Dumb Political Correctness

Longhorn Network in full political mode tonight. 10 year old daughter is watching the volleyball game. Inundated with BLM ********.

F the volleyball team for wearing it. F LHN for showing it and talking about it. And F UT at this point. Screw them.
I am not watching LHN or ESPN life is good. Spending more time on hobbies or house projects. Haven’t watched any pros, so don’t know what is going on with them.
Random Thought - Is "Black" making a strong comeback and stamping out "African-American"? Ever since the advent of "Black Lives Matter", it seems that it's OK again to call a person of dark pigment "Black" and not "African-American". I pretty much don't hear that term any more. I know "those people" are perpetually changing what they want to be called (Colored, Negro, Black, African-American) but it is strange that an old name is now coming back into vogue, at least by my lights. Usually, usage of the "old" label makes you racist.
As a white American (British, Irish and Greek decent) I would prefer if ya'll would refer to me as "cracker" from this point forward. Thank you.
As a white American (British, Irish and Greek decent) I would prefer if ya'll would refer to me as "cracker" from this point forward. Thank you.

Going to remainder of football games this season because wife and I enjoy the ‘event’ and after all, we’ve paid for the season. However, no more VB or Soccer and undetermined next football season. That’s our position. I will say if Herman grew a pair and told the ‘woke’ ream members to walk I’d be ok and still attend. In fact I do not believe the record I’m now expecting would be any worse.
Going to remainder of football games this season because wife and I enjoy the ‘event’ and after all, we’ve paid for the season. However, no more VB or Soccer and undetermined next football season. That’s our position. I will say if Herman grew a pair and told the ‘woke’ ream members to walk I’d be ok and still attend. In fact I do not believe the record I’m now expecting would be any worse.

If these performances and results don't clue him into that, then nothing will. But we will probably never know if he reaches this one and only proper conclusion since he wont ever be honest about it. He cant be now. He's in too far. He sold out and is now stuck.
This is an incredible vid. She is a teacher and nurse who was a Dem. This is her story of what caused her to question the ideolology of democrats
and through actual life events and through learning the facts.
I am considering sending this to my niece in law who is a Doc in Mass and is exactly one of the dem women this person speaks about
This is an incredible vid. She is a teacher and nurse who was a Dem. This is her story of what caused her to question the ideolology of democrats
and through actual life events and through learning the facts.
I am considering sending this to my niece in law who is a Doc in Mass and is exactly one of the dem women this person speaks about

The first minute had me hooked. Someone needs to get this into the Trump Campaign’s hands. Powerful.
No doubt the NFL "cheerleaders" are glorified lap dancers. It should also be noted thousands try out for fewer than 50 positions each year with each team.
No doubt the NFL "cheerleaders" are glorified lap dancers. It should also be noted thousands try out for fewer than 50 positions each year with each team.
50 positions in one year? One position per year is good enough for this middle-aged man.
I know some here think Bari Weiss is too concerned with anti-semitism, is too liberal, and doesn't like Trump. But she has this stuff figured out better than 90 percent of the media. Link. She may be to my left, but I'll take her on my team any day.
Good article Deez, thanks for posting. Reminded me, as an aside, of a recent conversation with daughter when she asked in all sincerity how could all these rich and influential people support the socialism crap.
Here is my problem with the Bari article. She says Trump "normalized" bigotry and cruelty but never explains why she thinks that way. I am surprised she didn't also say Trump supports white supremacy.
Yeah I’ve gotten so accustomed to that speak I just keep on reading. It’s now to where there is no middle ground whatsoever, Trump is evil incarnate period and his supporters have to be of the same character.
I know some here think Bari Weiss is too concerned with anti-semitism, is too liberal, and doesn't like Trump. But she has this stuff figured out better than 90 percent of the media. Link. She may be to my left, but I'll take her on my team any day.

I thought it was a stunning article. It hits on many things I feel I sense on the inside. It's why I am so driven at times to point it out.

There is truly a movement. It is not on the fringes as many would have us believe. They are the true threat.
Here is my problem with the Bari article. She says Trump "normalized" bigotry and cruelty but never explains why she thinks that way. I am surprised she didn't also say Trump supports white supremacy.

Keep in mind that Bari Weiss isn't a conservative. She's an East Coast liberal. The same stuff that offends your typical New York Times columnist offends her, and she buys many of their narratives. The reason she's confused for a conservative is that she's patriotic, consistently detests anti-semitism, and doesn't like the suppression of free speech, thought, and inquiry, whether it's coming from government, culture, business, or academia. We're reaching the point at which her positions are so foreign to the Left that she's just assumed to be a conservative.
This kind of crap does make me a little nervous to live in the UK. The law is so vague and so inconsistently applied that its enforcement is pretty much arbitrary.

(Side note - Madeleine Kearns is cute. I wouldn't describe her as hot or sexy, because she looks like she's 14 years old (and I don't have a Roy Moore complex) even though she's an adult. But she is cute.)
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