
I think it kind of makes sense that it could have been released from a lab - either accidentally or on purpose. The logic jump here is that if it were on purpose it wouldn't have been China releasing it in its own territory. A bad actor might release it in Wuhan. If China were trying to release something like that they'd either do it in the Uygur area or some other population center like India.

If a decade from now it came out that some Russians released it in a planned effort to distract the world ahead of the solar winds hack I wouldn't be gobsmacked.

If I had to guess, I don't think they did it on purpose. However, it's not because they wouldn't release it on their own territory. Of course they would. Why? So that naive dumbasses in the West would assume they didn't do it on purpose just like you did. I don't know why some Westerners think China is more moral or righteous than other evil regimes like the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. They aren't, and they definitely aren't above inflicting a biological attack through their own citizens if it served the regime's interests.

The reason I don't think they did it on purpose is that crippling the Western economies trashes their biggest export market and a huge cash source. Why do that?

My biggest concern isn't that the virus got out. We're all human, and anyone can make a mistake. My concern is that they bullshat and lied about it for a year when they could have been helping fix the problem and that our media and "expert class" dutifully spread their ******** for no reason other than partisan contempt and stupidity.
I don’t think China released Covid on purpose, it was probably someone at the lab who contracted and went out in general public.

I agree with Deez, China could of warned earlier and provided the world with better information.
No it was on purpose. More will come out later on Fauci and Gates financial ties to that virology lab in Wuhan. They were massive, especially Gates.
I don’t think China released Covid on purpose, it was probably someone at the lab who contracted and went out in general public.

I agree with Deez, China could of warned earlier and provided the world with better information.
China downplayed the virus until they could buy up all the PPE in Asia. That is why early reports said it wasn’t contagious from humans, etc.
If I had to guess, I don't think they did it on purpose. However, it's not because they wouldn't release it on their own territory. Of course they would. Why? So that naive dumbasses in the West would assume they didn't do it on purpose just like you did. I don't know why some Westerners think China is more moral or righteous than other evil regimes like the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. They aren't, and they definitely aren't above inflicting a biological attack through their own citizens if it served the regime's interests.

The reason I don't think they did it on purpose is that crippling the Western economies trashes their biggest export market and a huge cash source. Why do that?

My biggest concern isn't that the virus got out. We're all human, and anyone can make a mistake. My concern is that they bullshat and lied about it for a year when they could have been helping fix the problem and that our media and "expert class" dutifully spread their ******** for no reason other than partisan contempt and stupidity.
Sounds like this guy:
Sounds like this guy:

Wait 'til I get going!

Actually Vezzini reminds me a lot of the modern expert Left. In terms of credentials, he's very smart - calls Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates "morons" by comparison. Furthermore, if you follow his logic, he ultimately figures out the trick. He may not understand that both goblets are poisoned, but he logically determines that he shouldn't drink from either one. There's real evidence of his brains.

However, he allows his arrogance and pride to overcome his intelligence, and he drinks anyway. Furthermore, his final act before drinking is to try to trick and ridicule his opponent about something that doesn't matter - the switching of the goblets. He's very long on smartness but short on wisdom.
Wait 'til I get going!

Actually Vezzini reminds me a lot of the modern expert Left. In terms of credentials, he's very smart - calls Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates "morons" by comparison. Furthermore, if you follow his logic, he ultimately figures out the trick. He may not understand that both goblets are poisoned, but he logically determines that he shouldn't drink from either one. There's real evidence of his brains.

However, he allows his arrogance and pride to overcome his intelligence, and he drinks anyway. Furthermore, his final act before drinking is to try to trick and ridicule his opponent about something that doesn't matter - the switching of the goblets. He's very long on smartness but short on wisdom.
You've been hanging out with bystander too long. :)
To be clear, nobody has established that the vaccine caused either of their deaths. In the case of Shakespeare, the dude was 81 and was in the hospital's "frailty ward." It's no shock that he would die of a stroke. The model's death is more cause for concern.

There's a reason why I'm avoiding the AstraZeneca vaccine.
nobody has established that the vaccine caused either of their deaths.

They died with the vaccine and not necessarily from the vaccine. Kind of like most of the covid deaths were with covid not because of covid. Unfortunately lying and deception leads to more lying and deception. I'm afraid it won't ever stop.
They died with the vaccine and not necessarily from the vaccine. Kind of like most of the covid deaths were with covid not because of covid. Unfortunately lying and deception leads to more lying and deception. I'm afraid it won't ever stop.
You're half right. Guessing here, but 99%+ of the people who passed from COVID died from complications of COVID. A guy from my hometown died from a MI induced coma. He had COVID 5 months ago and was dealing with some long haul issues. He was in his early 40's. His death won't show as "covid" but it's related.
Considering the number of people I personally know who have contracted covid yet none..ZERO...have had complications. I know folks have died, but the reported death count is ********. Covid is not deadly. Covid with other serious health complications is deadly.
Thanks for the input doc.
Interesting how the idea that that the Wuhan Virus, which was first observed coincidently in the city in China were virus research is conducted, might possibly have come from that facility, has gone from:

Tin foil hat conspiracy theory debunked via "but experts say"


Something that should be investigated, many questions remain

After just about all possible political gain has been squeezed out of the virus.

As for that garden gnome looking Fraud-ci, you could have replaced him with an actual garden gnome and had the same health result, minus the devastation to small businesses. But he hasn't lost a single retirement point of out destroying people's shops and life savings, so what does he care? Leftist will still line up to gas huff from his butt cheeks.
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Interesting how the idea that that the Wuhan Virus, which was first observed coincidently in the city in China were virus research is conducted, might possible have come from that facility, has gone from:

Tin foil hat conspiracy theory debunked via "but experts say"


Something that should be investigated, many questions remain

After just about all possible political gain has been squeezed out of the virus.

As for that garden gnome looking Fraud-ci, you could have replaced him with an actual garden gnome and had the same health result, minus the devastation to small businesses. But he hasn't lost a single retirement point of out destroying people's shops and life savings, so what does he care? Leftist will still line up to gas huff from his butt cheeks.
Now it's time to "step up the investigation" when a year ago Trump was a racist for suggesting the virus came from a Wuhan lab. The hypocrisy goes on and on.
Biden Steps Up Effort to Trace COVID's Origin (
What a turd:

Chris Hayes is a partisan hack, so I don't expect better from him. The headline from the supposedly unbiased New York Times calling it "debunked" is a bigger fraud. I've noticed that term used a lot by the mainstream media in recent years, and when I've seen it, it has almost always been about something that hasn't been proven conclusively but definitely hasn't been debunked. They falsely use the terms interchangeably.
Since I’ve had the vaccine, my blood pressure has substantially increased. If not lower next visit, I expect to be prescribed blood pressure meds. I’m 53 so not unusual, but my jump is abnormal with no diet, weight gain or lifestyle changes.
Since I’ve had the vaccine, my blood pressure has substantially increased. If not lower next visit, I expect to be prescribed blood pressure meds. I’m 53 so not unusual, but my jump is abnormal with no diet, weight gain or lifestyle changes.
I’d say interacting with me and husker might be a more likely cause.

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