Dumb Political Correctness

I have noticed the Antifa does not seem to be very active inside the Great State of Texas.
The fact that this person presumably got accepted as a student and neither of my kids managed to does gall me somewhat.
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In some cities, the police just stand down
Here is a recent example
In this case, the City of Portland is supposedly even considering charging the driver with a crime

It's like the police have been the Republican Party and are afraid of how the media will label them if they actually do their job and enforce the law.
Deez, I agree that it is dangerous, but I don't know how else you protect innocent people from Antifa. It has to be demonstrated to them that it is dangerous for them to initiate violence.
Speaking of Political Correctness, has anyone heard of AntiPC NYU Professor?

I identified himself recently and wrote a book. His name is Michael Rectenwald and he previously was a neoMarxist. He rejected that ideology, is a Conservative Libertarian, and is now a pariah on the NYU campus.

He wrote a book called "Springtime For Snowflakes". Haven't read it but would really like to.
Deez, I agree that it is dangerous, but I don't know how else you protect innocent people from Antifa. It has to be demonstrated to them that it is dangerous for them to initiate violence.

Don't get the wrong idea. If police won't keep Antifa from attacking innocent people and destroying their property, I don't have any problem with a private security force on the Right to protect them. It's a matter of self-defense and maintaining basic order.

What's scary is that this sort of thing tends to snowball just as it did with the SA and the communist Red Front Fighters. We saw some of that in Charlottesville, but it can get a lot nastier than that. After all, only one person died, and nobody got shot. You'd probably see some veterans join who'd try to be responsible, but I'm sure you'd also see plenty of drunk, pissed off rednecks and ****-kickers running around with guns. That can get ugly.
Speaking of Political Correctness, has anyone heard of AntiPC NYU Professor?
I identified himself recently and wrote a book. His name is Michael Rectenwald and he previously was a neoMarxist. He rejected that ideology, is a Conservative Libertarian, and is now a pariah on the NYU campus.
He wrote a book called "Springtime For Snowflakes". Haven't read it but would really like to.

Does he already have tenure?
JoeFan, no he doesn't. For his professorship they don't grant it anyway. He is on year 4 of a 5 year contract. He knows the writing is on the wall.
Nah, those Berkley folks are just woke, man. Come on.

What they're doing is mouthing the talking points that they've heard liberal commentators say, and of course, they are mouthing the arguments that Democratic lawyers argue in court.

I favor voter ID laws, but to be fair, the argument against them has never been that no black people have IDs. If you randomly walk up to black people on the street, they'll almost surely have ID.

The argument has been that getting an ID costs money and that a disproportionate share of poor and minority voters (especially if they're elderly) don't have it, have little reason to get it, and that requiring it imposes an undue burden on them even if no fee is charged because the logistics of getting one takes time and effort and costs money.
What they're doing is mouthing the talking points that they've heard liberal commentators say, and of course, they are mouthing the arguments that Democratic lawyers argue in court.

I favor voter ID laws, but to be fair, the argument against them has never been that no black people have IDs. If you randomly walk up to black people on the street, they'll almost surely have ID.

The argument has been that getting an ID costs money and that a disproportionate share of poor and minority voters (especially if they're elderly) don't have it, have little reason to get it, and that requiring it imposes an undue burden on them even if no fee is charged because the logistics of getting one takes time and effort and costs money.
I know. I was being facetious.
Deez, The video is still instructive because every person regardless of race who is infirm or elderly will have the same obstacles to getting IDs. The white progressive racists believe something about black elderly, infirms (at least that is what you claim, even though the question was generally about black people in general) that they don't about white elderly, infirms.

Notice, the way the black people reacted to the question. They didn't shake their heads in agreement and say something like, "I don't have any trouble, but boy it is a problem for my aunt or mom or granddad". They reacted in shock like the thought has never occurred to them. Why is that? Because they don't know ANYONE who has a problem getting an ID. I know I am reading into the reactions a bit much, but ask any black person anywhere about their elders and I bet you get a similar response.

Why is that? Because if their mom or dad aren't able on their own to get an ID then they, the able-bodied young child, will help them.

The video absolutely shows the racism of the Left. Racism is inherent in just about every policy they propose in the last 20 years or so.
Deez, The video is still instructive because every person regardless of race who is infirm or elderly will have the same obstacles to getting IDs. The white progressive racists believe something about black elderly, infirms (at least that is what you claim, even though the question was generally about black people in general) that they don't about white elderly, infirms.

The argument isn't that only black elderly infirm have a hard time getting IDs. The argument is that those who are infirm and elderly are disproportionately minorities. It's about percentages, not absolute numbers. And it's not just about the elderly. It's about anybody for whom getting an ID is a significant financial burden.

