Dumb Political Correctness

Am I the only one skeptical that he tried to steal anything? I mean, was any proof ever shown? I read articles and I noticed everyone just accepts the "he stole something part." Did I miss the proof? I mean, maybe he did, but I want to see proof. North Korea also had a "botulism and sleeping pill" story US doctors said was inconsistent with his condition.

Also, a forced confession that is the result of torture is not proof.
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^ I found this. I think the video was faked and the whole thing was baloney. Everything I have read about people visiting North Korea is that their handlers do not let them out of their sight outside of their rooms, and even then they are constantly monitored. I find it doubtful he would be in a hallway by himself or that he would not have immediately been arrested by his handlers. Plus the person "steals" the poster like a North Korean pretending to steal would and not how a normal human from any other country would.
Some rag that calls itself, "Affinity Magazine," a “social justice” teen magazine, tweeted this about Otto Wambier's torture and death at the hands of North Korea:

Watch whiteness work. He wasn't a "kid" or "innocent" you can't go to another country and try to steal from them. Respect their laws


Too bad NK can't get their hands on the dumbass editor of "Affinity".
I'm guessing that rag doesn't have the same attitude toward illegal immigrants who break OUR laws. Give them constitutional rights, healthcare, etc.
Yeah, after watching Joe Fan's WW video, I am convinced that there was absolutely no reason to watch WW other than to ogle Linda in her skimpy outfit. She had it going on (like Stacy's Mom).

Lots of those old shows; Love Boat, Love American Style, Fantasy Island, The Dukes of Hazard are absolutely unwatchable today, which proves that we were all on drugs back then.

^ I found this. I think the video was faked and the whole thing was baloney. Everything I have read about people visiting North Korea is that their handlers do not let them out of their sight outside of their rooms, and even then they are constantly monitored. I find it doubtful he would be in a hallway by himself or that he would not have immediately been arrested by his handlers. Plus the person "steals" the poster like a North Korean pretending to steal would and not how a normal human from any other country would.

I have to question anyone that would travel to North Korea. They are putting their life in the hands of a crazy unpredictable regime. The risk is too great.
My heart breaks for the young man and his family. Whether he's white or stole a poster or not makes little difference. The North Koreans have used him to yank our chain and any one of us within their reach (even by kidnapping outside their borders) could face a similar fate.
I mostly watch those old shows to see all the cars. I do find that "The Rockford Files" and "Adam-12" are just as good to me now as they were then, sometimes more so.
Whether he's white or stole a poster or not makes little difference.

I certainly agree. I was just more focused on the fact most stories just accept that he stole the poster and I am like "do we really know that he even did that? I find it doubtful based on the evidenced presented and what we know of how tourists in North Korea are monitored."
It's not wrong to criticize the actions of everyone in this North Korean fiasco so long as it's proportional.

First, was Warmbier dumb to go to North Korea? Yes. North Korea is probably the most openly anti-American regime in the world. Any American who goes there is asking for trouble. If he actually did try to steal something that's even dumber.

Second, the fact that Warmbier was dumb to go to North Korea is totally irrelevant to North Korea's culpability in mistreating and ultimately killing him. Most civilized people should be able to agree that the death penalty is an outrageous punishment for entering a country illegally even it's combined with theft, especially petty theft.

Third, the hard Left is hypocritical to the point of absurdity to criticize Warmbier for "not respecting another country's laws.". This is a political movement that routinely promotes lawlessness in countless forms in the United States. It's like a 500-pound man criticizing someone for being fat.
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California has put Texas, Alabama, and 2 other states on the state sponsored travel ban. This is because we're judged by them to "authorize or require discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or same-sex couples".

It might effect our home and home series with USC.

Of course, on the other hand, Governor Moonbeam just concluded a trip to China to sign an environmental pact with the Chicoms. Would you say he's a bit of a hypocrite given the Chinese attitude in such matters?


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California has put Texas, Alabama, and 2 other states on the state sponsored travel ban. This is because we're judged by them to "authorize or require discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or same-sex couples".

It might effect our home and home series with USC.

