Dumb Political Correctness

Well, Shiite, looks like we've lost Canada too.

It's been appearing that way for a little while now. IMHO, this one is far more concerning to us than the overwhelming refugee intake in Europe.

From what I've read it's not overly difficult to illegally cross our Northern border. Any foreigners with malicious intent Canada allows in are only a slip across away from the American bulls eye.

Here are few numbers to keep in mind during the WH's push to upgrade vetting of Syrian refugees...

United States: 16,218 resettled by Nov 2016

Canada: 62,000+ applicants by Feb 2017
43,000+ approved by Feb 2017
40,081 resettled by Feb 2017

"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau swiftly responded to Trump's order to cancel visas to anyone from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, with a tweet signaling acceptance for refugees who had originally been accepted to come to the U.S. and were now caught in limbo. While Trudeau did not specify what steps his government might take to help stranded refugees and travelers, his statement caught like wildfire, prompting headlines in the U.S. suggesting that Canada will take on the 'huddled masses' if America won't. Before these events, Canada had accepted over 39,000 private and government-sponsored Syrian refugees and is slated to accept 300,000 immigrants and refugees in 2017."
It's been appearing that way for a little while now. IMHO, this one is far more concerning to us than the overwhelming refugee intake in Europe.

I remember back around 9-1-1 that U.S. border guards stopped a few would be terrorists trying to come across from Canada. It would be a shame if they go the same route as Western Europe. I just don't get it.
It's aboot free speech

Fortunately, the motion isn't binding law - doesn't criminalize anything. However, it condemns "Islamophobia" and religious discrimination and calls for the government to collect data, etc. However, governments in Western Europe are finding ways to prosecute so-called "hate speech," which is seldom defined with any specificity. And I've never heard of a Muslim being charged with hate speech (for example against Jews or Christians) in Europe. I can't say that it has never happened, but if it has, I've never heard of it.
Media featuring gay Santas and six year old trans boys are just part of the pornification of American, as Laura Ingraham calls it. The whole society is hyper sexualized, yet we can't reproduce enough to sustain the population without immigration. The reproductive aspect of sex has been trivialized, while the self gratification aspect is way over indulged.
Media featuring gay Santas and six year old trans boys

While I don't disagree with your post, the 6 year old trans boy depiction is bs.

I saw that episode of 'The Mick'. It's a pretty funny show with comedy based on the absurd. It's a female spin on Uncle Buck, where a loser Aunt has to take over parenting for rich kids. She has no parenting desires or skills and lets the kids run rampant.

The boy views his clothes more like 'costumes' as he just plays all day and can wear whatever he wants. In that episode he was wearing his mom's clothes.

He was recently kicked out of private school mid-semester and no schools were taking on new students. The Aunt took him to a new school claiming he was trans to guarantee acceptance. The boy was clueless and repeated words she was saying to sell it.

In every other episode the kid is a normal boy that just does what he pleases. When watching it I knew snowflakes would twist it into some false narrative or get triggered by their using the 'trans in school' subject to get laughs.
While I don't disagree with your post, the 6 year old trans boy depiction is bs.

I saw that episode of 'The Mick'. It's a pretty funny show with comedy based on the absurd. It's a female spin on Uncle Buck, where a loser Aunt has to take over parenting for rich kids. She has no parenting desires or skills and lets the kids run rampant.

The boy views his clothes more like 'costumes' as he just plays all day and can wear whatever he wants. In that episode he was wearing his mom's clothes.

He was recently kicked out of private school mid-semester and no schools were taking on new students. The Aunt took him to a new school claiming he was trans to guarantee acceptance. The boy was clueless and repeated words she was saying to sell it.

In every other episode the kid is a normal boy that just does what he pleases. When watching it I knew snowflakes would twist it into some false narrative or get triggered by their using the 'trans in school' subject to get laughs.

Virtually every taboo that media has ever busted has begun like this. At first, its just a gentle flirtation with the subject. Harmless visual (although I wouldn't consider a bondage gag a harmless visual) with a little innocuous dialogue. Then they introduce a little more, and then a little more until we have the kind of gratuitous stuff that they show in "how to get away with murder". It's the lefts way of pushing their agendas. Introduce it early. Make it seem harmless, even funny and then next season take a little more.

