Dumb Political Correctness

Lot's of inconsistencies on this issue:
Let's not forget Donald Sterling. Banned by NBA for life, fined $2.5 mil, and forced to sell ownership of his team over a private racist comment.

His racist comment (protected by free speech) was illegally recorded during a private phone conversation and released publicly without consent.

Old fool may be a racist SOB leftover from a dying era, but his rights got trampled in the name of social justice.

Point is, the free speech in pro sports argument is DOA when the powers that be don't approve of it.
Let's not forget Donald Sterling. Banned by NBA for life, fined $2.5 mil, and forced to sell ownership of his team over a private racist comment.

That was his business partners that forced him to sell, not Donald Sterling. The other owners essentially said "you are damaging our business and thus we'll be buying you out of the company (NBA)."

It was either that or they'd have a dead organization in which no black player would play for it.

Jerry Jones may own the Dallas Cowboys but he's part of a larger collective. If he made similar racist sentiments I'm sure there would be massive pressure for him to sell his franchise too.
That was his business partners that forced him to sell, not Donald Sterling. The other owners essentially said "you are damaging our business and thus we'll be buying you out of the company (NBA)."

It was either that or they'd have a dead organization in which no black player would play for it.
Wrong. He was indeed forced to sell after the NBA banned him. Had it been a decision that Sterling agreed with, there would have been no lawsuit filed by him against the league for forcing the sale...and no settlement of the suit by the NBA last November (terms undisclosed).
Nobody watches Fox News for NFL coverage

Time for you to tell the truth, you are a fake account sent here to make liberals look dumb
My point is the friends that I have that have made this announcement don't actually watch the NFL. They likely couldn't tell you which conference is on which network and what channel the NFL network is on their system for Thursday night games. The only TV they watch is Fox News or they're guys who go out and work in the shop when they're home. They watch the Super Bowl and that's it.
Trump today on "Fox & Friends" said that NFL owners are “afraid” to act against their players protesting the national anthem at games across the country.

“The NFL is in a box and they have to do something about it.
I think they’re afraid of their players, if you want to know the truth."
“They have rules for everything—you can’t dance in the end zone, you can’t wear pink socks relative to breast cancer—they have rules for everything,”
“Why aren’t they honoring this country by enforcing a rule that’s been in existence for a long time?”
“I have so many friends that are owners, and they are in a box.”

I think that second sentence is accurate with many NFL owners, but not all.
I also think there is another group of team owners who actually agree with the kneelers (if you look at ownership, it's pretty easy to tell which ones) and some of them already hated Trump (again, pretty easy to tell which ones if you take the time to look through it), so this matter just gave them cover to air their already established hatred.

What do you guys think?
I think it's all correct, but it's a pretty general rationalizing I would say, the whole thing makes me sick. I'm definitely not going to watch as much as normally would but I was disgusted w what I consider prima Donna behavior prior to this garbage action.
Stand up A***H***. There are plenty of more effective ways to demonstrate your concerns.
You dont know anyone in Oklahoma who watches football?
My neighbor is a good example. He's a great guy and an OSU fan. He watches OSU football and Fox News. We had a Super Bowl party at his house a few years ago and he didn't know that his TV could go back on live TV. He posted that he was done with the NFL. He'll miss one game a year. Most of the people making these broad statements don't actually watch the games. I got rid of my NFL network this year because I didn't want to pay $350 for it. I get to watch the Cowboys and Thursday, Sunday night and Monday night.
Your neighbor is just as you say, an example - one example - and while the avid fan may, indeed will, continue watching, I contend there are many general fans who will watch less. Not turn off completely but will noticeably watch less.
Go figure -- a US Senator from Oklahoma is advancing a conspiracy theory that it was actually Russian bots who made Americans upset about the flag-hating anthem kneelers

Sen. James Lankford said Russian trolls were taking to social media and playing up both sides of the raging debate in an effort for further divide Americans

“Russian troll farms and bots,” "their Internet folks," ‘Boycott NFL,’ “raise the noise level,” “push divisiveness.”

He warned this will happen again during the next elections.

Do Lankford's friends, who do not watch the NFL, call him Bubba?

Go figure -- a US Senator from Oklahoma is advancing a conspiracy theory that it was actually Russian bots who made Americans upset about the flag-hating anthem kneelers

Sen. James Lankford said Russian trolls were taking to social media and playing up both sides of the raging debate in an effort for further divide Americans

“Russian troll farms and bots,” "their Internet folks," ‘Boycott NFL,’ “raise the noise level,” “push divisiveness.”

He warned this will happen again during the next elections.

Do Lankford's friends, who do not watch the NFL, call him Bubba?

Dude is on the senate intel committee. I don't agree with him frequently but respect him.

Did you not see the Boston antifi twitter that tweeted about this issue without turning off the geo tracking from Russia?
Dude is on the senate intel committee. I don't agree with him frequently but respect him.

Did you not see the Boston antifi twitter that tweeted about this issue without turning off the geo tracking from Russia?
It was like Durant not logging out of his fake account.
It was like Durant not logging out of his fake account.

Or like our POTUS' feigning to be PR Agent for DJT, John Miller, when calling reporters in the 80's.

It's important that we know to what levels Russia is going to sow discontent and misinform our voters. Whether they target left for right needs to be exposed, analyzed and collectively we need to limit their strategies in the future.
Did you not see the Boston antifi twitter that tweeted about this issue without turning off the geo tracking from Russia?

JoeFan has quoted BostonAntifa twitter multiple times in attempts to mock the antifa movement. The alt-right may be the easiest of all to catfish and get fired up.
Dude is on the senate intel committee. I don't agree with him frequently but respect him. Did you not see the Boston antifi twitter that tweeted about this issue without turning off the geo tracking from Russia?

I concede I dont know much about Russian Facebook bots.
But what I do know is that, assuming for the present purpose that these bots do actually exist, they had no bearing whatsoever on the opposition of NFL fans to kneeling players disrespecting the US flag.
Believing otherwise is to be devoid of any reality.
The anti-kneeling sentiment could possibly be slightly amplified by Russian trolls, who knows. But make no mistake about it. This disgust is real and it is wide spread. It's just my little corner of the world but there are multiple posts daily on my friends and colleagues FB pages and many of these people are in sales and would typically refrain from posting stuff that is controversial or might offend anyone because they guard their public image, but on this issue they are out front and vocal.

Take a look at USAA's FB page and people are railing on them.
I guess I must have been imagining all that discontent by actual people at the poker tables...and it was not just white people upset with the kneeling crap. I had MANY persons of color at the table, some of whom were VERY outspoken about the stupidity of the players. Of those at the table, there was a mix of former military and law enforcement as well as those that simply want the players, while on the field, to JUST PLAY BALL and quit politarding. These are actual people with actual opinions...they don't rely on Zuckerberg, et al to tell them what to think or believe.

The League lost their ability to claim this is about the police when they refused to allow the Cowboys to show support for the assassinated Dallas Police Officers last year. Goodell is a two-faced piece of crap who will sway whichever way the winds blow and right now, he is simply cowtowing to the anti-Trump sentiment.

Steph Curry is doing his part to make the NBA another must-skip sport with his whining about Kaepernik being left off of the cover of Sports Illustrated.
Or like our POTUS' feigning to be PR Agent for DJT, John Miller, when calling reporters in the 80's.

It's important that we know to what levels Russia is going to sow discontent and misinform our voters. Whether they target left for right needs to be exposed, analyzed and collectively we need to limit their strategies in the future.
I mean how the actual F did we elect this clown? No one disputes that he is/was John Miller.

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