Dumb Political Correctness

These people have mental illness:

In her statement, Ms. McLaughlin said: “As I’ve reflected on my actions the last few days, it’s become clear to me that I need mental health treatment, which I’m pursuing now. My failures are mine alone, so I’m stepping away from all activities with MeTooSTEM to ensure that it isn’t unfairly criticized for my actions.”

I saw a commercial on tv last night I am still not sure I saw.
It is for a drug you can take if you are a male homosexual. It supposedly prevents getting HIV during sex.The ad made the disclaimer it would not work for people assigned female at birth. Drug is Descovy
On FXx owned by Disney
The market must be bigger for a drug like this than one woukd think.
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Corporate America is now the enemy. The CEOs are pushing the Woke agenda now or at least letting it happen. I work for a corporation so I am a hypocrite.

At the least as voters we need to vote against those who are using the Federal Reserve system to prop up corporations with "stimulus". The lockdowns and other government actions during the pandemic have further harmed small businesses and aided corporations. We are either going to vote for a free market or a crony market. Today we have mostly a crony market.
Goodyear's "diversity" training

Disgusting if true. They are openly saying white lives don't matter, hispanic lives don't matter, asian lives don't matter, arab lives don't matter, jewish lives don't matter. And only black lives matter.

As long as one race receives preferential treatment there will be racism. Corporate America is now fueling the flames of racism as much as the MSM.
I hope they do NOT have a Good year!
And Mona if you haven’t seen it before you should watch the video I posted on ShadowGate. You will really see ‘corporate America’ at its finest.
Corporate America is now the enemy. The CEOs are pushing the Woke agenda now or at least letting it happen. I work for a corporation so I am a hypocrite.

At the least as voters we need to vote against those who are using the Federal Reserve system to prop up corporations with "stimulus". The lockdowns and other government actions during the pandemic have further harmed small businesses and aided corporations. We are either going to vote for a free market or a crony market. Today we have mostly a crony market.


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