Dumb Political Correctness

The tea party was all about the debt (which as others have said made them so attractive) and Cruz was all about dealing with the debt, but the whole focus on the debt seems to have been lost. I never see much about the debt in the news anymore.

^ speaking of crazy loons. Who decides showing up to the police station in tactical gear and armed to the teeth is a good idea?

"Independent police auditors" are the type that show up armed at a police station. :facepalm:

Looks like all sides agree this was stupid. Well, everyone but these 2 individuals.

Although openly carrying firearms is permitted in the state, the stunt drew widespread criticism from both law enforcement and gun rights advocates.
The tea party was all about the debt (which as others have said made them so attractive) and Cruz was all about dealing with the debt, but the whole focus on the debt seems to have been lost. I never see much about the debt in the news anymore.

It will ramp up again in the news if and when they decide to raise the ceiling. If the Republicans don't shut the government down this time around then we will know they were just playing politics with Obama. As I said before, I thought the Tea Party and Cruz by extension were all about the debt and that is why Republicans like that tanned John Boehner didn't like him. It's like the old guy at work being challenged by young people and he reacts negatively because it challenges his stuck in his ways style. We need someone to say, "Enough!" and fight to reduce the debt NO MATTER WHAT. They have to be uncompromising because the lifer's in Congress won't do anything about it. We all know this.
Go get them North Dakota --"North Dakota’s tax commissioner wants to ensure that professional protestors at Standing Rock are paying their fair share to the state, which has spent more than $22 million policing the thousands who showed up in opposition to the Dakota Access pipeline.....

Here is more on the "mountains of garbage" the naked hippy protestors left behind in Dakota land

"Eco-activists charged with causing soil erosion and site contamination"
"..... Now, the Corps of Engineers has issued an eviction notice to the protesters who have plagued the construction of the pipeline . . . because they are polluting the environment.
* *
Even the Native American tribe leading the charge against the pipeline wants the protesters do address the contamination concerns.

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council asked Dakota Access Pipeline protest camp organizers to share their plans for camp cleanup and other issues in an effort to address unsubstantiated rumors.

“I think that’s what should be afforded to my community in Cannon Ball; they need to know what’s going on on a month-to-month basis,” said Councilman Cody Two Bears ...

…“Because of this risk of flood, we’re worried about what’s going to be left at the camp,” said Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault II. “What we want to do is make sure none of that waste gets into the Missouri River."


Here is Ben Shapiro dealing with transgender issue at a Q&A

“As far as the actual psychological issues at play, it used to be called gender identity disorder; now they call it gender dysphoria,” he said. “The idea that sex or gender is malleable is not true. I’m not denying your humanity if you are a transgender person. I am saying that you are not the sex which you claim to be. You’re still a human being, and you’re a human being with an issue then I wish you Godspeed in dealing with it in any whatever way you see fit. But if you’re going to dictate to me that I’m supposed to pretend, I’m supposed to pretend that men are women and women are men, no. My answer is no. I’m not going to — I’m not going to modify basic biology because it threatens your subjective sense of what you are.”

The young woman attempted to make an argument for objective transgenderism by claiming gender is decided in one’s own mind and thus deserves validation from others. Shapiro debunked that claim as well.

“Let me ask you this. I won’t ask how old — I will ask how old you are, because you’re young enough that it’s probably not insulting to ask you,” he asked the young woman.

“I’m 22, so I’m probably a little bit naïve, right?” she said.

“No. Why aren’t you 60?… Why can’t you identify as 60?” he asked.

“It’s not the same as gender. You can’t just….”

“You’re right,” he said. “Age is significantly less important than gender. You can’t magically change your gender. You can’t magically change your sex. You can’t magically change your age.”

The young woman tried to argue that legal age can be changed, which isn’t true. Eventually, it was accepted that legally or mentally changing your identity does not make you a physically different person. Age and gender are both qualities that cannot be physically changed by self-identification.
Here is Ben Shapiro dealing with transgender issue at a Q&A

“As far as the actual psychological issues at play, it used to be called gender identity disorder; now they call it gender dysphoria,” he said. “The idea that sex or gender is malleable is not true. I’m not denying your humanity if you are a transgender person. I am saying that you are not the sex which you claim to be. You’re still a human being, and you’re a human being with an issue then I wish you Godspeed in dealing with it in any whatever way you see fit. But if you’re going to dictate to me that I’m supposed to pretend, I’m supposed to pretend that men are women and women are men, no. My answer is no. I’m not going to — I’m not going to modify basic biology because it threatens your subjective sense of what you are.”

The young woman attempted to make an argument for objective transgenderism by claiming gender is decided in one’s own mind and thus deserves validation from others. Shapiro debunked that claim as well.

“Let me ask you this. I won’t ask how old — I will ask how old you are, because you’re young enough that it’s probably not insulting to ask you,” he asked the young woman.

“I’m 22, so I’m probably a little bit naïve, right?” she said.

