Dumb Political Correctness

....THE PLAYBOOK >>> Media and pollsters conduct surveys using contrived questions and biased polling >>> MSM cherry picks results and uses amplifying language to take a 51% result to suggests "the majority of American supports gay marriage" >>> Biased liberal courts use this biased rhetoric as justification to "reflect a changing America" >>> MSM touts 3 year old rulings as "settled law", Never mind that we have 240 years of American history and thousands of years of human history that are to the contrary.

Good summary there. Which, to bang my particular pot once again, screams why these people can never be allowed to control the federal judiciary. Try and imagine if all the circuits and all the district courts and the SCOTUS were just like the 9th Circuit?
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Whether flag kneeling or flag burning, hate is the primary motivator

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So "First Man" -- the Neil Armstrong film which intentionally and conspicuously omits the US flag on the moon -- is semi-flopping on opening weekend. Go figure. Maybe they will try making Neil a woman in the re-make? That will be great

All they had to do was include the flag plant. That's all. Do that and they succeed. But they are simply to consumed by hate to let that happen. You have to hope that whoever provided funding on this will learn from this mistake. (I doubt it, but we can hope).

Sony Swings Past $1 Billion As ‘Venom’ Bites $35M+; ‘First Man’ Has Soft Launch With $16M+ – Sunday AM

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They let a man who is now calling himself a woman into the women's cycling world championships. The results were what you would expect. He/she says whether transgenders have an unfair advantage against biological females is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that he/she was not oppressed.

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Interestingly the promo for First Man shows the flag in closing photo.

I've heard that they omitted the flag planting from the movie to appeal to the Chinese audience. I'm not sure if that's true or not.

The movie makers claim that they meant nothing political by doing that but simply wanted to highlight that the moon landing was a "universal" "human" accomplishment. Of course, it wasn't, and trying to make it so is a political statement. If someone thinks it was a "human accomplishment," I'd like to see a list of the Greenlanders, Cambodians, and Angolans who were involved in the moon landing.
They let a man who is now calling himself a woman into the women's cycling world championships. The results were what you would expect. He/she says whether transgenders have an unfair advantage against biological females is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that he/she was not oppressed.


Unrelated to this post, that brings up a question for me. Does the "dislike" button on this board indicate that I dislike the person's post? Or that I dislike the message that he's relaying? Or that it ticks me off? I don't want to "like" something I dislike and accidentally trigger someone. :D

I've heard that they omitted the flag planting from the movie to appeal to the Chinese audience.

Wouldn't be surprising, as you're starting to see more and more Chinese-accommodating elements in movies. I haven't kept a running track so of course I forget them... but it's been more and more noticeable of late.

The movie makers claim that they meant nothing political by doing that but simply wanted to highlight that the moon landing was a "universal" "human" accomplishment. Of course, it wasn't, and trying to make it so is a political statement. If someone thinks it was a "human accomplishment," I'd like to see a list of the Greenlanders, Cambodians, and Angolans who were involved in the moon landing.

I actually get the basic point that it's a "human" achievement in that it shows what humanity is capable of achieving. Go us! But it's like when I saw a really basic, simplistic, stupid piece of art and told a friend that I could have done that, and she responded "Yeah... but you didn't!" And there were probably reasons that I didn't, and that other person did, and maybe we should be celebrating those conditions that led to that triumph. You can't really do that without acknowledging the country and culture from which that achievement sprung.
Unrelated to this post, that brings up a question for me. Does the "dislike" button on this board indicate that I dislike the person's post? Or that I dislike the message that he's relaying? Or that it ticks me off? I don't want to "like" something I dislike and accidentally trigger someone. :D....

The only reasonable option you have is to wear the poop emojis with pride
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Not a very fit looking lot. He-she is a little on the pudgy side. I guess to be a track sprinter you just need strong legs.
There is a new racism to worry about -- sexual racism.

Turns out that in general, white people prefer to date other white people (whether they're straight or gay and across all age groups) when looking for a partner online..... and that pisses the Left off, so they're looking into ways to change that.

Dating applications can allow users to fall into their own racial biases while searching for a partner, a new study says.

But in their study, researchers from schools like Cornell University say the “sexual racism” that plagues apps like Grindr, Tinder and Bumble can be stamped out with a few simple changes. The end goal, the study says, is to promote more diverse pairings on the dating sites.

Jevan Hutson, lead author of the study, said in a press release from Cornell University that “it’s really an unprecedented time for dating and meeting online” — which requires a more thorough look at how we can prevent discrimination on these dating apps.

“More people are using these apps, and they’re critical infrastructures that don’t get a lot of attention when it comes to bias and discrimination,” he said in the press release. “Intimacy is very private, and rightly so, but our private lives have impacts on larger socioeconomic patterns that are systemic.”

White people prefer white people on dating apps — but that could be changed, study says
Turns out that in general, white people prefer to date other white people

Based on the apps they mentioned, I don't think "dating" is where the preference lies.

