Dumb Political Correctness

Yeah. Was it a "don't play and no pay" thing? I would guess so. And, if so, yes their wokeness goes as far as their bank accounts let them.

"Our people are all businessmen. Their loyalty is based on that." - Michael Corleone

These athletes are all a bunch of unprincipled, hypocritical *******. First, they're protesting in a stupid way - by screwing with basketball fans. That's dumb, because fans can walk away. They have delusions of grandeur if they think otherwise. Second, the basis of their protesting is historically and logically illiterate. You can't judge the United States and mollycoddle China and call yourself principled. Sorry, it can't be done. Third, their "beliefs" are not only stupid but insincere. They're willing to seek attention, but not willing to give up anything meaningful. I'm not a fan of Muhammad Ali's politics, but the dude was willing to give up his career and go to prison for his beliefs. I can at least respect that. These guys are crap in every respect.
These athletes are all a bunch of unprincipled, hypocritical *******. First, they're protesting in a stupid way - by screwing with basketball fans. That's dumb, because fans can walk away. They have delusions of grandeur if they think otherwise. Second, the basis of their protesting is historically and logically illiterate. You can't judge the United States and mollycoddle China and call yourself principled. Sorry, it can't be done. Third, their "beliefs" are not only stupid but insincere. They're willing to seek attention, but not willing to give up anything meaningful. I'm not a fan of Muhammad Ali's politics, but the dude was willing to give up his career and go to prison for his beliefs. I can at least respect that. These guys are crap in every respect.

Also, Blake was a felon with a warrant for arrest and he had a weapon. Nothing about this shooting is suspect to me. You can quibble about some details, like if the officer who shot him was too close. If he was farther back then he doesn't have to shoot. But at the same time the officer didn't know the weapon was a knife and not a gun.

The NBA idolized a serial felon who was wanted for sexual assault and was in the process of stealing a woman's car. Maybe the NBA players identify too much with a guy like that? Luka is out of the playoffs so I won't be watching.
And, of course, no one has ever been severely injured or killed with a knife, so shooting was unjustified even if it was known it was a knife. Not directed at you, mona, just a general smart *** comment.

If the NBA et al really cared about the black community they would stop making these POS criminals their role models. Frankly, athletes themselves are morons, generally, and are bad role models. It's pretty racist to say that black kids' only real shot in life is to try to be a pro athlete, which is what a lot of them say. Not becoming educated in school or through the trades.
How California is this?
They actually call it "The Wiener Legislation"

Also, Blake was a felon with a warrant for arrest and he had a weapon. Nothing about this shooting is suspect to me. You can quibble about some details, like if the officer who shot him was too close. If he was farther back then he doesn't have to shoot. But at the same time the officer didn't know the weapon was a knife and not a gun.

The NBA idolized a serial felon who was wanted for sexual assault and was in the process of stealing a woman's car. Maybe the NBA players identify too much with a guy like that? Luka is out of the playoffs so I won't be watching.

The racial/BLM activists are the most delusional contingent in American politics. Facts and context are wholly irrelevant to them. Frankly, that's fine. We've always had stupid and crazy people in our politics. On it's own, that's not particularly dangerous. What's dangerous is that there is a large piece of our political class and almost the entire political media that takes the delusions seriously and treats them as real.
Also, Blake was a felon with a warrant for arrest and he had a weapon. Nothing about this shooting is suspect to me. You can quibble about some details, like if the officer who shot him was too close. If he was farther back then he doesn't have to shoot. But at the same time the officer didn't know the weapon was a knife and not a gun.

The NBA idolized a serial felon who was wanted for sexual assault and was in the process of stealing a woman's car. Maybe the NBA players identify too much with a guy like that? Luka is out of the playoffs so I won't be watching.

