Dumb Political Correctness

That's a shame

Tucker Carlson's avg viewership is more than the Emmys

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That's a shame

It's really amazing, frankly, that any adult would sit for hours and watch those people pat each other on the back, anyway. Throw in all the political jabs that insult half the country, and, there you go. But seriously, I'm stunned people need that kind of entertainment.

But, hypocrites will complain about these people, like they do athletes and the BLM stuff, for a few days and then tune in anyway.
Watch this space for an update next year.

You would think insulting 50% of your customers isn't a good business stragey, but there is seemingly no feedback loop anymore in business, be it entertainment or sports. They accept terrible ratings and convince themselves that's as good as they can get and blame a crowded entertainment menu, instead of saying "lets not insult half our customers".
Watch this space for an update next year.

You would think insulting 50% of your customers isn't a good business stragey, but there is seemingly no feedback loop anymore in business, be it entertainment or sports. They accept terrible ratings and convince themselves that's as good as they can get and blame a crowded entertainment menu, instead of saying "lets not insult half our customers".
As long as they get the ad revenue, what incentive is there to change?
Ad revenue is based on ratings, so less people watching equals less money. That's usually the feedback loop for businesses making poor decisions.

But of late, that seems to play no role in how businesses or sports leagues act - they only crave the adulation of others in their fields.
Ad revenue is based on ratings, so less people watching equals less money. That's usually the feedback loop for businesses making poor decisions.

But of late, that seems to play no role in how businesses or sports leagues act - they only crave the adulation of others in their fields.
I get it and agree. They make enough ad money to keep thumbing their noses at many of us.
As I read you post Duck I kept thinking with a few subject changes You could easily be talking about our blessed Washington elites.
It's no different with the MSM. Wouldn't you think that at least one news network would look at Fox's ratings and say to themselves, "I would like a piece of that!" But apparently it is more important what your peers think of you than what your customers think of you. You still want to be invited to all the right cocktail parties, after all.

Maybe these clowns are answering the age-old question, "How much money is enough?"
I think they really believe they are on such moral high ground that the ratings are down because we deplorable racist POS just don't get it.
It's no different with the MSM. Wouldn't you think that at least one news network would look at Fox's ratings and say to themselves, "I would like a piece of that!" But apparently it is more important what your peers think of you than what your customers think of you. You still want to be invited to all the right cocktail parties, after all.

I think there is still enough money to support the right lifestyle for the right people. Even with decreasing profits they can still hand millions of dollars to Chelsea Clinton, for what I would expect was no contribution.

The people at the top will have to be adversely affected by lack of money before anything is done.
Feels like this guy's days are numbered

He should have kept his mouth shut. What they're going to tell him is that he can lower his standards of what it means to be "qualified." Stop expecting employees to have run businesses. Stop expecting high grades and advanced degrees while in college.
He should have kept his mouth shut. What they're going to tell him is that he can lower his standards of what it means to be "qualified." Stop expecting employees to have run businesses. Stop expecting high grades and advanced degrees while in college.

That's exactly what Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and DOJ forced on lenders, back in the day, which gave us a a housing bust, bear mkt, recession and eventually shook the entire global financial system
Watch this space for an update next year.

You would think insulting 50% of your customers isn't a good business stragey, but there is seemingly no feedback loop anymore in business, be it entertainment or sports. They accept terrible ratings and convince themselves that's as good as they can get and blame a crowded entertainment menu, instead of saying "lets not insult half our customers".
We need a couple of channels that represent values again. The don't have to be puritan channels that preach abstinence, etc but let's at least get back to "The Cosby Show" and "Family Ties" kind of TV. Hopefully somebody with deep pockets will start a third media hub to undo some of the NY/LA influence on entertainment.
Feels like this guy's days are numbered

We already get told that at my bank. They never say it outright, but they just keep repeating "We need to hire XXXX diversity group". Problem is, I'll get 35 resumes and 1 of them is from said diverse group. And that one is a stretch hire for the position. We've got a couple of smart women in our group and instead of applying them to our actual business of Cyber/IT, they spend half their time working on female empowerment and recruiting initiatives just so we can "show progress"
Had to go to a lawnmower repair shop near me yesterday for a part. The 20 something guy working, only one there, had no mask. Cool. The part was $4.30. I instinctively reached for my credit card. He asked if I ha cash as they usually have a $15 cc minimum. You bet! I commented how I love their shop...no masks, actually not afraid of real money.

We got in about a 10 minute rant with each other about the riots, etc etc. Good times. Young guy, Chicago suburbs, definitely not a Biden supporter.
We already get told that at my bank. They never say it outright, but they just keep repeating "We need to hire XXXX diversity group". Problem is, I'll get 35 resumes and 1 of them is from said diverse group. And that one is a stretch hire for the position. We've got a couple of smart women in our group and instead of applying them to our actual business of Cyber/IT, they spend half their time working on female empowerment and recruiting initiatives just so we can "show progress"

And that's how Warren became Fauxcahontas
It's no different with the MSM. Wouldn't you think that at least one news network would look at Fox's ratings and say to themselves, "I would like a piece of that!" But apparently it is more important what your peers think of you than what your customers think of you. You still want to be invited to all the right cocktail parties, after all.

Maybe these clowns are answering the age-old question, "How much money is enough?"

There's undoubtedly some of this. Obviously MSNBC and CNN are run by staunch liberals, so to them, it wouldn't "feel right" to cater to people on the right and center-right.

However, I think they're also afraid of losing what they have. Suppose CNN shitcanned some of its liberals and hired conservatives. Large numbers of its liberal audience would get offended and leave for MSNBC. Remember, most people on the left live in an echo chamber. They rarely hear a conservative, so when they do, it really bugs them, and they stop watching. If CNN actually took a big piece of the Fox News audience, they may not care. However, would that actually happen? Maybe, but maybe not. Keep in mind that they've hired conservatives in the past. Lou Dobbs had a show on CNN. Laura Ingraham and Michael Savage had shows on MSNBC (hard to imagine). Neither panned out.
Kurt Beathard, son of Bobby Beathard, was dismissed from his coordinators job at Illinois State for posting a sign on his office door that read "All Lives Matter to Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ." The black players objected. Beathard was quickly "re-assigned," which is college-talk for fired.

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