
I'm still waiting for the bombshells to come from his emails. Where are they?
I'm still waiting for the bombshells to come from his emails. Where are they?

Sorta depends on what you mean by bombshell and how favorably you construe the e-mails. I think Peter Daszak lickin' his balls for crapping on the lab leak theory certainly doesn't look good. Also, I'd have to pick apart his statement to Rand Paul about gain of function research to decide if he blatantly committed perjury in his testimony, but it's pretty clear that he was certainly less than totally candid. The bottom line is that Fauci isn't a monster like some make him out to be, but has his credibility taken a hit? Yes, along with the entire public health, scientific, and intelligence communities and of course, the media.
There weren't bombshells. But there were plenty of trip wires.

They made clear the conflict of interest and dishonesty coming from Fauci and the medical industrial complex.
You can put Fauci's emails side by side against his public statements he made at the same time and see he was lying. How is that not clear dishonesty?
You can put Fauci's emails side by side against his public statements he made at the same time and see he was lying. How is that not clear dishonesty?
I'm just waiting for the bombshell before he's hung or beheaded - whichever one Bannon suggested. Still waiting. Guess there's not one.
Because the media and Dims don't say it is.

The left's reaction to the Fauci email thing is getting about as ridiculous as the left saying requiring an ID to vote is voter suppression. You really can't believe grown adults are actually trying to make the arguments that they are.
Well, I could show the website that shows about 3-1 positive to negative ratio in regards to all studies domestic and abroad but I already have. It's shady or something according to you.
It wasn't used much in Oklahoma and we had a crap ton of it. The doctors were not politicized against it. If it would have worked they would have used it. It was used here with no noticeable impact. This worked well: Bamlanivimab and etesevimab Dosing & Administration | COVID-19 Treatments
The left's reaction to the Fauci email thing is getting about as ridiculous as the left saying requiring an ID to vote is voter suppression. You really can't believe grown adults are actually trying to make the arguments that they are.
Well, I've still yet to see anything worthy of much criticism. I'll read it.
The left's reaction to the Fauci email thing is getting about as ridiculous as the left saying requiring an ID to vote is voter suppression. You really can't believe grown adults are actually trying to make the arguments that they are.
I'm all for voting ID if it will shut you people up about this mythical voter fraud. Make ID's readily attainable and free (if need be). That's not asking much.
You can put Fauci's emails side by side against his public statements he made at the same time and see he was lying. How is that not clear dishonesty?
Please do. I'd rather see it than read the claims. Lots of claims being made so far but questionable arguments being used as proof.
We had a flu shot requirement unless you have had a significant reaction to it in the past. I had a clerk resign over it. This will be a thing in the future. Our stance is that it's an Emergency Use Authorization. When it moves out of emergency status that could change.

If you’re gonna hang him in Lafayette square there must be some real disturbing emails in that tranche. still waiting.

Fauci's problems extend WAY beyond the emails. Somehow you can create imaginary **** like Trump doing a photo op in Lafayette Park or the Iroquois were peaceful in your head but can't see real facts in front of your face.
Fauci's problems extend WAY beyond the emails. Somehow you can create imaginary **** like Trump doing a photo op in Lafayette Park or the Iroquois were peaceful in your head but can't see real facts in front of your face.
So trump did not do a photo shoot in the church across from Lafayette park? You said for a year that they didn’t use tear gas as I said and the people on the ground claimed. It took a year to learn that, yeah, they did. With zero “oops, sorry, I was feeding you ******** and calling you a liar for the last year.” They also assaulted and arrested an Australian film crew. I’m sure that’s “fake facts” to you as well.

I just said the Iroquois had an advanced government structure that was utilized by advanced governments after it was studied. I didn’t say they were “peaceful” just not cannibals. That’s slanderous.
So trump did not do a photo shoot in the church across from Lafayette park? You said for a year that they didn’t use tear gas as I said and the people on the ground claimed. It took a year to learn that, yeah, they did. With zero “oops, sorry, I was feeding you ******** and calling you a liar for the last year.” They also assaulted and arrested an Australian film crew. I’m sure that’s “fake facts” to you as well.

I just said the Iroquois had an advanced government structure that was utilized by advanced governments after it was studied. I didn’t say they were “peaceful” just not cannibals. That’s slanderous.

I didn't call anyone a liar and I wasn't feeding you ********. If you go back and read I clearly said there was a cop who was hit with something and he then hit some people intentionally with gas. The rest was targeted tear gas in areas to get the crowd to move. Nobody was intentionally targeted in that case.

However, your whole ******** about the crowd was cleared for a photo-op is now officially dead along with no water in the voting line, Russian Collusion and 10 million other things you've said that wasn't true.

There is evidence of Iroquois cannibalism. Jesuits living with them reported it.
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So he's not in Gitmo awaiting his execution?

The guy we see is an imposter. The real Fauci was convicted by a military tribunal and is awaiting execution. My sources on Twitter (whose identities I cannot reveal) tell me that he shares a cell with John Brennan. The government will confirm all of this in August, right after Trump retakes the White House and Martha McSally is seated in the Senate
The guy we see is an imposter. The real Fauci was convicted by a military tribunal and is awaiting execution. My sources on Twitter (whose identities I cannot reveal) tell me that he shares a cell with John Brennan. The government will confirm all of this in August, right after Trump retakes the White House and Martha McSally is seated in the Senate

First AC, now Mr. Deez. I'm conviced. Next you'll tell me UFOs do really exist. ;)
So I haven’t been wearing a mask going into restaurants or stores for about 3 weeks now. In some restaurants the servers not wearing a mask but I live in a small conservative city. Just want to try to get this thread on topic.
The guy we see is an imposter. The real Fauci was convicted by a military tribunal and is awaiting execution. My sources on Twitter (whose identities I cannot reveal) tell me that he shares a cell with John Brennan. The government will confirm all of this in August, right after Trump retakes the White House and Martha McSally is seated in the Senate
That’s pretty accurate! Dates cannot be known. Tribunal results are not being released either, so nobody knows who isn’t under an NDA. Name a “conspiracy theory” from a year ago or more that hasn't come true. I’m talking recent history.
So I haven’t been wearing a mask going into restaurants or stores for about 3 weeks now. In some restaurants the servers not wearing a mask but I live in a small conservative city. Just want to try to get this thread on topic.
I’m going on 6 weeks. Costco stopped me 6 weeks ago and made me put it on. I took it off halfway through the store and no issue.
Only three places requiring masks for me are airports/airlines, healthcare businesses (hospitals/doctor office) and haircuts. All of those are mandated from a separate legal arm and I am not going to fault the businesses.

My local produce place (which is full of radical liberals) is not requiring masks of customers or employees. Masking is over until the next big election.

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