
Because unlike China, India doesn't have the media on their payroll via vacation junkets to China and ads in newspapers. Plus China has the entertainment complex's nuts in a vice and can threaten to keep their movies and TV shows out of China. So the byline reporters are told to tote the line, and like the organ grinder monkeys they are, they clamp and dance accordingly.

Yes, but the internet sees all. This will be brought into the light eventually.
Fauci sounds a lot like us science hating conservatives here.

And NOW that flip-flopping sanctimonious fraud is putting out a, profiting from his office AND the pandemic. I guess he wants a Capital F so there is an absolute emphasis on F the public...
Fauci sounds a lot like us science hating conservatives here.

The blanket mask mandate was intended to reach working class folks who were going to work sick and primarily causing the spread. Since we didn’t want to single out the working poor, the CDC had everyone else virtue signal mask wearing.
Ever see a trash bag flutter back and forth in a garbage strewn ally? That bag has more consistency and integrity that St. Dr. Fauci does. And would have done a better job.

Remember, St. Dr. Fauci, who's been drawing a paycheck since the US was on the sliver standard, was also in charge of the AIDS response, and he couldn't even get NY and SF to close down gay bathhouses that were responsible for a huge number of cases early on, moving the virus from a small case load that could have been controlled, to the wider population. His CDC did nothing effective, and eventually private companies developed treatments. Sound familiar?

Can we all chip in and just replace him with a garden gnome, that at least won't ruin peoples' businesses and life savings from lockdowns?
And NOW that flip-flopping sanctimonious fraud is putting out a, profiting from his office AND the pandemic. I guess he wants a Capital F so there is an absolute emphasis on F the public...

His flip-flopping on hydroxychloroquine against coronaviruses costed a lot of lives. He praised the drug's ability to halt coronaviruses in earlier writings and then decided to go along with Big Pharma to destroy it.
Sooo why should I believe government officials ever again?

What else are lieing about? I would say top of the list is climate, economics, and foreign policy.
Whats the deal with the Fauci emails....3,000 pages released with one supposedly explaining how covid was lab made along with all of its specifications. Apparently there's a lot of juicy stuff in those explaining what a fraud this whole thing has been.
It’s been nothing but fraud from the beginning. Hats off to the democrats for winning an election at the cost of Americans present and future.

I laughed today at Biden’s latest presser. Actually he gave Trump credit without saying Trump. Then panned to his racist feelings about the black community. The fact he degrades black people like the only place they go is the barbershop and they trust their barbers for healthcare advice is asinine. How can any black person not see this as racist and demeaning?
Gain of function research can be helpful to studying vaccines as well as to develop biological weapons. The weapons angle sounds more nefarious, but that still wouldn't make it an intentional leak. I'd bet my left arm that we conduct and fund both types of research in the United States.

Of course, none of this absolves China of responsibility. Rather than acknowledge any leak and being open about everything they know about it, they've lied, played the race card, and obfuscated. They are major villains in this either way. In fact, they are villains in this even if the bat theory turns out to be true. We need to wake up and start treating them as such. Those who have covered for them in the United States should be exposed and lose their credibility.
This supports my view that most see China at fault regardless of intention. Only the elitists will excuse China.

Science isn't political, but the scientists listened to and given a platform by the media (which is a small number of scientists) clearly are. Furthermore, when they speak, all the normal scientific tendencies and assumptions are set aside. Inquiry and investigation are discouraged. Logical and intellectual leaps are routinely made. Other plausible explanations are dismissed without evidence or on very flimsy evidence. We pretend they are "debunked" when they clearly are not.

What's messed up is that these people were willing to sacrifice their credibility - not their scientific credibility but their moral and ethical credibility. They aren't incompetent. They are liars, and huge numbers of people will never trust them again and for good reason.
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Science definitely IS political today. Scientists who agree with the narrative are never threatened. They can lie and cheat and they will never have to really answer for their sins. Scientists who are honest and follow the data where it leads are mocked, canceled, and fired. They are never right. They are never recognized. They are never apologized to. This has been obvious around COVID, but it is just as serious or more in climate science.

The government has just about ruined everything at this point. Medicine. Science. Voting. Economy. Free speech.
Science definitely IS political today. Scientists who agree with the narrative are never threatened. They can lie and cheat and they will never have to really answer for their sins. Scientists who are honest and follow the data where it leads are mocked, canceled, and fired. They are never right. They are never recognized. They are never apologized to. This has been obvious around COVID, but it is just as serious or more in climate science.

The government has just about ruined everything at this point. Medicine. Science. Voting. Economy. Free speech.
Sadly, it has cur both ways for far too long...remember the reluctance of the government to even RECOGNIZE the illness originally known as GRID 40+ years ago. The public knows it now as AIDS. But back then, no political figure really wanted to touch the subject because it involved those icky gay men.

Ironically, after lesbians provided so much care to the community, the gay men who decided they were really 'women' would turn on the lesbians several decades later in an attempt to silence us at every turn...

At least in my lifetime, there is no question that much of 'science' has been politicized. How anyone can disagree with that, especially after what has even been conceded by the mainstream media in the past week, is beyond rational reason.
Listening to commentary on the Fauci emails and reading a couple myself. There is so much corruption in our medical community. Among other things the existence of a medical industrial complex has been exposed.

Another thing that stood out was that the Facebook fact checker was in an email with Fauci thanking him for saying publicly the lab origination theory was crazy. This same fact checker was the guy who funneled money from NIH or NAIAD (from Fauci) to the Wuhan lab. This is some crazy, crazy stuff. The government is for or by the people anymore. It's in spite of the people for their own aggrandizement and wealth.
Deaths are heading towards 200 per day in a week or two, which is flu-like in numbers.

Any reason for any covid restriction after July1?
Deaths are heading towards 200 per day in a week or two, which is flu-like in numbers.

Any reason for any covid restriction after July1?

****, I wish they went away July 1. I'm planning to fly to Texas in July. I have to take a Covid test to fly to the US. I have to take a test just before I leave to fly back to the UK. After I'm in the UK, I have to quarantine for 10 days, take a Covid test on Day 2 after I arrive and on Day 8 after I arrive. That's 4 friggin' Covid tests, and I have to pay for them all. I'm going to end up spending about $600 on Covid tests just to travel to the United States and back.

By they way, getting vaccinated makes no difference in this equation, which is laughable to me. That's one of the reasons I'm a vaccine-skeptic. The NHS tells me to put my faith in the vaccine by bombarding me with text messages and junk mail. Well, I'll put my faith in the vaccine when the UK government starts putting its faith in it by not making me take 8 million Covid tests just to travel to the United States.

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