Dumb Political Correctness

Mr. Deez

Beer Prophet
Just more PC and more "wussification" of America. Roland Martin gets canned for making fun of a stupid Super Bowl ad (that had David Beckham undulating with a pair of socks stuffed in his shorts) and a guy in a pink suit. See story.

I'm not a big Roland Martin fan (though he isn't on my sh*t list either), but this is way over the top. Have we lost our friggin' minds? The guy was making a joke. He wasn't advocating violence. Can't these idiots tell the difference?? Besides, he didn't even do it on the air. He did it from his personal Twitter account.

(Besides, if a guy walked around in front of me in a pink suit, I'd feel a responsibility to whip his ***. Not because he might be gay but because he'd look like a damn fool.)

Ugh. Any predictions on Fox News hiring Martin inside a week?
he's talking about these guys

It's all a subterfuge!

He got shitcanned because he was a black man who was an Aggie!

I decry this racial bigotry! Decry it, I say!!!!

I agree with Leftwith above. There is no other type of political correctness. It's a term and attitude that was invented by wussies, propagated by wussies, and continues to be practiced ad nauseum by wussies.
They probably calculated the amount of money this comment would cost them versus how much this guy was worth. CNN is a business not an emotional outlet for personal beliefs.

Would you go to the mat with a bunch of LGBT activists and supporters, or just “suspend” him until the next outrage draws their attention? What decision makes CNN the most money?

Although I agree with you, I don't think the offended people who need to agree with you would ever agree with you.
I bet he was shocked to realize that he was suspended for someone else's deciding what he meant
and that being gay trumps being black
Now that you've all had your Ann Coulter moment: Roland made his bed and now he has to sleep in it, That's as it should be. There's probably not a black man alive who believes his comments were about soccer. The pervasive homophobia that engulfs the much of the black community did not leave Roland unscathed.
The Charlie Hebdo perspective -- "How did we end up here?"

"For a week now, experts of all kinds have been trying to understand the reasons for the attacks in Brussels. An incompetent police force? Unbridled multiculturalism? Youth unemployment? Uninhibited Islamism? The causes are numerous beyond counting and everyone will naturally choose the one that suits best their own convictions. Law and Order fans will denounce the haplessness of the police. Xenophobes will blame immigration. Sociologists will rehash the evils of colonialism. Urban-planners will point to the evils of ghettoisation. Take your pick.

In reality, the attacks are merely the visible part of a very large iceberg indeed. They are the last phase of a process of cowing and silencing long in motion and on the widest possible scale. Our noses are endlessly rubbed in the rubble of Brussels airport and in the flickering candles amongst the bouquets of flowers on the pavements......"
Besides, he didn't even do it on the air. He did it from his personal Twitter account.

How many teachers or public figures lost their jobs last year for supporting the display of the Confederate flag on Facebook or some other social media? If you post it on the internet, you own it. And Big Brother is watching. So much for The First Amendment.

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