Notice, the way the black people reacted to the question. They didn't shake their heads in agreement and say something like, "I don't have any trouble, but boy it is a problem for my aunt or mom or granddad".

Come on, Man. If one of the people Horowitz had interviewed had said that, do you think he or she would have ended up in the video montage? Hell no. It's like when Tea Partiers were interviewed on TV back in 2010. The media surely talked to intelligent people at those rallies, but they didn't get on the air. They put the toothless meth-head who sounds illiterate on the air.

Why is that? Because if their mom or dad aren't able on their own to get an ID then they, the able-bodied young child, will help them.

And ultimately I agree with you for two reasons. First, I don't believe getting an ID is really a serious burden for those who want one. Second, I don't favor the idea of making voting as easy as possible regardless of the consequences. Voting's not a virtue nor is there any inherent goodness in having a lot of people voting. It's a right, but it's a right that carries responsibility. If you're too dumb or too apathetic to get an ID, I frankly don't want you in a voting booth for the same reason I don't want a guy who just slammed a bottle of Jack Daniels getting behind the wheel of a car.
This is fantastic....

I think I originally saw that about 2 years ago and yes the leftist are the real racist as we know. But really it only touches the surface. I spent plenty of time as a volunteer tutor in 95% black housing projects and all the kids had smart phones, nice backpacks, good clothes, some had ipads and honestly most had a lot more than I had as a kid. I certainly didn't have the free tutoring of a college graduate from a great school.

In contrast, I also spent some time in some poor parts of KY tutoring poor white kids and they had none of that. What they did have was a desire and effort to learn and made no excuses for their plight. I bet a high % of them will work their way out of poverty. No wonder why Trump won big in KY and WV.

Of course when blacks that know the real deal call out the libtards they just get labeled as an uncle tom.
The argument is that those who are infirm and elderly are disproportionately minorities.

Kinda weird how all the elderly and infirmed people are minorities. But having said that, it's interesting also that as many "get out the vote" events they have for older people in disadvantaged communities, they can't manage to do a "go get your ID" event.
I think that was the point.

I understand that, but he relied on a straw man to do it. He didn't have to do that.

Kinda weird how all the elderly and infirmed people are minorities.

Again, that has never been the argument. It's about percentages.

But having said that, it's interesting also that as many "get out the vote" events they have for older people in disadvantaged communities, they can't manage to do a "go get your ID" event.

Certainly they could, but of course that makes the Democrats' job harder.
Deez, all I got from your response is that ultimately you agree with me.

Thanks. I thought I was right too.

I do agree with you on the issue. It's the sloppy argument that the video makes that bugs me. If you want to make white liberals look like sanctimonious douches who think blacks are a bunch of helpless, dumb savages who can only be civilized by smart, woke white liberals who know what's best for them, you can do that without BSing their rationale on voter ID.
Kind of a shocker, but well done

I never understood why you would want to risk forcing someone else to make you some food against their will? Wouldnt you always wonder if they spit in it? (or something worse) Isnt it better for everyone for you to simply be happy they were open and honest so you can find yourself a better vendor?

because all proponents of forced diversity and inclusion know the truth. The truth is that their ideas aren't really supported by a large enough population to support a "Gay Bakery" or an "inclusive Boy Scouts alternative". They know that in the competition for real support on a level playing field most of America will still go to the "I don't bake for LGBT" versus the "I bake for LGBT" crew. Their only mechanism to get their way, is to load a court with liberals and then take a lawsuit up the chain.

If you put the gay bakery and the non-gay bakery on the same street in most of America, the non-gay bakery would win. If you put a gay boy scout option and a non-gay boy scout option on the table, parents would choose the non-gay option hands down. Support for this stuff is always theoretical support. It's only "Survey Support". People are willing to check a box on a survey so they can feel like they aren't biased, but when the rubber meets the road, theoretical and "survey support" lose out to "I'm doing what is really best for me and my family". Support for forced educational diversity fades away when you have to decide where your own child is going. Support for forced diversity in hiring fades away when it is you looking for a job.

THE PLAYBOOK >>> Media and pollsters conduct surveys using contrived questions and biased polling >>> MSM cherry picks results and uses amplifying language to take a 51% result to suggests "the majority of American supports gay marriage" >>> Biased liberal courts use this biased rhetoric as justification to "reflect a changing America" >>> MSM touts 3 year old rulings as "settled law", Never mind that we have 240 years of American history and thousands of years of human history that are to the contrary.
Kinda weird how all the elderly and infirmed people are minorities. But having said that, it's interesting also that as many "get out the vote" events they have for older people in disadvantaged communities, they can't manage to do a "go get your ID" event.
This . If they would spend 50% of the same effort actually getting people to and from the ID stations, this theoretical problem would already have been solved. But for the talking points, it is much better to blame the racist GOP for suppressing the vote.

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