
I mean, I'll take more than two shots if need be.

Or a bottle of Mad Dog?

Why are we dragging me here? My commentary on these last two pages has been minimal.

I'll pretty much bust your balls every chance I get. lol You don't have to actually say anything.

That said, get the f'n vaccine!

Believe it or not, the wife has become the bigger vaccine skeptic. She is pissed about being pressured and is very hesitant. I've been on a wait-and-see basis for awhile, but I'm largely ready to at least start the process. Furthermore, the NHS is bombarding me with text messages and mail telling me to go get it. I'm still not willing to get the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is the primary one the NHS is offering around here. However, I'm starting to hear about the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine becoming more common in this area, and I'm far more open to that one.
Or a bottle of Mad Dog?

I'll pretty much bust your balls every chance I get. lol You don't have to actually say anything.

Believe it or not, the wife has become the bigger vaccine skeptic. She is pissed about being pressured and is very hesitant. I've been on a wait-and-see basis for awhile, but I'm largely ready to at least start the process. Furthermore, the NHS is bombarding me with text messages and mail telling me to go get it. I'm still not willing to get the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is the primary one the NHS is offering around here. However, I'm starting to hear about the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine becoming more common in this area, and I'm far more open to that one.
I've never had MD. I'm a boujee Okie. Coors Premium back in the day, or Busch Light (when $ were tight in college) and Michelob Ultra these days.

Get the pfizer. That said, if it were me I might wait until October to assure that I had the antibodies going into the colder seasons. Especially, if you're not needing to protect any elder family members in the mean time.
I've never had MD. I'm a boujee Okie. Coors Premium back in the day, or Busch Light (when $ were tight in college) and Michelob Ultra these days.

Get the pfizer. That said, if it were me I might wait until October to assure that I had the antibodies going into the colder seasons. Especially, if you're not needing to protect any elder family members in the mean time.

October may not be bad. I'd be in a bigger hurry if there was more upside. Right now, there isn't. Honestly, I don't fear Covid that much, so my biggest interest in getting vaccinated would be in regaining my freedom, not in protecting me from Covid. I'd like to stop wearing a mask in public places, but most of all, I want to be able to travel again. I want to visit family in the United States. I want to travel to mainland Europe again. I can't do that if I have to quarantine for ten days, and I would rather not have to blow $500 on Covid tests (which the NHS and my private health insurer won't cover) when I get home. But there's no plan to rein any of that in for those who are vaccinated.

I'm just glad I'm not in Germany. They're getting insane. A friend of ours there tried to go into a store to buy a pair a shoes, and they turned her away. It's not because she didn't have a mask. It was because she didn't have proof of vaccination or proof of a negative Covid test in the previous 48 hours - to buy a friggin pair of shoes.
That vaccine passport is loaded with future totalitarian controls. Fake ones are going to be a federal crime. A Texas Dr testified last week that at least 4K have died (US) from the vaccine which has a 1% reporting rate.
Or a bottle of Mad Dog?

I'll pretty much bust your balls every chance I get. lol You don't have to actually say anything.

Believe it or not, the wife has become the bigger vaccine skeptic. She is pissed about being pressured and is very hesitant. I've been on a wait-and-see basis for awhile, but I'm largely ready to at least start the process. Furthermore, the NHS is bombarding me with text messages and mail telling me to go get it. I'm still not willing to get the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is the primary one the NHS is offering around here. However, I'm starting to hear about the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine becoming more common in this area, and I'm far more open to that one.
Hold onto your guns...Pfizer or nothing.
Wow, that tweet was censored by Twitter! A German doctor saying he sees hundreds of patients sick from the vaccines. These vaccines cause the virus to mutate and be worse on those who get them. A Texas Dr testified last week how deadly these vaccines are and how unproven, untested. Animal testing on the vaccines was
halted because of lack of success.
Ludicrous. Tens of millions have taken the vaccines. They stopped the J&J vaccine over a minuscule amount of issues, relatively. That was the safe thing to do.

People are going to pass away from issues unrelated to the vaccine. Especially as we vaccinate the older and imperiled population first.

statistically, way more Capitol Police officers committed suicide within 2 weeks of the insurrection. :)
People are going to pass away from issues unrelated to the vaccine.
Is that like people passing away from a stroke the day after Armageddon hit the Capitol? Maybe people that took the vaccine died from being hit on the head with fire extinguishers. We just don't know for sure because of HIPAA.

vaccine passports violate the Nuremberg Code. Not to mention the US Constitution, 14th Ammendment!

I live in the United Kingdom. The 14th Amendment doesn't apply here, and the Nuremberg Code isn't recognized as the law here.
If you wondered whether masking is a signal and badge of progressive righteousness, David Hogg is actually being honest about something. This trend and this tweet won't age well.

Honestly, I've already accepted that the Asian countries were ahead of the curve in wearing masks in some public settings (mass transit, crowded venues) but most importantly when the wearer is feeling under the weather. Unfortunately, America values selfishness branded as "individualism". We embrace our *******-ishness.
That vaccine passport is loaded with future totalitarian controls. Fake ones are going to be a federal crime. A Texas Dr testified last week that at least 4K have died (US) from the vaccine which has a 1% reporting rate.

