Dumb Political Correctness

Why do people forget that half the Union ended slavery after the revolutionary war, which was decades before England ended slavery? Why don’t they get credit?
Nike, has a belief, right or wrong, that their customer base is blacks and latinos, therefore they will make decisions in line with what they think these groups want. The decisions cross over into politics but they are made based on serving their customers. Sales $s will either prove that belief true or false.

In a similar move, Nike has pulled a shoe from the market which was designed by Jun Takahashi. Do you know what his sin was? He is against the Chinese government extraditing protesters from Hong Kong to face courts in China.

Hong Kong is a large city, but the Hong Kong market is 1000 times smaller than the China market. So they make a political decision that will save them money.
Some U.S. movies are now being made with an eye towards the China market too. It's bigger than the U.S. movie market and potentially more profitable.
Nike, has a belief, right or wrong, that their customer base is blacks and latinos, therefore they will make decisions in line with what they think these groups want. The decisions cross over into politics but they are made based on serving their customers. Sales $s will either prove that belief true or false.

As the Wayfair walkout last week showed, customers aren't the only concern. Nike is Beaverton, OR based, a very liberal area. Not talking about their manufacturing plants but their corporate office must be pretty progressive.

With that said, there is some virtue signaling with moves like this. The Kaepernick campaign was a BOON to Nike's bottom line. They aren't marketing to the Cabela's shoppers, although I wouldn't be surprised if they sell a small amount of merchandise in that chain.
Why do people forget that half the Union ended slavery after the revolutionary war, which was decades before England ended slavery? Why don’t they get credit?
You REALLY expect idiots like Kraperkneeler to look at facts? That would get in the way of their agenda...
Some U.S. movies are now being made with an eye towards the China market too. It's bigger than the U.S. movie market and potentially more profitable

This means they will have to portray China how the Communists want or they will remove the movie from the theaters.

Hollywood doesn't have a problem carrying water for Commies anyway.
As the Wayfair walkout last week showed, customers aren't the only concern. Nike is Beaverton, OR based, a very liberal area. Not talking about their manufacturing plants but their corporate office must be pretty progressive.

With that said, there is some virtue signaling with moves like this. The Kaepernick campaign was a BOON to Nike's bottom line. They aren't marketing to the Cabela's shoppers, although I wouldn't be surprised if they sell a small amount of merchandise in that chain.

Yes. Nike's view of their customer base and their personal politics makes these types of decisions easy. But I still think money is the biggest driver for pulling the Betsy Ross shoe.

I didn't know about the Wayfair issue, but it was pretty stupid. These workers refused to help the situation of the detainees. They need more furniture. Wayfair was going to build that furniture to better resource the detention centers. Now the immigrants don't get to enjoy the new resources. So stupid.

I don't know if Nike's perception of their customer base is right or wrong. I think they sell to a broad section of the US population including rural whites. But who knows.
Yes. Nike's view of their customer base and their personal politics makes these types of decisions easy. But I still think money is the biggest driver for pulling the Betsy Ross shoe.

I don't know if Nike's perception of their customer base is right or wrong. I think they sell to a broad section of the US population including rural whites. But who knows.
All I can tell you is they no longer sell to me.
Just in case any of you are fans of The Big Bang Theory, I am in the same room with Mayim Bialek at this moment. I'm not going to wait 2 hours to meet her, but it's still kinda cool.
I don't know if Nike's perception of their customer base is right or wrong. I think they sell to a broad section of the US population including rural whites. But who knows.

They won't be selling to this rural white anymore.

Nike needs to climb down off their high horse. They're an empire built largely on foreign sweat shop labor. At one point, in the 1990s, they were accused of using child labor, which is as bad as it gets. Now that they're a fat, rich global corporation, they can afford to make trivial gestures to the SJW crowd.

They probably want a factory in Arizona for when the Dems gain control and open the borders completely. All that cheap labor will be another boon for them.
They're an empire built largely on foreign sweat shop labor.

That's the ironic thing. Nike is getting all righteous about a 200 year old flag, but they likely use labor that makes less than slaves made if you account for the fact that slaves were given a place to live and food to eat.
As bad as sweat shops and child labor are, it is part of the industrialization process. People who are starving choose to work in factories where there are harsh conditions and low wages because it is better than the alternatives.

At the same time, Nike can choose to use factories in more developed countries to produced their shoes. That for some would be a more righteous choice.

I think it is okay to give new parts of the world the opportunity to develop economically. At first, it doesn't look good to those of us in the richest nation in human history. But in a generation or 2, the wages will be much higher, the conditions will be much better, and the children will be going to school to learn how to be engineers and marketers.

It is strange to me how someone could think that slavery was in some way better than wage labor. That is also what Marx thought who was a horrible economist, historian, and theoretician. He rightfully some class distinctions but even there he totally misunderstood how they relate.

Slaves didn't get a choice. They were forced by law to work fields and had no rights to leave to get a better paying or easier job. Those in poor countries working in factories or fields were able to make a choice. They could choose to do what their parents or grandparents did to make a living or go work in a factory. They chose. If it had turned out the factory was worse than the family farm, they would have gone back.

Logically speaking you can't pay a person less than it takes to live. If you do, they die and you no longer have an employee which makes the employer poorer. The employer has an incentive to pay his employees at least subsistence. Then as marginal utility of labor increases, the employee can afford to pay more and does as the economy grows and the demand for labor increases.

Once it is clear that factory owners work their employees to death. There will be no one to go work there anymore. Of course we are not seeing that. We are seeing poor people work long hours for not much money, but that is a different thing.
It is strange to me how someone could think that slavery was in some way better than wage labor.

It's not better, but if you're going to get self-righteous about it like Nike and their dumbass puppetmaster have, you look pretty crappy if you're only paying a little more than slave wages.
"Progressives" latest fad is licking your ice cream, then putting it back

They caught this licker, but she is a juve.
Otherwise, was looking at up to 20 years max (felony tampering)
Happened in Lufkin but she is from San Antonio
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I never thought about it, but why shouldn't ice cream be required to have a plastic seal on the inside like lots of other frozen food products?

So since the licker is a juvie, what's the penalty, a 10-minute timeout?

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