The more frequently they run these images, the quicker the population gets desensitized to them and says "oh well, the world didn't end on 'The Mick', what harm could happen?".

It's how we go from a rare mention of homosexuality in the 80's to an environment where virtually every show on TV has to have a homosexual character.
So, this is kinda interesting
A left wing troll called for Tommy Robinson's murder.
So Tommy visited him, to ask why

So we're on the verge of wars in Syria and a possible nuclear war with north Korea, but we have far more important matters to discuss like whether or not we should have "best actor" and "best actress" awards. After all, having such awards creates confusion when a possible winner "self-identifies" as "gender non-binary" (whatever that means). Link.
Yep, and I need to go to the bathroom but not certain just how I'm feeling about my gender today. A bit moody, should I embrace my feminine feelings? Nah I'm too shy, maybe tomorrow.
Poor Rice. As intelligent as they claim to be they still haven't realized it's never going to be enough. Never has been, never will be. Give an inch, they'll take a mile.

Cue up feminist demands for Rice to offer Bachelorette degrees. Then comes LGBTQ demanding Bachelor/Bachelorette degrees scrapped for a non-gender specific term.

The social welfare major’s acclaimed research involved talking at length with three minority students about how they perceive language. Using standard English as “the biggest form of cognitive dissonance that exists,” one of the students said.

“Just because you speak a different way doesn’t mean you’re not smart,” Gallagher told the Cardinal.


In fairness, though, she doesn't appear to be saying that it's too hard for minorities to learn good English, just that asking them to learn it is oppressive. Maybe this can be extended over into math and science as well - "since not knowing how to solve that problem doesn't mean you aren't smart, then it's not fair to give you a failing grade for not doing it, because people might interpret that as meaning that you're unintelligent."

I wonder if this will finally lift the oppression from all my friends that live in deep east Texas and can't get through a sentence without saying "ain't" and "fixin' to".


In fairness, though, she doesn't appear to be saying that it's too hard for minorities to learn good English, just that asking them to learn it is oppressive. Maybe this can be extended over into math and science as well - "since not knowing how to solve that problem doesn't mean you aren't smart, then it's not fair to give you a failing grade for not doing it, because people might interpret that as meaning that you're unintelligent."

I wonder if this will finally lift the oppression from all my friends that live in deep east Texas and can't get through a sentence without saying "ain't" and "fixin' to".

Oh my word....
“As a white-passing person"...the never ending Adjectiv-ization of personhood...

WPP/LBGTQ/blah blah blah

Posse scholarship "identifies public high school students with extraordinary academic and leadership potential who may be overlooked by traditional college selection processes.”

holy crap...full four year ride for this ridiculous program....potential...not performance...not achievement...potential..."Overlooked"...Does that mean couldn't get in?

In other words, you didn't have good grades or do anything remarkable but hey, you are a "white-passing" minority.
Many Americans care alot or at least claim to care alot about slavery in the 18th and 19th centuries.
But not so much about slavery that still exists right now in the world today.
Why is that?

Many Americans care alot or at least claim to care alot about slavery in the 18th and 19th centuries.
But not so much about slavery that still exists right now in the world today.
Why is that?

It gets in the way of their 'what about my reparations' narrative...

So an advetising firm has just co-op a very famous sculpture for politically correct identity politics PR.

I'm an American and a man. And Columbia, a woman, symbolizes America and specifically the principle of Liberty America was founded upon. A bald eagle, an animal represents our Republic. And the Charging Bull has been a euphenisim for the American Economy. And that is specifically what the Charging Bull sculptor Arturo DiMonca was depicting when he sold his family farm to create the piece of work - the American Economy.

I have no idea what legal recourse DiMonica has if any to remove the advertisement. I don't care. But as someone that appreciates art and what artists go through and sacrifice, it's in very poort taste for State Street to effectively steal the meaning of Charging Bull, and then twist it to sell shares of their SHE fund.

Another example of putting something down to prop up a PC agenda.

Perhaps someone should create a sculpture of a big man behind the fearless girl.

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