No, the doctor stated that 4K people have died after receiving the vaccine, not from the vaccine.
Honestly, I've already accepted that the Asian countries were ahead of the curve in wearing masks in some public settings (mass transit, crowded venues) but most importantly when the wearer is feeling under the weather. Unfortunately, America values selfishness branded as "individualism". We embrace our *******-ishness.
Again, this is such a dumb argument. Go get a vaccine and STFU about what other people do.
Honestly, I've already accepted that the Asian countries were ahead of the curve in wearing masks in some public settings (mass transit, crowded venues) but most importantly when the wearer is feeling under the weather. Unfortunately, America values selfishness branded as "individualism". We embrace our *******-ishness.

SH, go back and look at the case curves for Asian countries. They are getting hit now if they weren't before.

Where they were really ahead of the curve was that they were hit harder by SARS-COV-1 in the previous decade. So their populations already had some immunity built in. This was being written about a year ago.
If you wondered whether masking is a signal and badge of progressive righteousness, David Hogg is actually being honest about something. This trend and this tweet won't age well.

I get the feeling no one will think he’s a conservative with or without a mask. In fact, I doubt anyone cares what he is no matter how much he virtue signals.
I expect the lunacy governing masks and distancing to continue. At last night’s Predators game, you had to complete an online health assessment. When complete, it texted an approval to your phone. The door people asked to see it, but barely even looked at it much less verified it was you.

The stadium was limited capacity. Basically, they closed two upper deck sections but packed fans in everywhere else. Required masks to be worn if you weren’t eating or drinking. It’s hockey, everyone is drinking so nobody wore their mask. The usher tried early on only to give up as people toasted their beer to her and said no.

Packed crowd and no politics with the National Anthem. Great to be back to some normalcy.
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I expect the lunacy governing masks and distancing to continue. At last night’s Predators game, you had to complete an online health assessment. When complete, it texted an approval to your phone. The door people asked to see it, but barely even looked at it much less verified it was you.

The stadium was limited capacity. Basically, they closed two upper deck sections but packed fans in everywhere else. Required masks to be worn if you weren’t eating or drinking. It’s hockey, everyone is drinking so nobody wore their mask. The usher tried early on only to give up as people toasted their beer to her and said no.

Packed crowd and no politics with the National Anthem. Great to be back to some normalcy.

At the Texas/WVU game Saturday there were 3,164 people there & I'm guessing I saw less than 10 fans with masks on. Making anyone do an online screening to attend a sporting event is silly.
Remember when stating that Covid-19 was created in a lab was a conspiracy theory according to the MSM and it would get you kicked off Twitter or Facebook?

Remember when stating that Covid-19 was created in a lab was a conspiracy theory according to the MSM and it would get you kicked off Twitter or Facebook?

Big big red pill here. Also see those who are having trouble following new CDC guidelines about not wearing masks outside or after vaccination.

Of course CDC is still wrong because they still assume that masks have a significant effect. I feel better not having to agree with the CDC 100% even now. That would have been my challenge.
Another tidbit. Read a study about Hope-Simpson information on flu infections. He tracked influenza cases and temperature in different areas of the US. The curves of COVID in 2020 follow the Hope-Simpson curves for the flu very closely. It shows a huge factor in case rates is seasonality. The season is different based on the region you live in too.

There was additional data on prominence of COVID infection and concentration of Vitamin D3 in patients. Bottom line, take Vitamin D. You probably don't need a vaccine if you have enough and you exercise regularly.
Remember when stating that Covid-19 was created in a lab was a conspiracy theory according to the MSM and it would get you kicked off Twitter or Facebook?

But a year ago, we got stories like this. Link. It's always interesting to see what theories are treated as uncertain or unknown but plausible and which ones are treated as taboo for some reason (summarily dismissed as "without evidence," deemed too racist to discuss, etc.). In the case of this one, it depended on who benefited politically from the narrative pushed by the theory.

Honestly, I never saw an intellectually honest reason to dismiss this one. You had a novel virus come out of a city which has a virology lab that has had problems in the recent past. Was the theory proven? No, but it wasn't disproven by any stretch of the imagination and was extremely plausible.
But a year ago, we got stories like this. Link. It's always interesting to see what theories are treated as uncertain or unknown but plausible and which ones are treated as taboo for some reason (summarily dismissed as "without evidence," deemed too racist to discuss, etc.). In the case of this one, it depended on who benefited politically from the narrative pushed by the theory.

Honestly, I never saw an intellectually honest reason to dismiss this one. You had a novel virus come out of a city which has a virology lab that has had problems in the recent past. Was the theory proven? No, but it wasn't disproven by any stretch of the imagination and was extremely plausible.
It helped Trump politically to blame China, which likely is at fault. When we do we sue China for the damages?
Remember when stating that Covid-19 was created in a lab was a conspiracy theory according to the MSM and it would get you kicked off Twitter or Facebook?

I think it kind of makes sense that it could have been released from a lab - either accidentally or on purpose. The logic jump here is that if it were on purpose it wouldn't have been China releasing it in its own territory. A bad actor might release it in Wuhan. If China were trying to release something like that they'd either do it in the Uygur area or some other population center like India.

If a decade from now it came out that some Russians released it in a planned effort to distract the world ahead of the solar winds hack I wouldn't be gobsmacked.

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