Dumb Political Correctness

I absolutely love this story. Link.

Some good stuff in this thread about

Thanks Joe, that should solidly disprove the defense of "that this stuff proves nothing except that a few things accidentally slip through the cracks."
Update on karate kick to the face dude

" .... Jordan Hunt, 26, of Toronto turned himself in to police on Saturday. He faces eight counts of assault and seven counts of mischief under $5,000 relating to the Life Choice demonstration last Sunday afternoon at Keele and Bloor Sts...."

Accused anti-abortionist kicker faces slew of assault, mischief charges

More often now, they are giving up on rhetoric and marches, going straight to violence.....Here is the moment when this guy karate kicked this woman in the face


Charged with Making Public Restricted Personal Information. Witness Tampering, Threats in Interstate Communications, Unauthorized Access of a Government Computer, 2nd Degree Burglary & Unlawful Entry
He also appears to be same person who wrote the "Dear Colleague" letter on behalf of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee two weeks ago

So this Cosko guy from She-Jack's office who was arrested for doxxing 3 members of the Senate Judiciary Committee -- Sheila claimed he was "just an unpaid intern." However, it appears he was more than that. He was a fellow, which means he was paid for his work, and the payments came from an "outside institution."

We dont know was paying him. Yet

Cosko Is Not An Unpaid Intern

Also, he is facing up to 50 years in the pokey
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Guys like Justin Norman shouldn't be liberals anymore. Why hold on to an ideology that is so obviously destructive? It is like in high school how some would take any amount of abuse from the "cool kids" if they were allowed to hang around. It was more important to sit at the "cool table" than to have any dignity.
Kind of a shocker, but well done

I never understood why you would want to risk forcing someone else to make you some food against their will? Wouldnt you always wonder if they spit in it? (or something worse) Isnt it better for everyone for you to simply be happy they were open and honest so you can find yourself a better vendor?

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So this Cosko guy from She-Jack's office who was arrested for doxxing 3 members of the Senate Judiciary Committee -- Sheila claimed he was "just an unpaid intern." However, it appears he was more than that. He was a fellow, which means he was paid for his work, and the payments came from an "outside institution."

We dont know was paying him. Yet

Cosko Is Not An Unpaid Intern

Also, he is facing up to 50 years in the pokey

Update -- He was denied bail
What % of "hate crimes" are fake?
Seems like most of them?

Two sets of rules

"Several high school girls — dubbed "mean girls" — claimed a male student sexually assaulted them because they “just don’t like him.” Now the school district and district attorney are facing heat over the fact that neither punished the young women at all.

Now the boy’s parents, Michael J. and Alicia Flood, are suing the parents of the five girls and the Seneca Valley School District in Pennsylvania over their son’s treatment. They say in their 26-page lawsuit their son “was forced to endure multiple court appearances, detention in a juvenile facility, detention at home, the loss of his liberty, and other damages until several of the girls reluctantly admitted that their accusations were false.”

Their son is now being homeschooled due to the bullying he received, including signs taped to his back without his knowledge that said “predator,” according to the lawsuit which was filed last week....."
It will take vigilante justice just to protect the targets of Antifa's violence. There presence I think now demand a counter-group to defend or private security. The police departments have punted.
It will take vigilante justice just to protect the targets of Antifa's violence. There presence I think now demand a counter-group to defend or private security. The police departments have punted.

And this is how you get politically-oriented paramilitary organizations that operate outside the law and do violence. Very dangerous stuff.
Yes extremely dangerous. What we have seen antifa etc do the last month or so is equally dangerous.
If not stopped there will be real violence soon.
I can't understand the police allowing what happened in Portland.
Also have to wonder if antifa etc are trying to provoke a reaction.
I can't understand the police allowing what happened in Portland.

Where were the German police when the the Nazi SA were out beating Jews and other political opponents in the streets? They were standing down, because the political leadership in their respective areas were telling them to mostly let the SA do whatever they needed to do. That's what's happening in places like Portland and Berkeley. You'll notice that Antifa doesn't pull this kind of crap in conservative cities where the police would take the clubs to them.

Also have to wonder if antifa etc are trying to provoke a reaction.

They don't want a reaction, because it wouldn't end well for them. Antifa has plenty of scary people in it, but if the Right formed similar organizations, they'd be heavily armed and have firearms expertise. It would get deadly on their end very fast. Antifa's rap is almost entirely about intimidating ordinary people who aren't fighters.
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