Dumb Political Correctness

Not proud to say I ate a whole box one time in one sitting.

Ok, I've never done that. However, when I buy them I keep them in the freezer and it eat one every time I get ice or anything else from the freezer. (FYI - automatic ice makers aren't a thing in Europe, so if you want ice, you have to open the freezer and get it. I actually have old school ice trays.)
Another white person pretending to be Hispanic resigns from her job. Link. Again, if there was a privilege to being white, shouldn't this be going the other way? Shouldn't we have blacks and Hispanics trying to pass for being white? I don't see that happening.
Tens of thousands of Muslims protest over Macron remarks after killings in France

"“We will not give any ground,” Macron said outside Notre Dame Basilica in the French Riviera city of Nice. France had been attacked “over our values, for our taste for freedom, for the ability on our soil to have freedom of belief”, he added."

Liberals have to be in a Twitter over this. Their hero's, the French; the people whom from respect is craved and whom they repent by expressing their embarrassment over Trump, have had enough of Islamic terrorists. How can they attack Trump's attempts to block immigrants from countries that hate us or are governed by a virtually non-governing body now?

It's so confusing...
Yeah, France finally showing some balls.

Used to work for a French corporation. Their culture is very much "be proud to BE French " and embrace their values. It's a big deal to them to the point where you get the strong notion they believe they're better than (others). It's commendable on one side, laughable on the other. But it is their belief

Ten years ago when the Muslim population was growing there I wondered how this would work out, but it was kind of expected. In the end the French will not allow another culture to impose their will on their own land.

Enter world war 2 joke here
I dont often get on anyone else for typos (for good reason), but this was kind of funny
Milano got the initials wrong first, deleted it, re-sent it, then misspelled her name


And from what I can perceive of her, she doesn't have the self-awareness to appreciate the level of financial privilege that allows her to go through life without having to spell (or do any number of other mundane tasks to put food on the table).

Which is why I never understood why entertainers (actors, athletes, etc) think anyone should value their opinion...at all. Is it, "I make a lot of money and a lot of people like me so you have to listen to me"?
This tweeter later decided it was best to delete her tweet
Can u guess why?

Because Cecile Richards is the former president of Planned Parenthood with a legacy of over 3.8M abortions performed
This is good because now there are more people who have incentive to fight the social justice discrimination.
Asians are getting peeved that they are being discriminated against at Harvard and elsewhere. Plus, with test scores being eliminated during the college application process, it will be even harder for them to get into elite schools. One reason why record number of Asians (particularly Indians and Vietnamese) voted for Trump.
Asians are getting peeved that they are being discriminated against at Harvard and elsewhere. Plus, with test scores being eliminated during the college application process, it will be even harder for them to get into elite schools. One reason why record number of Asians (particularly Indians and Vietnamese) voted for Trump.

As I wrote about on another thread, race-based discrimination is "legal" only if they completely ignore the Equal Protection Clause. They not only must turn a blind eye to it, but they have to pretend it doesn't exist at all.

There are different levels of Constitutional interpretation. Quite a bit of it is decades of Justices building upon the written words of Justices who came before them. On the other hand, there is also the express, overt language of the text of the Constitution itself. In the event of a conflict, the express text of the Constitution is supposed to always hold the high ground and be determinative. But, in the area of affirmative-action-related-discrimination, they keep turning this hierarchy on its head. It's wrong and needs to be corrected.

One idea I had was that we should start asking all future federal court nominees about it, to bring public attention to it. This might force some writers to pay attention to it.
I got ten bucks that says they apologize for this
Any takers?
I am sure those of you with ugly hands will feel much better about yourselves when they do


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