
I only wear a mask when forced. I ignore all mask signs! I’m 99.6% mask free. Maybe once a week I have to show I’m wearing one for a store manager.
I only wear a mask when forced. I ignore all mask signs! I’m 99.6% mask free. Maybe once a week I have to show I’m wearing one for a store manager.
Those are the moments my "worn by FORCE not fear" mask comes out...

It was also a hit with the dealers in Vegas in early January.
Most restaurants in San Antonio-New Braunfels area require masks to enter.When you get to your table, you can remove the mask. I got up from my table to go to the restroom and forgot to put my mask back on the other day. The cashier stopped me and asked me to put it on very politely.
Most restaurants in San Antonio-New Braunfels area require masks to enter.When you get to your table, you can remove the mask. I got up from my table to go to the restroom and forgot to put my mask back on the other day. The cashier stopped me and asked me to put it on very politely.
How do you politely put on a mask?

I'll never tell someone to or not to get the vaccine, that's an individual freedom to choose. If I die or someone else dies from this virus as a result of refusal to follow a ridiculous thought process then that's on us not you and your ilk.

You should have the freedom to choose, which also means you have the freedom to pay for the consequences of your decision.

Anybody of adult age who gets hospitalized for COVID that did not get the vaccine because of "personal freedom" should also have the "personal freedom" to pay for their $20-200k hospital bill with no government or insurance support.
You should have the freedom to choose, which also means you have the freedom to pay for the consequences of your decision.

Yeah, that's what I said in my post.

Anybody of adult age who gets hospitalized for COVID that did not get the vaccine because of "personal freedom" should also have the "personal freedom" to pay for their $20-200k hospital bill with no government or insurance support.

Absolutely agree and that's just another reason why I have insurance. The government needs to stay the hell out of my life as much as possible. I'm responsible for me not the government, you nor anyone else. Just like all of those who are having problems or dying from getting the vaccines are suffering the consequences of their decisions.
You should have the freedom to choose, which also means you have the freedom to pay for the consequences of your decision.

Anybody of adult age who gets hospitalized for COVID that did not get the vaccine because of "personal freedom" should also have the "personal freedom" to pay for their $20-200k hospital bill with no government or insurance support.
Some of us ALREADY pay all of our medical out of pocket courtesy of the lies spun by Obummer about his not-so-Affordable Care Act.

And MOST who MIGHT get the 'rona won't even know they had it much less have to go to the hospital in the first place. One can go to the doctor and be fine in about two weeks or do nothing except common household remedies and be fine in about 14 days.
You should have the freedom to choose, which also means you have the freedom to pay for the consequences of your decision.

Anybody of adult age who gets hospitalized for COVID that did not get the vaccine because of "personal freedom" should also have the "personal freedom" to pay for their $20-200k hospital bill with no government or insurance support.
I think your health insurance would have to mandate it to accomplish that. Under your view - which I don’t necessarily disagree with - can we also apply to smokers and obese people? Health insurance would get substantially cheaper for those who could qualify.
Hit Publix in west Nashville tonight. 50-50 mask wearers versus no mask including employees. It’s done. Masks are over. Idiocy will continue but I’m not wearing a mask any longer.
You should have the freedom to choose, which also means you have the freedom to pay for the consequences of your decision.

Anybody of adult age who gets hospitalized for COVID that did not get the vaccine because of "personal freedom" should also have the "personal freedom" to pay for their $20-200k hospital bill with no government or insurance support.

You also have the freedom to come kiss my hairy ***, tyrant.
I think your health insurance would have to mandate it to accomplish that. Under your view - which I don’t necessarily disagree with - can we also apply to smokers and obese people? Health insurance would get substantially cheaper for those who could qualify.

Why would you agree with that. Your insurance doesn't force you to get the flu shot every year or any others to use their service. Treating corona like the plaid is insanity at this point. It's petty and political, not medical or scientific. Just one more way for Marxists to force behavior on people
You should have the freedom to choose, which also means you have the freedom to pay for the consequences of your decision.

Anybody of adult age who gets hospitalized for COVID that did not get the vaccine because of "personal freedom" should also have the "personal freedom" to pay for their $20-200k hospital bill with no government or insurance support.
Why stop there? You should also pay for the following without any insurance or government help since you had the freedom to choose:
-Bodily injury due to you having a car, motorcycle, boat, airplane bicycle, unicycle, ATV, etc. accident.
-On the job injuries since you had the gall to take that job.
-Your house flooding because you bought a house in an area that floods.
-Your house is destroyed by a tornado or hurricane because you built it in the path of those possible windstorms.
-Your car gets stolen because you didn't keep an eye on it.
-Your retirement without collecting Social Security or Medicare benefits because you didn't save your money
I could go on....
Why would you agree with that. Your insurance doesn't force you to get the flu shot every year or any others to use their service. Treating corona like the plaid is insanity at this point. It's petty and political, not medical or scientific. Just one more way for Marxists to force behavior on people
Most Americans have bought into the lunacy of thinking health insurance is “healthcare.” It’s not. It’s a risk based financial system to spread the cost of healthcare amongst many. Making me share in the risk of smokers makes me pay more. I don’t think insurance plans should mandate vaccines, but I would consider insurance for the “healthy” that promoted preventive care versus subsidizing unhealthy habits.
Yeah, I'm not sure who you quoted, but whoever it is sounds like a real a-hole. The hypocrisy in the post you quoted is astounding. Not sure I want to know who it is.
I'll give a was one of the forum members who refuses to sponsor and appears to have lost quite a bit of money on $GME
Most businesses in Nashville now have a sign that says, "We recommend you wear a mask" including Publix and the gym. This mask hoax is over.
Most Americans have bought into the lunacy of thinking health insurance is “healthcare.” It’s not. It’s a risk based financial system to spread the cost of healthcare amongst many. Making me share in the risk of smokers makes me pay more. I don’t think insurance plans should mandate vaccines, but I would consider insurance for the “healthy” that promoted preventive care versus subsidizing unhealthy habits.
Healthy people get in car wrecks too. Maybe we could start a "no driving" health insurance plan.

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