. If Herman needs to know what to do he can study the likes of Landry, Lombardi, Ditka and others who understood the role of the head coach.
I would have invited those players into my office one at a time, shut the door and it would be a meeting they would never forget. Get in line or get out. Not Tom. He sucked up and let the inmates run the asylum. Those bad seeds should not have been allowed to poison the team, and the season. As I have said before on this forum, a coach needs to deal with players from a position of strength and he has the power at his disposal, from “riding the pine” to dismissal. You don’t command love, you command respect.
These malcontent players can take some of the credit for the firing of their coach. The one who loved on them and supported their misguided and juvenile behavior. They got what they deserved this season. Unfortunately a lot of good players were hurt as well. Good riddance to the bad seeds when they are gone!