Dumb Political Correctness

We domed

I suppose there is a small hardcore fanbase that would care, but my sense is the vast majority of Americans could give a fart if they canceled the whole thing

Yeah. Was it a "don't play and no pay" thing? I would guess so. And, if so, yes their wokeness goes as far as their bank accounts let them.

"Our people are all businessmen. Their loyalty is based on that." - Michael Corleone
I guess the players aren't as woke as they pretended to be.
Mavs are still in. I won't watch

I am not a Mavs fan, but still say Doncic is worth watching

That said, I would love to run the social experiment of canceling the rest of the NBA playoffs just to see if anyone noticed, or cared
Yeah. Was it a "don't play and no pay" thing? I would guess so. And, if so, yes their wokeness goes as far as their bank accounts let them.
"Our people are all businessmen. Their loyalty is based on that." - Michael Corleone

Some of the newer NBA owners are supposed to be highly levered
If so, they have to be nervous
I wonder if any of them are trying to get out now?
You would think they are smart enough to see what is coming. But I used to think that about NFL owners, and was wrong
I guess the players aren't as woke as they pretended to be. Mavs are still in. I won't watch
Truthfully, I didn’t even know the NBA were in the playoffs until they protested.

They did consider canceling the rest of the season.
They has a big meeting with their union.
The woman who is the union head explained to them what it would mean, including giving owners the opportunity to tear up the current CBA and, oh yeah one more thing, they wouldn't be getting paid.
They immediately decided to start playing again
Go figure
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Sports being a more amateur endeavor wouldn't be a bad thing. These high level professional athletes have a very skewed understanding of reality due to how they have been worshipped as heroes.
Sports being a more amateur endeavor wouldn't be a bad thing. These high level professional athletes have a very skewed understanding of reality due to how they have been worshipped as heroes.
That's the great part of the good ole US of A. Free market capitalism. Stupid people still tune in and buy merchandise and tickets, etc. Until they put their money where their mouths are, these athletes are getting market pay. All the adoring fans, no wonder these morons think the majority of us care what they have to say while ignoring facts.
Sports being a more amateur endeavor wouldn't be a bad thing. These high level professional athletes have a very skewed understanding of reality due to how they have been worshipped as heroes.

Do you ever wonder what they would be doing if they werent playing pro sports?
That's the great part of the good ole US of A. Free market capitalism. Stupid people still tune in and buy merchandise and tickets, etc. Until they put their money where their mouths are, these athletes are getting market pay. All the adoring fans, no wonder these morons think the majority of us care what they have to say while ignoring facts.
Most of the paying customers for the NBA are Chinese.
... They still follow Critical Race Theory and will tighten the noose on diversity of thought in due time.

This is an electrical engineer at Sandia who started something of a civil war inside the company by fighting back against the company's stiffing use of critical race theory
He emailed his video to all 16,000 fellow employees
Within hours, Sandia executives struck back dispatching a team to lock him out of the network and scrub his communications from internal servers—which, made the video even more viral and sparked widespread unrest against Sandia executives.
By the afternoon, executives were panicking about the brewing rebellion, placed him on paid administrative leave, and established a "security review board" to "evaluate whether [his] actions have comprised or posed a threat to Sandia computing and security systems."
He said he is speaking on behalf of all of Sandia employees who are "scared to speak out" because of the lab's repressive culture. "If I get fired because of this,the fight does not end, it only intensifies."
This is the first explicit large scale corporate rebellion against critical race theory. "We need to completely rip [critical race theory] out of Sandia root and stem. It is cancer and we need to get it out of the labs right now."

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PLEASE! Someone tell me what this is, means, or if they have seen one.
I have googled until I can't google no more. I can't think of anything it could be either. A group of people are waiting to know it is not a Trump Nazi signal.

PLEASE! Someone tell me what this is, means, or if they have seen one.
I have googled until I can't google no more. I can't think of anything it could be either. A group of people are waiting to know it is not a Trump Nazi signal.

The photo looks photo-shopped. Likely a 4-Chan hoax.
Never seen it but those skits I watched are pretty funny.

It's a funny show on Netflix, but I think it's originally from Canada. It's kinda interesting. I've heard the cast members sound liberal about Asians not getting a fair shake in comedy (which is actually probably at least partially true), but the show is somewhat politically incorrect. Furthermore, the family is churchgoing Christians, and they don't make that look bad.

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