Dumb Political Correctness

SJW keyboard

Their "of course" sort of stands out

And "of course" the British Navy issued handguns (.54 caliber) to its sailors as early as 1756

And what makes it even worse is that throughout the article, it's just a symptom of the whiny, hand-wringing, self-absorption that society is embracing. Not once does she point a single thing that any of the men she discusses did that was wrong. None of it's about them - NONE of it. It's all about her issues, how SHE reacted growing up, what HER perceptions were of things, why SHE chose to only date white men, and how all of a sudden SHE didn't feel that they offered any protection or comfort.

Basically she believes the world is coming to an end, and she needs to be surrounded by people that are just as miserable as she is.
Apparently you're transphobic if you're a guy who won't date girls who have penises. And this is coming from a girl with an Adam's apple, of course. As nutty as that sounds, if you truly buy into transgenderism, what s/he says does make sense.

Apparently you're transphobic if you're a guy who won't date girls who have penises. And this is coming from a girl with an Adam's apple, of course. As nutty as that sounds, if you truly buy into transgenderism, what s/he says does make sense.

He is one of the dudes pushing the Cotton Ceiling crap towards lesbians...Dennis is NOT a girl/woman/female...

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