Crystal Meth

I am sure most of this has already been said at one time or another.

I am mostly with Hayden Horn on this. I've seen first hand what Meth does. It is never pretty and it takes prisoners.

From those I have met, and I do a lot of work with recovering addicts/counselling/teen education type stuff.....most are permanently affected both mentally and physically....even the very few who escape it.

There isn't really anything you can give meth addicts to help them withdraw from the drug. You can give alcoholics lithium or valium and supportive care. Most meth addicts go cold turkey and its harsh.

THe stories that girls have told me about what they did while on it or in order to get it are....disgusting and horrible. If I had done those things, I wouldn't want to quit so I could think about that everyday either. Sick stuff.

On the other side, I don't want to worry that if, heaven forbid, I rear-ended a car in traffic, I wouldn't blow up sky high as I strike a portable meth lab. My Uncle is a contractor in Indiana. He searches a house every time he begins new work to make sure its safe to send his guys in and that they won't need decon suits.

Meth and its makings are nasty crap.

Mac thinks most drugs should be legal as well....last time I checked, but meth, no way. Its deadly on all sides. It can kill the cookers, the users, the users families, and in the end, I think society loses. I've seen some pretty amazing people die after "one more hit" of meth. You want to smoke pot or long as you don't drive, I don't care. But meth is bad stuff.
I have sympathy for everyone who has known someone or personally experienced methamphetamine use. It's a tragedy and can ruin lives.

I know someone who used a considerable amount of crystal meth. He had 8 pages of plans, diagrams of decanters, filters, tubes and instructions on how to produce the meth. Disclaimer: I wasn't involved in that.

I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet but meth does tremendous damage to your teeth.

As far as an earlier poster saying that some meth users stay awake for a week or more, this person did that as well. He said that he eventually saw ~shadow people~.

I will say this though, I think we need to spend more money on attempts at rehabilitation than simply putting drug users in prison. We can spend our money on doctors, counselors, and rehab facilities rather than prison guards and prison facilities.

Jail time as a deterrent always comes up as a crime prevention measure, but it's not. Most people who get out of jail do the same things that they always did, they're just smarter because of what they learned in prison. It's like sending them to school.

The question you have to ask yourself is -- do you want to help people or do you just want to lock people up and throw away the key. That's simply rubbing a dog's nose in it's pee, spanking the dog, and throwing it outside.

Regarding the comments about being "instantly addictive," it's not.

I think people become addicts for a variety of reasons -- they enjoy the high, they don't have much else to live for, they're looking for some pleasure in their life, or their parents didn't teach them to pursue other goals, etc. The phrase I generally use is "addictive personality." Why that occurs may have to do with some of the things I mentioned above or maybe something else.

When I worked at a pharmacy we gave out 100-packs of needles for free even though the people were supposed to have a prescription at the time. If they had money, that was cool. I suppose we were breaking the law, but we were saving lives by giving them clean needles.

I thought the comment about meth users being more productive was intereseting because this meth user who I knew worked in construction and said that he would pay people who used meth more money per hour to do a job than a non-user.

Another poster said something about losing weight. This person I knew also said he used meth for weight control.

Another poster mentioned something about the cut. Well, if you cut with drano, strychnine, baking soda, or whatever; that's what is causing the physical harm.

I know a nurse who says that if the drugs were pure and regulated, they wouldn't be causing as much of a health risk. So, that's why I'm for legalization or decriminalization.
btw, people don't cut meth with crazy **** like you all think they do. basically there are two established cuts for coke and meth and you can get either at any head shop.

Meth, you cut with Niacin. It burns clear, but it burns. so meth is perfect for it.

Cocaine is usually cut with Inositol.

This is standard stuff. Saying that people use rat poison or other nonsense is ridiculous. Drug dealing is just the same as any other business, they want repeat customers.

These type of tales come from the local news and the same people that told you people that smoke mj jump off buildings. stop blaming the drug. There is always going to be a new "meth". It was heroin, it was cocaine, it was crack, there will always be something that people are doing. Meth is no worse or no better.

The percentage of people that try meth and get addicted are surely higher than those that try alcohol. But ask yourself this... the person that is trying meth is most likely very prone to being an addict. One usually graduates to things like meth and cocaine, so your percentages are going to be higher.

The main difference in meth and some of these others is it is affecting middle america. Do you honestly think the meth problem is any worse than what crack did, and is still doing, to the inner city minorities? probably not, but that **** didn't affect white america for the most part... so we didn't really care.
those of you acting like these drug addicts only become criminals after they go to prison are driving me crazy. i can think of an entire group of kids from highschool that were exhibiting criminal behavior as 18 year olds. several of them wound up involved with drugs. they were "harmless criminals" who grew into bolder drugs and bolder crimes. and why do you assume over and over again that it is more likely that they would rehabilitate from going involuntarily to a counselor than in a program in prison?
i'm not saying there shouldn't be reform, but to act like these guys are the victims is a joke.
Oregon has the worst meth addiction problems in the country. Multnomah County (where Portland is) started the "Faces of Meth" program.

