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What all of you are saying is why we should embrace being the bad guys to SJWs and PC adherents. I don't think I have any common ground with someone saying I should be attracted to other men or trans or have sex with them just to show I am not a bigot. If that is the definition of bigot. I am a bigot.
Not sure where society goes after that, but there is practical compromise that I can see.
I kind of feel like this response is what you're going to start seeing now, as people realize that they can't just keep retreating back behind the next line drawn. Once that happens, we really will have a divided nation that just can't function together in a single society. I don't know what happens at that point, but I guess the election turf war just becomes bloodier and bloodier.
But what makes that really interesting is that you're continuing to see a gravitation to urban centers by liberals, which compounds their belief that they are not being represented in our government (i.e. the senate, electoral college - which apparently are vestiges of racism and slavery and white supremacy???) So they're going to keep self-selecting themselves into a concentrated group in concentrated areas. Which would be a great solution if it mean they would leave the rest of us alone.