“No. Why aren’t you 60?… Why can’t you identify as 60?” he asked.

“It’s not the same as gender. You can’t just….”

“You’re right,” he said. “Age is significantly less important than gender. You can’t magically change your gender. You can’t magically change your sex. You can’t magically change your age.”

The young woman tried to argue that legal age can be changed, which isn’t true. Eventually, it was accepted that legally or mentally changing your identity does not make you a physically different person. Age and gender are both qualities that cannot be physically changed by self-identification.

Shapiro made the best argument possible about transgender.
Shapiro is a bad ***. I listen to his podcast almost every day. It's a little ironic that you all would like him though. He was a vocal NeverTrumper and criticizes him almost every day.
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Lol. I got a ton of flack around here for basically adopting the same position on Trump as he did.

Well earned too. You were effectively working for Hillary. Both of you were. Doesnt mean you cant both be right on transgenderism.
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Only in the Trump Era are Twitter likes evidence of something's truth.

Voting, but voting for anyone but Trump, or not voting at all meant that you were effectively with her. It was a big risk to take. What if she won? You guys need to own your actions
Voting, but voting for anyone but Trump, or not voting at all meant that you were effectively with her.

According to hillary people bitter over the election, voting your conscience with a third party candidate was the same as voting for Trump.

It is funny how the hardcore pro Trump and hardcore anti-Trump dems cannot tell when they are saying the exact same things and alienating everyone else.
According to hillary people bitter over the election, voting your conscience with a third party candidate was the same as voting for Trump.

It is funny how the hardcore pro Trump and hardcore anti-Trump dems cannot tell when they are saying the exact same things and alienating everyone else.
They say the same thing because they are both correct.

If you saw Trump and Hillary as equally bad, then voting for a third party candidate that had no chance of winning makes sense because you were indifferent to the election result.

However, if you preferred either Trump over Hillary (or vice versa) even the slightest bit, voting for a third party candidate with no chance to win was a wasted vote even if you preferred that candidate to Trump or Hillary. You may have gained some personal satisfaction over your protest vote, but it was a wasted vote in terms of electing a President which you favored slightly.
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If you saw Trump and Hillary as equally bad, then voting for a third party candidate that had no chance of winning makes sense because you were indifferent to the election result.
Shouldn't there be some basic standard that is required to win your vote? For instance, I can understand hiring an under-qualified candidate for a job if he is better than the other candidates that applied. But what if he was someone that I felt would embarrass me or my business. I would not hire him in that situation even if he were the best candidate of a bad bunch. There is some implicit level of endorsement that occurs when you vote for someone or hire someone. Trump would serve himself well to remember that for his reelection campaign.
Shouldn't there be some basic standard that is required to win your vote? For instance, I can understand hiring an under-qualified candidate for a job if he is better than the other candidates that applied. But what if he was someone that I felt would embarrass me or my business. I would not hire him in that situation even if he were the best candidate of a bad bunch. There is some implicit level of endorsement that occurs when you vote for someone or hire someone. Trump would serve himself well to remember that for his reelection campaign.

I agree with your decision concerning hiring a job seeker. The presidential election differs from your analogy because one of the two was going to be hired regardless. Therefore, you should choose the one that is slightly favored (less repugnant) in order to improve your situation.
Here is more on the "mountains of garbage" the naked hippy protestors left behind in Dakota land......

The Dakota Pipeline protesters left enough trash to fill 250 trucks.
This was over 1.5 miles of a 1,700-mile pipeline. They were protesting pollution

".... “Standing Rock Environmental Protection Agency and Dakota Sanitation are working together to try and advert an environmental tragedy,” says Tom Doering, Morton County Emergency Manager. “There’s a lot of work to be done.”

Cleanup efforts have been stymied by the weather where trash has been frozen creating “massive chunks of junk.”

The Army Corps. of Engineers have closed the 50-acres of once pristine land where grass has been removed or destroyed. “The unauthorized placement of structures, vehicles, personal property, and fires” have created soil erosion from a lack of vegetation. If the trash remains, a spring flood could send toxic sludge into the neighboring Cannonball River and Lake Oahe. These are the same bodies of water that NoDAPL protesters argued the pipeline would pollute....."



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I agree with your decision concerning hiring a job seeker. The presidential election differs from your analogy because one of the two was going to be hired regardless. Therefore, you should choose the one that is slightly favored (less repugnant) in order to improve your situation.
I respect your position but just see it differently. I cannot vote for a person who I would be embarrassed to admit that I voted for. That said, I did find myself rooting pretty hard against Hillary winning on election night.
I don't think we are in a disagreement. You gained more personal satisfaction from not voting for Trump or Hillary than you would have if you voted for Trump or Hillary.

From the standpoint of which candidate would get elected, however, your vote, or lack thereof, was wasted.
According to hillary people bitter over the election, voting your conscience with a third party candidate was the same as voting for Trump.....

Those people were correct too.
I actively encouraged them to do it
Just as I encouraged my people not to

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