I think our society is better educated than ever before.
Perhaps you mean “has the most knowledge”
Educated cannot be measured only by quantity of college degrees. As we are seeing, the business of college means an award of a degree only means enough time and money was invested to be recognized as a degree holder from said institution.
But that doesn’t really address the direction I was going ... when our LAW is changed by actions of those who feel rather than think ...
When it’s a greater offense to wet a hook without a license than to illegally immigrate ...
The list is virtually endless and is growing. The increased number of degrees has not mitigated this March of idiocy. In fact, one could argue it’s made us that much more maniacal as we boast in our own level of perceived wisdom ... clearly shown by the sheepskins (do they still do that???) on the wall.
One of the lefts favs said it best, actually, in the challenge to touch the moon ... a challenge to the nation, not to a specific demographic which registers a certain quotient on the offender/victim matrix.
THIS is why the the efforts made by these foreign operatives have been more successful in disrupting our elections/government than black panther car bombs.
Another analogy ... because of OUR ineptness as a society ... we’ve become susceptible to the Jedi mind trick.
We are a herd of cattle whom the rancher has imposed his will by influencing us to think its OUR idea to run down the load chute or cut back out to pasture from the corral.
If cattle could think, there wouldn’t BE a cattle business.
See the parallel?