Dumb Political Correctness

Here's something so stupid I can't even wrap my mind around the thinking behind it.

The antifas are planning to desecrate Confederate graves at Gettysburg to mark the 154th anniversary of the battle.


Should members of the “Antifa” movement carry out their plan to desecrate the graves of soldiers who fell at Gettysburg, they will join the Taliban, ISIS, and Turkish Islamists who have launched a campaign to destroy historic sites and desecrate graves of their enemies.
Here's something so stupid I can't even wrap my mind around the thinking behind it.

Even more asinine is the fact Antifa has not been labeled a terrorist organization. The needed evidence is all over the internet on their own sites.

My only guess is it slides because they are tied to the left. Every time they attack and terrorize the right, it only strengthens resolve to never let the violent left regain power.
Even more asinine is the fact Antifa has not been labeled a terrorist organization. The needed evidence is all over the internet on their own sites.

My only guess is it slides because they are tied to the left. Every time they attack and terrorize the right, it only strengthens resolve to never let the violent left regain power.
It's not terrorizing, it's called protesting.
She's got a nice face and hair, but look at those thunder thighs! I'd say she is pushing maximum density. Hey, at least she is upfront about being bitchy. Most of 'em keep it on the down-low until it's too late.
She's got a nice face and hair, but look at those thunder thighs! I'd say she is pushing maximum density. Hey, at least she is upfront about being bitchy. Most of 'em keep it on the down-low until it's too late.

I don't have any complaints about her looks, but what sad is that as great as she thinks she is, any guy who would go out with this chick is only doing it for the sex. No guy could stomach being around somebody that bitchy and pretentious. He might fake it for a few dates to get some sex, but he won't be able to keep up the act very long.
Not since Chip and Joanna Gaines reinvented the place. My wife made me drive her 200 miles to Waco to visit "Magnolia Market at the Silos", a glorified gift shop that Chip and Joanna opened. They say 35,000 people make the pilgrimage every month. I went on a Saturday and it was packed like an amusement park on the Fourth of July. I don't get it, but the ladies do. After you tour the gift shop and eat a cupcake at the bakery, you're left viewing old Dr. Pepper bottles at the Dr. Pepper museum or walking over the old cattle bridge.


Only in Waco. (At the Buffalo Wild Wings.)

The hot /crazy matrix is the Bible on whether a woman's hotness overrides her craziness and makes her "dateable". Pretty funny if you never seen it.


This gal is a 10 on the crazy scale and a 5 or 6 on the hotness scale.
I saw that about a year ago. My favorite part is where he says the crazy scale starts at 4 because there is no woman that is not a little bit crazy.
If you don't like the results of a study, make a new study!

When a University of Washington study came out this week showing Seattle’s minimum wage has cost 5,000 jobs and is hurting low income workers, city leaders attacked the messenger –- a team of respected economists at Washington’s premiere public university.
Sawant, a former economics professor at Seattle Central Community College who ran for office as a Socialist, accused the UW team of “ideologically editorializing." She and Mayor Ed Murray then contacted Michael Reich, an economics professor at the University of California at Berkeley.

Reich is currently co-chair of the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment. Before earning his PhD in economics from Harvard, Reich was a founding member of the Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE), a group seeking a "human-centered radical alternative to capitalism," according to its website.
Reich has authored several studies on the effects of raising the minimum wage. They all concluded that increasing the minimum wage only helps low-skilled workers.

As soon as Seattle politicians knew the University of Washington study found raising Seattle’s minimum wage from $11 to $13 an hour led to a 9-percent cut in hours worked and an average of $125 less earned each month, they commissioned Reich to do his own study and then criticized UW’s research.

According to emails obtained by Fox News, Reich was given a deadline by Murray. His work was to be completed just before the University of Washington team announced its results.

Not sure that article is accurate. The article reads like the second study was a response to the results of the first. It was commissioned long before they had an inkling of the first studies results. What is curious is the timing of the release of the second report. If there is criticism to be had, it's that the second report was rushed as a response to the first report. Clearly, the supporters of the minimum wage (Mayor and both socialist councilwoman) wanted a retort to the first but there is not evidence that they had any more advance insight to the first studies results other than the release date.

BTW- I think the minimum wage hike was a very bad idea and believe the results of the UW study.
Is Canada the new Sweden? If so, we need to invade them as a warm up exercise before invading N. Korea and/or Iran.

They're reportedly going to pay an al-queda terrorist from Canada $10 million for his 10 years of incarceration at Guantanamo. This man admitted to killing an American soldier with a grenade and blinding another American soldier in Afghanistan. Some liberal Canadian court ruled that his interrogation at the hands of Canadian Security was oppressive.

Here's something so stupid I can't even wrap my mind around the thinking behind it.

The antifas are planning to desecrate Confederate graves at Gettysburg to mark the 154th anniversary of the battle.


It turns out, this was a fake story, later disavowed but some of the purveyors of the news (e.g. Jack Posobiec). The only ones that showed up were the protect 'Murica crowd. Unfortunately, there was a casualty. Some genius put his flag down on his pistol holster and shot themself in the leg. The article is an interesting observation on how quickly the extremes can get triggered.

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