Elon Musk Stuff

Maybe musk can make it so, he understands the term layoff. Yeah I know that is foreign to govt but hey, it’s a new day coming (for good or bad).
I read on Twitter that the US government set up mail in voting stations to get Lula elected and threatened Bolsanaro if he said too much. I know most will not agree but I think the US federal government is a Trotskyite Communist regime and has been for some time.
I read on Twitter that the US government set up mail in voting stations to get Lula elected and threatened Bolsanaro if he said too much. I know most will not agree but I think the US federal government is a Trotskyite Communist regime and has been for some time.

It's one reason we get along so well with Israel...
The scary thing is how much our government in involved in this.

I'm sure it is. Brazil, the UK, and the EU are trying to do what American progressives would like to do in the US. Twitter was a cesspool of left wing advocacy and dutifully censored or at least punished dissenters. It engages them that Musk ruined it for them. They view it the same way the Soviets would have viewed Ayn Rand somehow gaining control of Pravda.
The current regime absolutely tries to repress free speech and individual rights.
While it wouldn't surprise me it would interfere in Brazil I just would like a credible source reporting.
We have seen the effects of false reporting.
Half of America including our government believe in censorship in the name of "dangerous speech" or "misinformation". They don't believe in free speech unless it's their speech.

Yep. Even if our law protect free speech, our culture doesn't. And if it doesn't, it's only a matter of time before our laws stop protecting our as well.
Lol. I wish Salma thought this way. And I don't care how old she is. She's still a 10. And Farrah Fawcett isn't even close.

This has to be one of the greatest engineering accomplishments ever.
Unbelievable! The booster looked like it was coming in at an odd pitch only to straighten up at the last minute (like when you back into a parking spot). Then two arms come out and control the desert into a collar that wraps around the booster.

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