Dumb Political Correctness

Does that count as man-spreading? I think as long as you're not male, you're allowed to take up as much space on the subway bench as you like, but I haven't seen a ruling on that...
Given that it IS a male, I would say 'yes' that is, indeed, man-spreading.

And...to dovetail with the other thread, that would be one of the people the left wants in the bathroom with your children.
Caitlin Moran, the widely-celebrated feminist author called for girls to avoid reading any books with male authors until they are grown women. Moran argued that reading great works by males will make young women cripplingly insecure. She named J. D. Salinger, William Faulkner, Raymond Chandler, Ernest Hemingway and Philip Roth as male writers particularly worthy of being ignored.

A Day Without Women is today. As such, they will wear red, not show up for work and not go shopping.

Since my wife does not work, I have strongly suggested she participate. In fact, I have asked her to do this everyday.

You would think organizers would have added one more boycott to a key asset they control to make a stronger message.
Yet another fake hate crime -- Liberal UMich student pleads guilty to slashing own face, blaming Trump supporter

ANN ARBOR, MI -- A 21-year-old Ann Arbor woman pleaded guilty as charged to one count of false report of a misdemeanor in 15th District Court on Monday, March 6.

Halley Bass admitted in court that she fabricated a story about a strange man scratching her face in downtown Ann Arbor on Nov. 15.

"I was suffering from depression at the time," Bass told Judge Elizabeth Pollard Hines. "I made a superficial scratch on my face. It was visible and I was embarrassed about what I'd done. So I made up a story and told a friend that a stranger had done it while I was walking. I was encouraged to report it to the police. I made the mistake of doing that."

At the time, Bass claimed her attack was part of the surge in hate crimes following the election of Donald Trump a week earlier. She told police she was targeted for wearing a solidarity pin connected to Great Britain's "Brexit" vote.

Bass admitted to scratching her own face with the pin after becoming upset during a Woman's Literature class at the University of Michigan, according to the Ann Arbor Police Department report.
I do not remember a legitimate " hate crime" proven to have by a proven Trump supporter. There may be one
but how many fake crimes against women blacks and /or muslims supposedlycaused by Trump supporters have there been in the past 4 months alone?
When you have his kind of money, I wonder what analysis goes in to say, give $246 million vs 245 or 250. He's an ******* either way.

It makes me wonder what his agenda actually is. $246M is serious coin even for Soros - enough that he's not giving it out of personal benevolence.
A Day Without Women is today. As such, they will wear red, not show up for work and not go shopping.

If they aren't going to work or go shopping, then who's going to see them wearing red?

I don't think these "days without" protests are very smart because while they might hurt some who are already sympathetic to you, they'll help many others. About ten years ago, I remember the Great American Boycott, when illegal immigrants didn't show up to work. Obviously companies that hire illegal immigrants didn't like it. However, by far the biggest thing I noticed was that traffic was MUCH better that day. I was able to drive 60 mph on 360 at 8:00 a.m and 6:00 p.m. If you want people to appreciate you, it's not a good idea to make them think, "so these people are the reason our traffic sucks."
When you have his kind of money, I wonder what analysis goes in to say, give $246 million vs 245 or 250. He's an ******* either way.

The article says this was the aggregate amount he gave to 100 different organizations over a 5-year period (2010 to 2014). He didn't just sit down and write a check for that amount.

It makes me wonder what his agenda actually is. $246M is serious coin even for Soros - enough that he's not giving it out of personal benevolence.

The article names 3 of the 100 organizations to which Soros donated -- the Center for Reproductive Rights, MoveOn.org, and the Human Rights Campaign. These are traditional liberal charities, and it is not at all surprising that Soros donates to them.

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