Nor was Blake a Longhorn fan

I HATE articles like this. I am in Collin County and we are working hard to prevent the transplants from turning it. They come here for great business climate and then try to change it. STAY AWAY

'The allure of small-town living has catalyzed mass migration from places like New York and California to states like Texas and Florida as Americans grapple with daily life during the coronavirus pandemic."
‘New York and California are the land of the flee, and Texas is the land of the free’: real estate investor
Goodyear didn't go far enough to make any difference. They are a part of the problem. They still follow Critical Race Theory and will tighten the noose on diversity of thought in due time.
This is an electrical engineer at Sandia who started something of a civil war inside the company by fighting back against the company's stiffing use of critical race theory
He emailed his video to all 16,000 fellow employees
Within hours, Sandia executives struck back dispatching a team to lock him out of the network and scrub his communications from internal servers—which, made the video even more viral and sparked widespread unrest against Sandia executives.
By the afternoon, executives were panicking about the brewing rebellion, placed him on paid administrative leave, and established a "security review board" to "evaluate whether [his] actions have comprised or posed a threat to Sandia computing and security systems."
He said he is speaking on behalf of all of Sandia employees who are "scared to speak out" because of the lab's repressive culture. "If I get fired because of this,the fight does not end, it only intensifies."
This is the first explicit large scale corporate rebellion against critical race theory. "We need to completely rip [critical race theory] out of Sandia root and stem. It is cancer and we need to get it out of the labs right now."

I work with a guy that lived his first 40 years in California. Moved to Leander several years ago with most of his family and said it was the best thing they ever did. He will tell you California is one screwed up place and even worse than what you think. His observation after living here several years is about how stupid Californians are. They are moving here to get away from craziness but then turning around and trying to turn Texas into California. Go figure
Since it worked out so well for Rachel Dolezal . . . Link.

If white privilege is really a thing, then why do we have white people pretending to be black? Shouldn't it be going the other way?
I work with a guy that lived his first 40 years in California. Moved to Leander several years ago with most of his family and said it was the best thing they ever did. He will tell you California is one screwed up place and even worse than what you think. His observation after living here several years is about how stupid Californians are. They are moving here to get away from craziness but then turning around and trying to turn Texas into California. Go figure

But the crucial issue is whether he is going to keep voting the same way he did there and just hope for different results this time?

Dem voters are like a horde of locust flying all about the US. They arrive, destroy everything, then fly away, leaving nothing behind but ruin. We need a stronger insecticide.

"North Carolina-based grocery chain Food Lion will now permit its employees to wear American flag-themed face masks while working at its stores.

The company went viral earlier this week after one of its employees revealed he quit after being told to avoid wearing his American flag-themed mask. What are the details?
Controversy initially brewed after employee Gary Dean, a 69-year-old U.S. Air Force veteran showed up to work wearing an American flag-printed mask.

Dean said that a store manager told him that someone found the mask offensive, and informed Dean that he could no longer wear the mask while working.

"As a veteran, my dad being a World War II hero, my best friend killed in Vietnam, out of respect for them, I can't just say, 'No, I'll take my flag and put it in my pocket," Dean said.

So instead, he quit — and his story began to gain traction across the internet.

Days later, the company changed its stance on the masks."

It was probably Kapernick
It would lower the penalties for adults who have sex w/ willing same-sex minors.

I keep hearing this, but have yet to see evidence that this is actually what it does.

Judge could decide if adult has to register as sex offender if the offender is within 10 years of age of victim.

Basically, if it's consensual and they are close in age, a judge can decide, say, "ok look a 16 and 19 year old dating isn't the job of the government to punish", but caps it at a maximum of 10 year difference at which point the judge no longer even has the option. That seems pretty reasonable.
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I keep hearing this, but have yet to see evidence that this is actually what it does.

Basically, if it's consensual and they are close in age, a judge can decide, say, "ok look a 16 and 19 year old dating isn't the job of the government to punish", but caps it at a maximum of 10 year difference at which point the judge no longer even has the option. That seems pretty reasonable.

So a 20 year old having sex with a 10 year old is reasonable to you?
The current age restrictions are adequate.

The only one that might be a problem to me is the boyfriend/girlfriend combo during their senior year. I've seen it happen in my high school where the boy turns 18 before they graduate and his girlfriend is still 17.

Bottom line? You have to have a line somewhere. If we always attack the margin then we'll never have a standard.

Teach your children well.

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