Dumb Political Correctness

The article names 3 of the 100 organizations to which Soros donated -- the Center for Reproductive Rights, MoveOn.org, and the Human Rights Campaign. These are traditional liberal charities, and it is not at all surprising that Soros donates to them.

I'm not surprised he donates to them. However, when people donate that much money to a political cause, there's usually a reason beyond mere benevolence. For example, Bob Perry donated colossal money to political organizations in Texas, and in return, they pitched his policy agenda and backed candidates who would do his dirty work.
It makes me wonder what his agenda actually is. $246M is serious coin even for Soros - enough that he's not giving it out of personal benevolence.

Motivated by guilt for being a Nazi collaborator?
Guilt for becoming personally wealthy by destroying countries, lives, businesses, families?

In the old days, richfolk tried to buy their way into heaven. In particular wealthy Catholics. Centuries of this bargaining is one of the main ways the Vatican became so filthy rich.

Soros probably does not believe in heaven, but his behavior is the modern godless-lefty version of that old world moral transaction. He is trying to buy his soul back.
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However, when people donate that much money to a political cause,

Soros is a notorious destabilizer. It's pretty clear he funds protests and chaos hoping to achieve these ends in our country.

According to the radical playbook it's meant to cause so much instability that citizens turn to big government to intervene and regulate their out of control lives.

In the mean time he knows exactly what financial investments to make to capitalize on the chaos. I've read he's made a fortune doing this outside the states.

The conversation is much more nuanced than that brief explanation, but it's not hard to follow his cash and uncover disruptive, destabilizing intentions.

That guy would fund a million man march protesting paper cuts if he knew it would result in mayhem and violence.

Do you remember her when she was on a couple of the Star Trek: TNG episodes? Epic hotness.

No doubt. However, when I developed my crush was her character as the mom in the movie Simon Birch. Great movie and great woman she played with kind hotness.

It seemed she always came off with grace, class, and natural beauty back then. Old school attributes a lot like Ivanka seems to have.

Such horror watching her morph into full blown, crude, p*ssy hat trash.
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I keep thinking I won't see anything stupider in my lifetime. And my lifetime keeps peeling back more layers. Are people just more insane now? Or is the current climate emboldening some who would never feel comfortable making a statement like this otherwise? Has there always been a quiet pocket of society who was concerned about transgender pets and honestly believed that dogs and cats were concerned about gender issues?
How exactly does one misgender one's animal? For example, we have a spayed, female cat. Let's suppose that she is actually a trans-male cat and that I wanted to misgender "him" as a female. What exactly would I do? The cat doesn't wear clothes, makeup, hair products, or any of the items that give people a male or female appearance. So what exactly would I do? Serious question.
Deez I know what you intend with "serious question" but really? Just think about it - it goes back to the post by Prod.
Deez I know what you intend with "serious question" but really? Just think about it - it goes back to the post by Prod.

I would argue that it is a serious question. However, just because something is a serious question doesn't mean it has a serious answer.
Hopefully after the Yellowstone Caldera goes off and wipes out 99.99% of mankind, the few people remaining will be from some lost tribe in the Amazon, who are all of the same race and religion and knew nothing about the stupidity that gripped Western Civilization in its last years.

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