Of course, on the other hand, Governor Moonbeam just concluded a trip to China to sign an environmental pact with the Chicoms. Would you say he's a bit of a hypocrite given the Chinese attitude in such matters?


If California really wanted to threaten Texas, it would sponsor more travel to Texas. The last thing most Texans want is more people from California showing up.
California has put Texas, Alabama, and 2 other states on the state sponsored travel ban. This is because we're judged by them to "authorize or require discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or same-sex couples".

It might effect our home and home series with USC.

Of course, on the other hand, Governor Moonbeam just concluded a trip to China to sign an environmental pact with the Chicoms. Would you say he's a bit of a hypocrite given the Chinese attitude in such matters?


Is that law even legal?
Is that law even legal?

Which one? Banning state sponsored travel to a fellow state or a state usurping federal gov foreign policies to sign an autonomous, contrary deal with another country?

Both seem to have serious legal issues aside from the idiotic, anti-American component.

What's next will CA sign a deal with Mexico to openly accept illegal immigrants and provide them legal status under the sanctuary of their state?

People aren't fully grasping how out of control CA has become and it's only going to get worse. Maybe it's time to seriously consider their secession idea.

If they want to blow their money on climate change reforms that only hurts their state's finances, so be it. However, unfettered and protected illegal immigration is a federal issue. Freedom of movement between American states makes it so.
How would a State agency policy for where their employees can travel to on State sponsored business be illegal?

I don't know the details of California's deal with China but suspect it only impacts their own State regulations. Of course, some of those standards could impact things like the auto industry which if so will be challenged in court. I'm sure y'all would support State rights in that argument though. ;)
Which one? Banning state sponsored travel to a fellow state or a state usurping federal gov foreign policies to sign an autonomous, contrary deal with another country?

Both seem to have serious legal issues aside from the idiotic, anti-American component.

What's next will CA sign a deal with Mexico to openly accept illegal immigrants and provide them legal status under the sanctuary of their state?

People aren't fully grasping how out of control CA has become and it's only going to get worse. Maybe it's time to seriously consider their secession idea.

If they want to blow their money on climate change reforms that only hurts their state's finances, so be it. However, unfettered and protected illegal immigration is a federal issue. Freedom of movement between American states makes it so.
I kind of like the message they are sending. I'm hoping illegals flock to CA and finish sinking them financially for good. If CA has to file BK then maybe they'll learn a lesson.
How would a State agency policy for where their employees can travel to on State sponsored business be illegal?

I don't know the details of California's deal with China but suspect it only impacts their own State regulations. Of course, some of those standards could impact things like the auto industry which if so will be challenged in court. I'm sure y'all would support State rights in that argument though. ;)
If CA has to file BK then maybe they'll learn a lesson.

It's pretty much had the opposite effect and done real damage to other states. Texas and Austin are the prime example.

The harder and less promising life has become in CA this century, increasing numbers fled to prosperous Red states.

True to typical leftist nature they assume their new environment is more fortunate by accident or some unfair advantage, and reject the superior policies.

Then they promote and force feed their whack job CA policies that created the undesirable living conditions they just fled.

If CA were to attract most of the illegals in America, even more CA residents would flee and pollute our lands. Unlike illegals in Texas, these fake Americans can vote.
How would a State agency policy for where their employees can travel to on State sponsored business be illegal?

One could argue that the AG has usurped powers delegated to the Legislative branch. And, in the absence of a specific challenge to the expenditures, an argument may ALSO exist that he has usurped the Executive Order (or equivalent) powers of the Governor of that jurisdiction.

If there is no statute precluding the travel, then in the absence of a specific AGENCY policy, he is ALSO usurping the power of the respective agencies to conduct business in a manner that actually benefits the citizens of the State.

Granted, I realize that California has a LONG history of taking actions that are contrary to the best interests of CITIZENS...
They pretty much do that already, what with allowing benefits and even allowing them to get drivers licenses...

I agree they certainly encourage it by their current policies. If they can sign a climate deal with China, I'm just wondering what's to stop them from signing an agreement with Mexico to stand down security on the CA border and allow open passage? Remove the border crossing dangers and resistance and it's game over.

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