And btw, since when is it a problem that minorities want to have sex with oppressive, privileged white men and they can't? I thought we were pariahs that no one wants to be around because we ruin everything? I would think this would be cause for celebration.
I actually get the basic point that it's a "human" achievement in that it shows what humanity is capable of achieving. Go us! But it's like when I saw a really basic, simplistic, stupid piece of art and told a friend that I could have done that, and she responded "Yeah... but you didn't!" And there were probably reasons that I didn't, and that other person did, and maybe we should be celebrating those conditions that led to that triumph. You can't really do that without acknowledging the country and culture from which that achievement sprung.

Under that logic, what isn't a "human achievement?" Damn, why didn't I think of that before I took the Bar Exam? Instead of busting my *** studying, I could have found some other sap who passed the Bar, argued that it was really a "human achievement" and that I deserve credit for his passing the Bar, and demanded that I be given a license.
And btw, since when is it a problem that minorities want to have sex with oppressive, privileged white men and they can't? I thought we were pariahs that no one wants to be around because we ruin everything? I would think this would be cause for celebration.

I got news for you. This isn't about the dudes.
There is a new racism to worry about -- sexual racism.

Turns out that in general, white people prefer to date other white people (whether they're straight or gay and across all age groups) when looking for a partner online..... and that pisses the Left off, so they're looking into ways to change that.

White people prefer white people on dating apps — but that could be changed, study says

You know what's next; sexual orientation bigotry. If you turn down a gay person of your gender because you are not gay then you will be a bigot.
You know what's next; sexual orientation bigotry. If you turn down a gay person of your gender because you are not gay then you will be a bigot.

We're already moving that way with trans-"women." Apparently, if you are thinking about going out with a "girl," and you back out when you find out that "she" has a big, swinging schlong, there's something wrong with you. You're messed up, but the dude wearing makeup and a bikini top and thinks he's a girl is normal.

We're already moving that way with trans-"women." Apparently, if you are thinking about going out with a "girl," and you back out when you find out that "she" has a big, swinging schlong, there's something wrong with you. You're messed up, but the dude wearing makeup and a bikini top and thinks he's a girl is normal.

Everything I was taught when I was growing up in the 50s and 60s is now politically incorrect.

When I was in junior high, as it was called then, all the boys in the 7th grade were called into the auditorium and shown the film "Boys Beware" (linked below, 10 minutes). It warned us to be wary of adult male strangers who approach you and try to befriend you. You Tube now classifies it a "homosexual scare film".

After we saw the film, a football coach asked us, "how many of you know what a homosexual is?". I admit, I didn't have a clue.

Can't imagine what 7th graders are taught these days.
We're already moving that way with trans-"women." Apparently, if you are thinking about going out with a "girl," and you back out when you find out that "she" has a big, swinging schlong, there's something wrong with you. You're messed up, but the dude wearing makeup and a bikini top and thinks he's a girl is normal.

Gonna' have to talk to my son about ANOTHER thing then. I certainly wouldn't feel bad about backing out. It might not be as bad as in the movie The Crying Game... maybe it would be!

I just think the aversion heterosexuals have to homosexuality is the major sticking point between equating racism and homophobia. My reaction to other races is benign; neutral. But the idea of having sex with a man is a true feeling of aversion. That is the natural response and that is quite different than racism to me. At the same time, I don't care if they get married. As Kinky Friedman said, "They might as well be as miserable as the rest of us." But it is my firm belief that the indoctrination taking place in the schools will one day reach the point that being pan-sexual (sex with anybody) is the norm and all else is to be considered deviant and hateful.
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You know what's next; sexual orientation bigotry. If you turn down a gay person of your gender because you are not gay then you will be a bigot.
It won't be next...it ALREADY exists. Lesbians have been fading heat from the trannies for many years now because we won't sleep with someone who still has or ever had a penis. The fact that we have standards like wanting to have sex ONLY with actual females now makes us 'phobic' and we get the slurs like TERF hurled at us...in some cases, efforts get made to damage the careers of females who won't sleep with the 'lesbian-identified' trannies...it is especially prevalent in the UK and other places that have been far more active in accepting this identity crap...
How dare you disrespect those "females".Some of them will surely find repressed memories soon
And you will find yourself being questioned by Kamala and Cory.
They can and will throw you in jail in Europe for an internet joke. Some Scottish dude didnt think much of his girlfriends dog. So he posted a Youtube of the dog raising his paw, and said the dog was a Nazi. Believe it or not, he was arrested, tried and convicted of a hate crime. The sentencing is next month -- he could get a year in the pokey. Effectively, its like the Nazis won the war in the end. Lefties here must be so jealous. They would throw us all in jail if they could. Suppression of free speech seems to be their solution to everything these days. Thank goodness for the wisdom of the Founders.

YouTuber faces jail for teaching dog to give Nazi salute

Here is an update on this guy who was put in prison for posting a meme using his girlfriend's dog

What all of you are saying is why we should embrace being the bad guys to SJWs and PC adherents. I don't think I have any common ground with someone saying I should be attracted to other men or trans or have sex with them just to show I am not a bigot. If that is the definition of bigot. I am a bigot.

Not sure where society goes after that, but there is practical compromise that I can see.

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