Countdown to Football

Two #19s from the same game. #19 Blaine Irby celebrates a TD with Colt, and #19 Justin Tucker celebrates his game -winning field goal. You know the game.


There sure were a lot of posts attributed to that #20 guy, what's-his-name... was he pretty good or something?

Less than 20 days amigos!!! :yippee:


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Sure where a lot of posts attributed to that #20 guy, what's-his-name... was he pretty good or something?

Less than 20 days amigos!!! :yippee:



#20 was a little known flash in the pan. A blindingly bright, explosive flash forever burnt in the mind's of fans that were lucky enough to see him play.

Jimmy Moore returns a punt 73 yards for a touchdown against Arkansas. Trailing the play are Doug English #74, Rick Fenlaw #55, Wade Johnston #35, Terry Melancon #19 and Fred Currin #80 for Texas.

Jimmy Moore returns a punt 73 yards for a touchdown against Arkansas. Trailing the play are Doug English #74, Rick Fenlaw #55, Wade Johnston #35, Terry Melancon #19 and Fred Currin #80 for Texas.

Joe goes deep to find this photo of Melancon!:hookem:
An easier photo to find is Melancon's INT to keep the Horns alive in the 1973 Cotton Bowl. My mom assures me that I saw the game, but I was a toddler and don't remember it.

I remember that it didn't seem nearly so cold after that INT. Then things really warmed up!
Yes, lot's of great contributions but he is still a slacker for not remembering the 1982 CB versus Al-e-bam-me!

I do remember the '82 Cotton Bowl. I was 12 then, about to turn 13. My fondest recollection is wondering why I had never noticed the cheerleaders before.
I do remember the '82 Cotton Bowl. I was 12 then, about to turn 13. My fondest recollection is wondering why I had never noticed the cheerleaders before.

Typo - meant to say 1973 CB... but pleased to hear you noticed the splendid '81 UT Cheerleaders.
# 18 QB - Bill "Super Bill" Bradley, 1966-1968



1967 - DKR & Texas Captains: Bill Bradley, Corby Robertson & Chris Gilbert


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