Dumb Political Correctness

I never thought about it, but why shouldn't ice cream be required to have a plastic seal on the inside like lots of other frozen food products?

So since the licker is a juvie, what's the penalty, a 10-minute timeout?
If there was justice in the world, she would be required only to eat food that other WalMart shoppers had licked or tea-bagged for the next couple of weeks.
… and now, because of all the attention given to the blue bell licker, copycat crimes are happening all over the place. Saw a picture of a grocery store with some poor bastard guarding the ice cream case. Is this a great country or what?
I never thought about it, but why shouldn't ice cream be required to have a plastic seal on the inside like lots of other frozen food products?

So she's not a vandal, she's a fighter for ice cream justice!

Actually, they probably will have that going forward...now.
Did she have an ideological conversion?

I was pulling for the French and Le Oranje
I think that was the first time in my life I ever rooted against a US national team in any sport
Looks like a good way to carry your Glock around to me. Uh, in a more masculine color, of course.

It is the shape of a holster
Or perhaps .... something else

Anyway, I say that you have no business being on a "national team" if you are unwilling to respect the anthem and flag. And that is "at a minimum." This whole episode is just another ridiculous excess in narcissism. And, believe it or not, the women on this team are currently asking for (even demanding!) a pay raise. They have to be mental retards if they think this latest boorish behavior advances that cause. They are lucky I do not control their mursestrings, because I would dock them pay rather than give them more. Can you imagine what would happen to players on the North Korean or Iranian team who acted this way? They would be dead before the team plane landed. Maybe their families too. I would much rather send a bunch of grateful, proud high schoolers to certain on the pitch slaughter over a bunch of whiny, constantly bitching "professionals."
Hey TraderJoe, women having the freedom to criticize their leader is an American right granted to us by our liberal democracy.

Don’t miss the Repeat World Cup Champions victory parade in NYC!
Just more PC and more "wussification" of America. Roland Martin gets canned for making fun of a stupid Super Bowl ad (that had David Beckham undulating with a pair of socks stuffed in his shorts) and a guy in a pink suit. See story.

I'm not a big Roland Martin fan (though he isn't on my sh*t list either), but this is way over the top. Have we lost our friggin' minds? The guy was making a joke. He wasn't advocating violence. Can't these idiots tell the difference?? Besides, he didn't even do it on the air. He did it from his personal Twitter account.

(Besides, if a guy walked around in front of me in a pink suit, I'd feel a responsibility to whip his ***. Not because he might be gay but because he'd look like a damn fool.)

Ugh. Any predictions on Fox News hiring Martin inside a week?

Roland Martin wasn’t fired. He finished out his 6 year contract more than a year after this post. But you probably knew that and most certainly have a reasonable, fair, and balanced explanation.

You also said his remarks were in gest (sic) and sent from his personal Twitter account, therefore granting him some kind of immunity from his CNN contract under the “I was just kidding, boss” provision?

I’m not an attorney who enjoys Russian beer, so help me understand how this isn’t fake news that started this thread? You don’t believe in personal accountability?
In a slim defense of the soccer lady, they did say that the men get something like 7% of whatever figure they use to pay them and the women only get somewhere around 4%. So, in this case, equal pay could mean the same percentage and not dollar amount.
I agree with other posters about her not wanting to meet with Trump but really he can't change the organization that runs the World Cup which is where the disparity originates.
Roland Martin wasn’t fired. He finished out his 6 year contract more than a year after this post. But you probably knew that and most certainly have a reasonable, fair, and balanced explanation.

LongestHorn got me, folks. He's so smart that l knew the day would eventually come, and here it is. Seven years ago, I said somebody was canned when he was actually suspended. To aggravate the matter further, I misspelled a word. I'm not sure that I can go on here anymore. I might even have to turn in my law license. I just feel so discredited and ashamed.

You also said his remarks were in gest (sic) and sent from his personal Twitter account, therefore granting him some kind of immunity from his CNN contract under the “I was just kidding, boss” provision?

