Dumb Political Correctness

Isnt it possible if not likely that what they are calling "white privilege" is actually "liberal privilege?"

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White privilege is likely an Ivy League idea that should not have left campus. Even the worse ideas have a time and place where they are useful.
Seattle wants to power-wash the feces and urine from all the homeless people that hang out around the courthouse off the sidewalks. But city coucil man Larry Gossett said he didn’t like the idea of power-washing the sidewalks because.... wait for it... it brought back images of the use of hoses against civil-rights activists!!!!


Maybe Husker will volunteer to clean the joint up without power-washing? I guess they could just sprinkle kitty litter all over the place and scoop up the clumps.
But city coucil man Larry Gossett said he didn’t like the idea of power-washing the sidewalks because.... wait for it... it brought back images of the use of hoses against civil-rights activists!!!!

I'm sure he did not mention it was a democrat who did that.
This man admitted to killing an American soldier with a grenade and blinding another American soldier in Afghanistan

There is serious doubt about the validity of his "confession". There is serious doubt if he even threw the grenade. He was taken to Afghanistan by his dad when he was 9, and he was 15 at the time of the fight, so the whole "TRAITOR!" thing is ridiculous too.
But now he gets a track scholly to UConn as a "woman". Profit!

What needs to happen is that women need to start publicly getting pissed off about this instead of being shamed into tolerating it. It's getting ridiculous. Eventually we're going to see big Shaquile O'Neal-sized "chicks" who flopped in the real NBA going into the WNBA and beating the hell out of the real women who play.
What needs to happen is that women need to start publicly getting pissed off about this instead of being shamed into tolerating it. ....

They cant. They would be hounded forever, and they know it

UT and its sports programs could save a lot of money by making all of them unisex. I would argue that this would comply with the terms of Title IX as well.

If gender is a social construct only, then why not do this?
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