Dumb Political Correctness

They cant. They would be hounded forever, and they know it

UT and its sports programs could save a lot of money by making all of them unisex. I would argue that this would comply with the terms of Title IX as well.

If gender is a social construct only, then why not do this?

This would be a bluff called.
I tried a nonsubscriber case (an on-the-job injury case in which the employer didn't carry workers compensation insurance) in Dallas about ten years ago, and I took my translator to lunch. The dude drank beer the whole lunch - probably had three or four. He didn't seem drunk like this juror, but I was a little surprised to see him do that in the middle of a trial when the expectation is that you be at the top of your game regardless of what your role is. But then he walked back into the courtroom, did a great job, and we got a good verdict. So I could hardly complain.
My grandfather was a bootlegger/farmer/Justice of the Peace in east Texas in a dry county. He didn't consider drinking beer to be really drinking. If you were drinking, you were drinking whiskey!
My grandfather was a bootlegger/farmer/Justice of the Peace in east Texas in a dry county. He didn't consider drinking beer to be really drinking. If you were drinking, you were drinking whiskey!

Drinking beer is really drinking if it's Belgian-style.
I tried a nonsubscriber case (an on-the-job injury case in which the employer didn't carry workers compensation insurance) in Dallas about ten years ago, and I took my translator to lunch. The dude drank beer the whole lunch - probably had three or four. He didn't seem drunk like this juror, but I was a little surprised to see him do that in the middle of a trial when the expectation is that you be at the top of your game regardless of what your role is. But then he walked back into the courtroom, did a great job, and we got a good verdict. So I could hardly complain.

Must have been some good beer


That headline is the worst kind of click bait. The author actually makes a few valid points, but "math is racist" isn't even close to being one of them. Would anyone really argue that an increased reliance on data modeling can cause individuals to be treated in an unfair way? I think she takes it too far, and sees it through a liberal lens to interpret these things as specifically and deliberately racist at times, but would you argue with her that employers asking for my credit report to determine if I'm "responsible" is sound use of data?

Honestly a lot of her argument is either misapplied by her or by the author, because based on the last few paragraphs, it doesn't sound like her issue is with the data as much as the decisions being made based on that data. She talks about profiling based on criminal stats in a zip code, and at one point that's framed as a bad thing, but by the end she's talking about the good ways it can be used.

Honestly, it's just a sloppy article all the way around.
Oblivious to the irony, the UK heads in the same direction as that bastion of liberty known as Saudi Arabia -- covering-up women's bodies


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So this woman enters an online photo contest sponsored by Kat Von D and her makeup line (Kat Von D is a "tattoo artist" and reality TV person).

The woman won (prizes were a gift card and free trip to LA)

Can you guess what happened next?

Kat Von D discovered the winner had posted something on Instgram back in November that was supportive of Trump.

Can you guess what happened next?

The winner was disqualified. Kat Von D wrote her saying she had "drawn a personal line in the sand between myself and anyone who supports that man."

Former winner said -- "Part of the great thing about this country is having freedom of speech. It's definitely bigotry — it's everything that they're calling us, they're doing. It's a huge case of hypocrisy."

What is going on with our society? This insanity is exceeding humor.

Jennifer Lopez posts about her ‘nibling’ and the press jumps all over it!

So J-low's older sister has a kid named Brendan. Brendan was selected to represent his/her school at a conference. She tweets this...

"This is Brendan my sister Leslie's second child!! They were the one person selected to represent their school at #globalyoungleadersconference in Washington DC!!!

Libs then pour praise all over J-lo for referring to her 'nibling' (gender-neutral term for niece/nephew) by other terms (they/their) that have plural meaning. :idk:
His event was cancelled because his tweet offended people? His MO is to offend people. Sheesh!

And that's what's so ludicrous about this. The guy can take a piss on Christians 24/7, and it's celebrated. However, if he says boo about Islam, suddenly he's a hateful guy.
In the future, I think learning sign language will be mandatory for us all
Because we will not be able to speak at all without offending someone


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