A person who starts abusing drugs like Meth or Crack were already damaged individuals prior to use. So to claim the children of these people are at risk because of the drug is, IMO, missing the point. The kids were always in danger.
I've got an opinion on addiction in general. People that need some type of outside agent to function are weak. They are a drain on society and will eventually die because of their problem. One less to deal with I suppose.
In my little East Texas town and the counties around here this stuff is running rampant.

I visited with a drug rehab counselor who happens to office up stairs as well as being a long time, very good friend of mine who has an extensive amount of knowledge about addiction (he's a Ph.D. and an Ed.D.). He was in Vietnam for 2 years and got into rehab counseling/psych. of addiction to help the herion addicts coming out of 'Nam.

He says there's never been a drug as nasty as meth when it comes to addiction. In fact, he told me that meth is one of only two drugs that a person can become clinically addicted to after one hit.

The other, btw, is nicotine.

The rescidivism rate for meth addiction is somewhere around 98% after the first rehab, 88% after the third rehab. And after that there's not much any program can do unless the patient is 100% willing to do whatever it takes to quit.

In my practice I've defended meth addicts and I've been ad litems for the children of parents addicted to meth. This is anything but a victimless crime.

What's sad is that it's affecting a younger and younger age bracket each and every year. We have a dentist who practices right down the street from us who comes over for coffee and to ******** about once a week. He was telling me just the other day how many kids he's seeing with chalk teeth (the stuff destroys your teeth), a few from some of the better known and respected families in town.

But I have had a positive experience with it. My old assistant (now in Austin) came in for an interview a few years ago, and after talking to her about the job it became obvious that she didn't have much experience in a law office. And she was fairly young: 22 at the time. So I'm trying to find a way to be nice about, but she picks up on what's about to happen (which shows some good insight on her part) and says "Look, I know I'm not the most qualified for this job. But I need someone to give me a chance. I was a meth addict who quit on my own by locking myself in my room for 3 months. That was 8 months ago and haven't touched it since."

"You're hired. You understand what happens if...."

"Yes sir."

"Okay...that's the last word about that. See you tomorrow."

"How 'bout right now?"

She worked for me for 3+ years and was here every, single day and did a first class bang up job not only for me but for the entire office. Easily the best we've had. Not a day went by that I wasn't thankful that I gave her a chance, and she knew I went on a limb for her and she never took that for granted. There literally wasn't a thing that we wouldn't do for one another (except that). And to top it off she was an unbelievably good guard dog, a Class A babe (I'm talking a real looker), and just damned fun to be around.

She knew what was at stake and conquered it. She had the guts and the honesty to lay it there right off the bat, and I'm going to take a chance on that type of person every, single time.

The stuff can make good people even better, but it has to be someone special.
To quote Snoop:

"Chronic took crack out the hood."

I think one of the best ways to keep people away from drugs like Meth is to have a ready supply of MJ. Hell, throw in some safe places to do shrooms and LSD. All those are basically harmless physiologically, yet provide a way to do what people that do drugs want to do.

The meth problem is a direct result of the war on drugs.
Meth is some evil ****, indeed...

I, too, have seen the firsthand effects...

My username comes partly from the fact that, when I chose it, I was in the process of raising my 4 nieces along with our other 5 kids...

We got the nieces because my wife's brother and wife both decided that meth was WAY more important to them than the kids...

My BIL and SIL have both been in and out of prison over the BIL has basically gone off the deep end into retardedville...he barely ever makes sense anymore when you hear him talk...

He got sent to prison because he walked into, I believe, Lew Sterritt in Dallas (the jail) and demanded that they release his friend. Now ordinarily, this wouldn't result in jail time...but it does when you walk in wearing a .357 in a holster on your hip...and you're on probation for doing meth...

He's been busted with drugs multiple times. They always offered rehab as the first option and he always failed...right now he lives with my MIL, but we're all quite sure he's still using...

He got cleaned up for a short period after he got out of jail the first time...he actually divorced the SIL and got remarried to a hot, young chick...who then convinced him he should move the kids back in with him...

We resisted and fought him in court, since we knew what the end result was going to be...but, he pulled out all the stops, including calling CPS on us and letting us know he wasn't above causing us to lose OUR kids,, even though there's a REALLY good chance we would have kept the kids living with us, we decided to let them was extremely painful to us...

A year and a half later, he's way deep back in meth, his wife has left him and the kids are basically raising we took them back in...

However, by this time, they'd really been messed up bad and we couldn't control now they're split up among several different relatives...

It's a completely ****** up situation and it all started because meth sucked them in...

**** meth...
All drugs except prescription are bad, and even They are misused or cause harm much of the time. People lose their futures in the blink of an eye, and never see themselves the same again. Looking in the mirror, they would not even recognize themself. Schools, families, jobs, all are lost. Nothing is more important to the Meth User than finding their next fix.

Remember, the NEW form of Meth is ICE, 100% pure meth, smoked, or snorted. This is a newer and much more addictive form than previously known.

Rehab? Meth Heads are liars. They will tell you anything to stay out of jail. They will not rehab easily, let me tell you.

The reason I decided to post is the "NON-VIOLENT" spin that is on the thread. That is wrong!

Colton Pitonyak, confused after 3 or four days of doing ice, killed his girlfriend, cut her up into pieces, then fled to Mexico.

You call that non-violent?

Bad, evil stuff. Dealers should be publicly hanged.

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