Cotton Bowl: Horns-Buckeyes Game Thread

Hell of a game. They made more big plays than we did. We fought hard the whole game and didn’t give up when things weren’t going our way.
Sark has an inability to stick with things that work and instead tries to show his mettle with something "new" in those situations. They could have had QE roll on 2nd and 1.

Yeah, obviously easy in hindsight but if he fakes that pitch and bootlegs to the right he could have walked in.
The only good thing about this being our last game is I will never have to watch Quinn play another football game. He is just a bad QB. You Quinn lovers have zero clue. He can’t run. He can’t throw past about 20 yards. Has no accuracy. He freaking sucks and cost our team a chance at an NC. All off season I will think about that. We have a real QB and this team was unbeatable.
Oh Football Geezus,

Please let Arch be the 2nd coming of his uncle. No, not Eli, the other one. If not, the board will crucify him just like everyone else that doesn't meet their 'standards'.
And for all the sunshine pumpers on here, this is why realistic posters are always wringing their hands in game threads. Another blown opportunity. Maybe "next year".
I try not be a bandwagon Quinn hater and I think a lot of people just refuse to ever give him credit when he does well. We don't beat ASU without him reading the defense perfectly.

But this game, let's forget Colt or VY, we win this game with Ehlinger back there. He wasn't a pinpoint passer but he didn't miss open guys this often nor did he sack himself by running INTO pressure from a clean pocket. He also didn't slow/soft lob stuff so often allowing defenders to catch up and limit YAC and/or deliver more crunching hits.