Dumb Political Correctness

What all of you are saying is why we should embrace being the bad guys to SJWs and PC adherents. I don't think I have any common ground with someone saying I should be attracted to other men or trans or have sex with them just to show I am not a bigot. If that is the definition of bigot. I am a bigot.

Not sure where society goes after that, but there is practical compromise that I can see.

I kind of feel like this response is what you're going to start seeing now, as people realize that they can't just keep retreating back behind the next line drawn. Once that happens, we really will have a divided nation that just can't function together in a single society. I don't know what happens at that point, but I guess the election turf war just becomes bloodier and bloodier.

But what makes that really interesting is that you're continuing to see a gravitation to urban centers by liberals, which compounds their belief that they are not being represented in our government (i.e. the senate, electoral college - which apparently are vestiges of racism and slavery and white supremacy???) So they're going to keep self-selecting themselves into a concentrated group in concentrated areas. Which would be a great solution if it mean they would leave the rest of us alone.
It won't be next...it ALREADY exists. Lesbians have been fading heat from the trannies for many years now because we won't sleep with someone who still has or ever had a penis. The fact that we have standards like wanting to have sex ONLY with actual females now makes us 'phobic' and we get the slurs like TERF hurled at us...in some cases, efforts get made to damage the careers of females who won't sleep with the 'lesbian-identified' trannies...it is especially prevalent in the UK and other places that have been far more active in accepting this identity crap...
It’s ironic that the old joke of a man saying that he is a lesbian in a man’s body is functionally realized in a transsexual (though I understand that is not really the psychological situation for a transsexual).
It won't be next...it ALREADY exists. Lesbians have been fading heat from the trannies for many years now because we won't sleep with someone who still has or ever had a penis. The fact that we have standards like wanting to have sex ONLY with actual females now makes us 'phobic' and we get the slurs like TERF hurled at us...in some cases, efforts get made to damage the careers of females who won't sleep with the 'lesbian-identified' trannies...it is especially prevalent in the UK and other places that have been far more active in accepting this identity crap...

Wow. I need to get out more often. This is so crazy. The big problem these days is the aggression to control other peoples thoughts and the inability to accept that your opinion or feelings or desires are not universal. I'm not a shrink but to me it all comes down to self-confidence or self-image. Seeking constant external validation is a sad way to live.

What does TERF mean?
What does TERF mean?

It started out being applied to those who were strict adherents of radical feminism, with the acronym standing for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. HOWEVER, it has since been used as a slur towards ANY female that dares speak about ANY component of trans cult-think.

To illustrate the fact that it is used as a slur, those who apply the term have even used it towards persons who identified as transsexual and who dared hold an opinion that actual females were, in fact, entitled to sex-segregated spaces free from persons born male.

Another quick way to get the slur hurled is to merely mention that the concept of "cisgender" is bull caca.
I looked up Cisgender and it is defined as a term for people whose gender identity matches the sex that they were assigned at birth. It's interesting that the term "assigned" is used in the definition.

I'm still not sure what the technical definition of TERF is in terms of what is considered radical feminism versus not.

Entitled; interesting. So you are not entitled to free will?
Hungary is banning gender studies. Link. I'm not a fan of banning things. I'd rather create an area of study that focuses on how stupid gender studies is. However, since we're eliminating things like free speech and free thought on campus as dangerous, violent, and racist relics of the past why not ban gender studies? I can't think of anything more worthy of a ban.
Deez, it should be possible to ban subjects in public schools because they are part of the government anything. You could probably make a social engineering case for removing it. But you would have to leave private institutions to teach what they wanted.
What makes it even funnier is that someone called her out on this and asked "serious question - did you post this before or after you learned that Kleenex was already planning to make this change?"
Oh my gosh
You wont believe what Chuckles just said on the Joe MSNBC show
Dont be swallowing your coffee as you open this --

Schumer -- “I think there’s too much political correctness in this country.”


You have to wonder what it was that finally pushed Chuckles over the line. What was it that made him say, "You know, this is too much" ?
Maybe it was this

Punished for being in a high school with a higher percentage of quality students?
Yes and no.
That was certainly the case at Kingwood in the early 2000s. I’m positive their HS academic record was their chief undoing. I offered to move them to the school where I taught (top 10 was not a guarantee but top 10% was a really good bet). They both “graciously” declined my offer. They were both better prepared than me for the next level as a result.
I’m also positive I would not be accepted at Texas today. B/C student but aced my SAT in 1975. <old fart>Campus life has changed since then and not for the better</old fart>.
Gonna' have to talk to my son about ANOTHER thing then. I certainly wouldn't feel bad about backing out. It might not be as bad as in the movie The Crying Game... maybe it would be!

I just think the aversion heterosexuals have to homosexuality is the major sticking point between equating racism and homophobia. My reaction to other races is benign; neutral. But the idea of having sex with a man is a true feeling of aversion. That is the natural response and that is quite different than racism to me. At the same time, I don't care if they get married. As Kinky Friedman said, "They might as well be as miserable as the rest of us." But it is my firm belief that the indoctrination taking place in the schools will one day reach the point that being pan-sexual (sex with anybody) is the norm and all else is to be considered deviant and hateful.
what's crazy is that the left talks about both sides of their mouths on how your surroundings impact your beliefs and actions. Apparently, memes are now enough to cause childhood obesity but being bombarded with LGBTQ propaganda and images on TV doesn't have any impact on teenagers that are already in the "confused" puberty phase.
what's crazy is that the left talks about both sides of their mouths on how your surroundings impact your beliefs and actions. Apparently, memes are now enough to cause childhood obesity but being bombarded with LGBTQ propaganda and images on TV doesn't have any impact on teenagers that are already in the "confused" puberty phase.
Drop the mike.
<iframe width="476" height="267" src="https://abc7chicago.com/video/embed/?pid=4552884" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Well, this is what happens when we let boys be girls.
Take a look at this transitioning "female" brutally beat a high school girl who made fun of what "she" was wearing. This is wrong on so many levels, I honestly feel my heart rate go through the roof while watching.
He kicks her in the head, ribs, body after he has put her on the ground. And after he has knocked out a real boy. Check out the size of this "girls" neck.
And, of course "she" is going out for female sports teams soon.
I must be honest, if I was this girl's daddy, this little transitioning thug would suddenly have a meeting with me and a couple of friends.
This is sickening. Is this what liberals want? Really? And it happened in Tomball, Texas.

PS sorry, I don't know how to post this without the commercial
At least the thug in the Tomball incident is properly identified in court documents as a male.

My guess, however, is that no jail time will be assessed and there will be a one-year term of probation. Hopefully the judge rejects any offers of deferred disposition because an assault should never be something that can be covered up by a dismissal such as occurs with a successfully completed deferred...
A story of a modern white woman in three parts




So she can sing; she covered a song written by Prince. I know lots of girls/women who can sing. She is clearly a mental case and her opinions are impaired beyond the bounds of reason. Yet the mindless egalitarianism of the Left falsely equalizes all opinions and actions as long as they approve. There is no border when it comes to hysteria. In fact, it is welcomed.
Does Sinéad O'Connor really need to wear the hijab? My understanding is that it's supposed to cover the hair. Well, if you shave your head, is the scalp also considered alluring?

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