I mean, I'll take more than two shots if need be.
Or a bottle of Mad Dog?
Why are we dragging me here? My commentary on these last two pages has been minimal.
I'll pretty much bust your balls every chance I get. lol You don't have to actually say anything.
That said, get the f'n vaccine!
Believe it or not, the wife has become the bigger vaccine skeptic. She is pissed about being pressured and is very hesitant. I've been on a wait-and-see basis for awhile, but I'm largely ready to at least start the process. Furthermore, the NHS is bombarding me with text messages and mail telling me to go get it. I'm still not willing to get the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is the primary one the NHS is offering around here. However, I'm starting to hear about the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine becoming more common in this area, and I'm far more open to that one.