Darrell Scott- Are we the leader now?

Am I the only one that's feeling a little weird about this whole thing? I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he throws a major curve ball on signing day.

There's a Cu hat and a UT hat on the table..he puts his hand over both, before pulling a UCLA hat out or something stupid.
It's that kind of thing (the tired hat show) and the fact that you really just don't know who will pan out that has cooled my once fervid following of recruiting. Mack always gets a good class and some of the guys will make a difference and some won't.

I also don't like all of the media attention paid to these decisions, but we've talked about that before and there's nothing we can do about it.

This is nothing against Scott. He hasn't done anything other than keep his thinking to himself and that's fine. I wish him well no matter his choice.
I'm kind of with you, RomaVicta.

Darrell is a sensational talent. I hope that he looks at the total equation and realized that Texas has resources and is a player on the national scene that Colorado will never be. He seems like a good kid and it does appear that he really is trying to make his own decision, privately, and in his own time.

Having said that, the media spectacle is turning me off. We feed it with our interest, so we're as much to blame as anybody.

It's another gorgeous day in Austin and I'm out to enjoy it.
We have a fantastic class in the bag already, some already on campus. The interest is fueled because we normally don't have any suspense this time of year and the suspense we do have this year is focused on an elite, national player. Seeing Darrell's high school highlights, it is tantalizing to picture him running behind our young but talented OL. I am cautiously optimistic regarding his decision, but realize he has to make the best decision for him.
Unlike Brantley and Perriloux, Darrell Scott has been up front about waiting until signing day to announce his decision. We will be glad if he comes our way but if he doesn't, there should be no animosity about the way he handled things.
DS is not a RP. He is a good kid, soft spoken and trying to make the right decision. I don't think there is any chance of him doing the hat thing. In fact, I doubt there is even a huge press conference.
Brantly decommitted I think in early December right after the banquet IIRC. He didn't totally dick us like RP did, JB came to us and comittted way early, he thought about it and was probably pressured to stay close to home and he did. What JB did and RP did were totally different things.
The link you provided says 56 not 49.

Regardless, it was 63 degrees today in Boulder.

Not that it matters. Like I have said- would take CO weather over Austin every single time.
you guys shouldquit playing these little games with the Boulder kid...he will always have an answer (whether logical or just his fanatasy) to everything and anything you throw out there...if he likes Boulder, good for him...it probably fits him well and he has probably never been to Austin.
I'm not going to lie. I like Boulder quite a bit. Of course I also used to regularly go to Phish shows in college.

That said, the place is about as white as it gets. Lilly-white.

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