I’m not an attorney who enjoys Russian beer, so help me understand how this isn’t fake news that started this thread? You don’t believe in personal accountability?

It's probably a waste of time to engage you on this, but I will. I'm a little bored. I never said Martin had a legal case against CNN and never said he had any kind of immunity. I also do believe in personal accountability, but I also don't believe in punishing people who haven't done anything wrong. The fact that some fringe social justice idiots got mad doesn't mean Martin did something wrong. He shouldn't have been suspended. His joke should have been laughed off and dismissed, and the three people who freaked out should have been told to get a hobby. No serious adult thought he advocated violence, and neither did the people who freaked out. They were simply showing off their oversized influence and imposing ideological discipline.

And no, an error doesn't make something fake news. Reports have errors frequently. Completely fabricated incidents and false narratives make fake news. That didn't happen here. Whether he got fired or suspended is of little consequence. He got punished for something stupid. That was the point, and it was a real story.

As for why I made the mistake, I don't know after 7 years. It's entirely possible that the story was edited after my initial post. I rarely get things that wrong. You'll also notice that the first few posts didn't correct my error or make any reference to a suspension. Another possibility? Maybe I was ****** drunk at the time. It was seven years ago. I didn't live in Germany then. I lived in the Açores at the time, and in February, they had hideous weather (cold and violently rainy and windy). There wasn't much to do but sit inside and drink. Lol.

But if I hadn't started the thread, some other dumbass story would have. You actually illustrated a good point here by bringing this up. You aren't smart enough to know you did or why, but you truly did.

I was pretty surprised at what happened to Martin, and my tone suggests surprise and a bit of outrage. That's rare for me.
If this story happened now, I don't think I'd react the same way because this kind of thing happens all the time. Somebody says something totally inconsequential and that 90 percent of the public doesn't care about, but the ten percent (all of whom are on Twitter) righteously crap in their pants and threaten to crap on everybody's table until the supposed bad apple gets punished. That happened far less in 2012. We (myself included) are numb to it now, and that's a shame because common sense is being shutdown while idiocy is thriving and being celebrated.

(FYI - I seldom drink Russian beer. I live in Germany. Drinking Russian beer over here is like living in Mexico and buying your tortillas from Vietnam.)
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Hey TraderJoe, women having the freedom to criticize their leader is an American right granted to us by our liberal democracy.

I hope you still have the Dixie Chix in your rotation. You should keep them there forever, as a matter of principle.
By the way, do you know the only thing more boring than soccer?
Womens soccer
And while there may be no "I" in team, there certainly is one in Rapinoe -- holding trophy at your pride parade -- “I deserve this” Are you sure this is to whom you wish to hitch your wagon?
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I'll be glad when Rapinoe's 15 minutes is over.

I agree with Joe Fan. I didn't watch any games, but I hoped the Netherlands would win. I'm sure there are some nice, patriotic people on the team, but the vocal leaders of the team were an embarrassment.
I hope you still have the Dixie Chix in your rotation. You should keep them there forever, as a matter of principle.
By the way, do you know the only thing more boring than soccer?
Womens soccer
And while there may be no "I" in team, there certainly is one in Rapinoe -- holding trophy at your pride parade -- “I deserve this” Are you sure this is to whom you wish to hitch your wagon?

Dang it, TraderJoe. How did you let yourself become a trader to the U.S? LOL!
There are two separate deals with pay and I continually see people conflating them. One issue is how much the World Cup overall makes in total (I suspect most of it ends up in the hands of a few select big-wigs), which is far bigger for the men than the women and which the women actually get a higher percentage of. In each case the amount varies depending on how far the team advanced, and the money isn't there to pay the women the same as the men. If FIFA paid the US Women the same as the French Men, then they by themselves would be taking up almost 25% of the entire profit of the Women's World Cup!

The other issue is how much the USWNT and the USMNT make for the United States, which are pretty close to equal. I think comparing 2019/2018, the Women actually brought in more money than the men did for the first time. There could be a formula that varies for how much the US pays the team members based on how much they bring in each year, but it's also reasonable (and much simpler) to just make this amount equal.

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